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Feedback on Carb Load Line-by-line

So, runnning with the carb load guidance outlined in this thread:


I have mapped out the below for both Wed and Thurs (at about 67.5kg), leading to a Saturday race. Any thoughts or input? I think this is pretty low-residue stuff, will be available easily on both days, and gets to the prescribed CHO counts ... but I would appreciate any extra input. Disregard the order (and date) below ... essentially its a pancake breakfast (which Tim calls “a syrup delivery agent”), Jamba Juice lunch and pasta dinner (or pasta lunch and Jamba Juice Dinner).

Totals = 475CHO, 80gFat, 116 PRO, 3975Cal



  • @Dave Tallo here's my 2 cents...

    I don't get carbo loading before a race, period! In theory I get it yes, but... I look at it the same way as I do "nothing new on race day". For me this includes nothing new race week, Especially when it comes to food. All you need is to be on the toilet all week or even worse wishing you could use the toilet. I am always amazed at the people who never eat pasta and then get a ticket for the past dinner the night before. What are you doing man??

    Is this something that you have practiced on race simulation weekends? Practiced on weeks with a LONG weekend ahead of you? If you haven't practiced during your training why would you throw it in your routine race week.

    I tend to eat a diet of high protein and fat (good fats of course) along with as many fruits and veggies I can handle. If during race week all of a sudden started to eat pancakes, syrup, pasta, bread, etc my gut would be like "WTF are you doing to me?" and would shut down.

    Also when you are in peak weeks, wouldn't you also want peak liver and muscle glycogen stores?

  • @David Tallo Looks good. Make the smoothie's the last meal of the day. Pancakes, Pasta, Smoothie (snacks in between).... Mmmm I'm already planning my syrup delivery system for my next race...

    @Patrick Large You are absolutely right . Nothing new on race day. These foods or similar foods should have been practiced on Race Rehearsals and or All the big Weekends and Camps...

  • @Dave Tallo

    Agree with @tim cronk ... the last meal should be the lightest.

    Try to have 12 hours between the last meal and the pre-race meal. Also, food data bases are estimates so don't be a slave to the numbers. Don't over-feed! If you are stuffed then stop eating. Digestion is personal and you need to be intuitive that enough is enough. If you are drinking a Skratch Pre-load the night before that can be done after the evening meal.

    @Patrick Large - glycogen stores will be full in the taper.

  • @Sheila Leard

    "- glycogen stores will be full in the taper." Will this naturally occur at taper if nutrition is on point or is this a result of the 1-4 day carb loading?

    If it naturally occurs during taper than I am a bit lost on the carbo loading theory.

  • @Patrick Large I think the term 'carb load' should be put to rest but it is still used. What is really going on those last few days before a LONG race is topping off liver and glycogen stores. Most endurance athletes have become good at using fat for fuel and sparing glycogen. Racing in heat requires more glycogen. So the carb top off two days before a long hot race is important. Gone are the days of deplete then eat carbs all week.

  • @Sheila Leard

    Yes this makes sense now... and yes the term "carb loading" is a bit archaic.

  • Funny, I was a bit anti- and negative in my original posts, but find myself coming back to this 2 weeks before my 100km Ultra.

    I will definitely be "topping off liver and glycogen stores" this and next week.

    (and my apologies for my previous replies... I re-read all of them and thought to myself, man I sound like a dick!!)

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