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flight to S Africa

My time to S Africa and 3 flight is 36 hours, I plan to use melatonin, Any ideas when to try melatonin.  I tend to not sleep well on long flights, I hope to get 10-15 hours of sleep during this flight, I plan to use melatonin.  Since the is 9 hours time change, any thought when to take the melatonin.  


  • Getting there sucks but I didn't take anything last year so I have no experience with melatonin.  I will just wear my compression socks and suffer through it again.  But when I arrive, it doesn't matter how I feel, I stay up that day and go to bed on their time.  I'll crash for sure, but you have to get onto that schedule.  Good luck!!
  • never done a flight over 8 hours, but I've used xanax (tiny dose) pretty much right at wheels up.. I also use it at 6PM night b4 an IM and get 8 hrs of uninterrupted sleep  :)
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