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RR#1(and only) for HIM-Musselman

My plan for this was:

Pace bike, 56miles: first 30min-189w- .76 IF                                  

                   Reminder @ .80 IF ( 199watts) , Hills, to not go over 219w

Nutrition on bike: 175 calories/hr ( Infinit) . Sodium: 750 mg/hr. ( ran out of succeed so used tablytes( 150mg/sodium, also used Nunns)

Pace on run: first 30min, MP+30: 9:30, R @ 8:56


I did this race prep this morning. Ideal weather ( overcast w/rain)  for it so I will take that into account if it's warm on race day which is very likely( race in two weeks). It went really well.  My pacing on bike was a bit lower ( .77 IF) then i wanted but I had a great run after . Nutrition was spot on I would say.  I didn't quite get 175 calories, more lilke 160. Sodium was almost as planned. 650mg/hr. Like I said it was a cool day, w rain and overcast . I would adjust accordingly with heat.

I felt great on the run. First part is usual adjustment to bike/run heavy leg but got into a nice cadence. It was actually hard to hold back. I could hit z2 pretty good, let myself go to z1 on hills. Overall pleased. Data below. Your thoughts appreciated.



 Entire workout (186 watts):

 Duration:   3:11:19 (3:19:46)

 Work:       2130 kJ

 TSS:        330 (intensity factor 1.019)

 Norm Power: 191

 VI:         1.02

 Pw:HR:       n/a

 Pa:HR:       n/a

 Distance:   56.349 mi

  Min Max Avg

 Power:        11 318 186  watts

 Cadence:      30 244 89  rpm

 Speed:        4.4 29.8 17.7  mph

 Pace          2:01 13:36 3:23  min/mi

 Hub Torque:   14 246 73  lb-in

 Crank Torque: 0 581 183  lb-in

 Forerunner305 [Run]:

 Duration:   1:00:05 (1:02:17)

 Work:       n/a

 rTSS:        107 (0.982)

 NGP: 9:10 (175.7 m/min)

 VI:         n/a

 Pw:HR:       n/a

 Pa:HR:       n/a

 Distance:   6.344 mi

 Elevation Gain:     1388 ft

 Elevation Loss:    1408 ft

 Grade:      -0.1 %  (-20 ft)

  Min Max Avg

 Speed:        6:02 0:00 9:34  min/mi

 Altitude:     461 568 518  ft


  • I never changed my FTP in WKO so it might appear in my data a wrong TSS. So here goes:

    Entire workout (186 watts):
    Duration: 3:11:19 (3:19:46)
    Work: 2130 kJ
    TSS: 186.1 (intensity factor 0.766)
    Norm Power: 191
    VI: 1.02
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 56.349 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 11 318 186 watts
    Cadence: 30 244 89 rpm
    Speed: 4.4 29.8 17.7 mph
    Pace 2:01 13:36 3:23 min/mi
    Hub Torque: 14 246 73 lb-in
    Crank Torque: 0 581 183 lb-in

    If anybody could give me input on this plan i would really appreciate it. Race is in two weeks. I think I have it dialed down but then again who knows. I'm prettry sure that my calories we're right. ( 160/hr,) sodium ( 650mg) ok given it was a cool day. I was thinking to go around 850-1000 if it's hot and humid. Pace on the bike at .77 IF was good but originally was going for .80if so not sure if I should push it a bit more watt wise. I did have a great run at .77 but then again i could possibly have a great one at .80 too. I didn't have race wheels in this RR and will for the race too. Input please ???
  • WHEW, yeah, that's a much better IF!!! :-) This looks really good to me Nathalie. Your VI is really low so it seems you were riding very steady. Your real goal was to ride .76 for the first 30 min, and THEN up it to .8, right? So if you create those two ranges in WKO, what does that tell you? Did you execute a little closer to that .8 after the first 30 min? You might have been closer to your actual plan than you think. But if not, then you have a little room to push a bit harder on the bike. You might want to adjust at 199 Gear in your head to something like 205 and in the end you'll get to the right number.

    Biggest advice of course is really to watch that pacing coming out of T2. If it was easy to go too fast on your RR, it will be even more easy (and thus tempting) to go too fast at the race. Be disciplined and stick to your plan!
  • Thanks Nemo. Good advice on adjust to a higher gear in my head after the initial 30. I got so focused on not going over 199 that I might have been conservative a bit. So nutrition and sodium looks alright ? I'm hoping I get those two dialed down and since my RR had ultimate weather ( 70's overcast and rainy) and race day could be in the 90's with high humidity I hope I make the right increase in sodium.

    Thanks for the input or anybody else that want to input it would be greatly appreciated ! : )

  • Better to err on the side of too little calories than too many calories. What are you eating in terms of Calories before the race?
    If you bonk on the bike and run, you're not far from an aid station. Just make sure that you will tolerate the gels or sports drink that they are serving. For Mussel, it's typically been Heed and Hammergels.
    As for sodium, if it's a hot day then by all means increase your intake to 900-1000mg/hour which means making sure that you have enough spare S!caps with you. Typically, the Mussel run aid stations have had Endurolytes (which only contain 40mg of sodium per capsule). I would check for sure about the aid stations this year though.
    Also, if it's a hot day increase your fluid intake too---to 40 oz/per hour if the temps are above 95 degrees (remember Mussel 2006?!). And take your salt tabs with water and not Infinit.
    I don't remember any ice at the bike aid stations last year (didn't really need it as the conditions were PERFECT) and there wasn't any ice at the run aid stations in 2006, 2007, and 2008. So again, if it's stinking hot on race day think about putting a small cooler in transition with ziplock bags of ice that you can carry with you to stuff down your shirt or in your hat as you start the run.
  • Nathalie,

    • Good advice from Nemo so far, especially going with maybe .75 for the first 30' then going up to .8 for the remainder. I think you'll be fine.
    • Also best to start with a lower cal/hr number and go upwards from there if you need to. HIM racing truly is a race and I strongly feel that the few calories you take in (within reason) the harder you can go, especially on the later stages of the run. So if 160cal/hr is working for you, go with that, but prepared to pop the odd gel, etc if you feel you need to.

    Looks good!

  • Nathalie,

    Good job on the RR.  At some point when I am feeling low I can switch to coke and this helps with the energy.  Assuming that your stomach can handle it. 


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