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Superfrog 703. Race report

Here's my recount of the day...Superfrog 70.3 2018...you did not disappoint. Despite a heavy chest cold that I brought to the race....

I started the morning off facing that water! A good cry appeared without warning!? Seriously...I was terrified. I'm not much of an ocean swimmer and this water was fierce! It took me roughly 15 minutes longer than a swim that distance would originally take me and much of the time was spent just trying to get out past the surf with goggles on my eyes and avoiding getting tossed aside and backwards!! Oy! Needless to say, I made it and I was more happy to just have done that than anything else. (*Note to self...more practice ocean swimming somehow)

The bike was fantastic (my favorite portion)!! Mostly flat and fast and super fun was had by me out there on the Silver Strand. Executed nearly perfectly. Felt good and had a smile most of the ride.

The run...the run...the run/walk. This is where I hit my line...honestly. Mile 3 got me feeling things already I had never experienced. I have been racing for nearly 15 years now too! I had so many cramps in my foot and FRONT of shins that I didn't know what to do!? Never experienced this before. I walked a lot. That sand was no joke. My execution changed in a game time decision to trot through the semi packed portions and walk the deep sand. It was not what I expected and perhaps that is my fault. More recognizance was in order obviously. I would also wonder...how does one train for sand running if it is hard to come by to train on??

My ONE THING was the fact that this race was for the Navy Seals. The powerful message of the race is in your veins. It's why I join it. I lost my cousin, my friend who was a Seal...so that's a pretty powerful thing when you are stopped and faced with pain that you assume is unbearable and you realize...you are here. You GET to be here. You get to live another day. You get to show up when others will never have that chance. You get to race in the most difficult of conditions...BECAUSE YOU CAN in the land of the free and the Navy Seals are a portion of who makes our freedom available every day.

Did I achieve my goal? Not really, according to timing. However, I finished and I am pretty proud of that. I am proud of my team and teammates and the help along the way. When the chips were down and I couldn't walk on my left leg...and the sun was burning down on my shoulders...I chose to move forward. Maybe not my best day, but triathlon is an amazing sport and the commraderie is the most amazing feeling in the world. I hope it will never change! Thanks EN!


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