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Jason Brandt IMAZ Race Plan

Pardon the lack of originality; this is essentially my race plan from last IMAZ tweaked for this year’s goals.

This is IM #6 with most recent being IMWI about 9 weeks ago.


Goals: Execute a Race commensurate with the fitness I bring into the race! Be Grateful for the opportunity to Race. Be positive!


Morning Clothes: Wetsuit, Goggles x 2 (Tinted & Clear), ear plugs, cap, body glide, headlamp

T1 Bag: Socks, Bike Shoes, Helmet w/visor, Sunscreen, Gelx3

T2 Bag: Socks, Hoka Clifton1 Running Shoes, Race Belt, 1 gal Ziploc (hat, sunscreen, salt tabs in bag, sunscreen, 2 Gel)

Bike Special Needs: Not Used

Run Special Needs: Not Used

RACE DAY Specifics

0330 Breakfast 3 cups applesauce, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 banana, 1 bottle sports drink

0430 Race Day Outfit: IM Foundation Tri Top & Bottom, HR Strap, Timing Chip. Sunscreened. Light pants and long sleeves for wear before wetsuit and post race. 3 Gel and Sports Drink to take with.

0515 Leave Hotel for walk to transition

0530 Body Marking, Check Tires, Fill drink bottle

0600 Don wetsuit, drop morning clothes bag.

0620 Lined up for getting into the Water

0640 Race Start


Swim: Plan 1:05-1:08 swim. Line up in the 1:05 crowd. Swim will feel anxious for first 200-400 yards, stay calm, big breaths, find your groove. Sight every 6-12 strokes depending on my perception of fellow swimmers swimming the right direction and aiming for shortest line swim distances. Headed out stay parallel to far wall (now a clockwise swim in 2018). This leg will seem really long given the revised start. Follow wall until turn. On the return trip, swimming inside of the non-red buoys is likely a little shorter given the course map. (yes this is legal)

T1: Goggles, Cap come off and remain in wetsuit sleeve, find big burly stripper, jog to T1. Look for Mom along the way. Find volunteer, shout out number, assume I am retrieving my own bag. Find spot outside of tent.

Socks, Shoes, Helmet and Glasses. If volunteer assist have them lather sunscreen. Run with bike past mount line. Goal less then 3:30


Bike: Focus on getting heart rate down, lots of folks will pass me. Aim for 170 watts until Beeline. Once on beeline steady 183 (.70 IF) watts, no surges, no competing with others, let them pass me, eyes glued to road and watch. Think of it as entertainment and just smile knowing I will pass most of these folks later because I execute better than they do.  Aero the whole way except for turns and aid stations. Lap 2 and 3 permission to take it to 188 watts (.72IF) but only if you are feeling great. I will be passing people come lap 3. Thinking bike split <5:30


Drink and drink often. Drink until I am about burping the Gatorade endurance back up. Goal will be 2 bottles per hour (8-9 total on bike) and no qualms about peeing while I bike. Watch will beep when it is time for my gel (every 45 minutes). 


Mantra: Stay on target, Stay on Target, Don’t worry what those around me are doing. I am going to ride my race. No draft, Ride the smooth asphalt of beeline not the chipseal debris strewn shoulder (they can still get around me with lots of room to spare).


Past the stadium, increase cadence and easier gear, feet on top of shoes, be careful dismounting


T2 Hand off bike, jog to transition, sit down, change out socks, shoes on, helmet in bag and grab Ziploc with hat, 12 salt tabs, sunglasses, gel, sunscreen


Run. 9:00/mile for 6 miles. Put on hat, take 3 salt tabs, and either sunscreen or chuck it. 4 ounces of sports drink or coke every aid station. Plan to hit that 9:00 pace in my very first mile.

Mile 7-18 8:30/mile. Continue nutrition routine (gel every 30 min), add salt tabs 2 every 5 miles. Don’t refuse sponges or ice when offered.

Mile 19—Just don’t slow down. You worked way to hard to give in to an early celebration or negotiation in your mind that XX time is still a great performance. Be grateful that I am able to do this and have the loving support of my family. I will be doing the passing this late in the race. Aiming Marathon <4:00


Don’t sprint in the finish chute, enjoy the glory, be emotional, thank the volunteers and most importantly my Mom! Look for the pizza sign “Yes, you can take the whole Box” Sign up for the post race massage. Go Find Kent. Get changed, say goodbye to Mom, grab bike and head back to hotel.  



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    Jason, Curious on your feeding schedule gel every 45' on the bike vs. gel every 30' on the run? What is your hourly average calorie intake bike vs. run? See ya in Tempe Good Skill !

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    @tim cronk Thanks for taking the time to read my plan. I'm using all on course fueling except for the few gels I'll have to start both the bike and run. I'm using the IM Food Calculator worksheet from EN and has me at 425 Cal & 1000mg/Na per hour on both bike and run. I've found that I'm probably taking more fluid in then I need with the plan but would rather over hydrate and pee a lot vs find myself behind on fluids. I train with gatorade endurance and gel and my gut handles it just fine. Look forward to seeing you at the race, this will be IMAZ #3 for me.

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    @Jason Brandt Bike from .70 to .72.  No problem with this if you have done that kind of work in the race rehearsals.  Just know what feeling great is as I've talked myself in to a biking harder than I should a couple times, particularly if you are going for it on the start of lap 2.

    I always like to have a bike split as well just remember that wind and other factors can play with the time.  Don't let not making the 5:30 mess with the run.

    Run- I assume you have practiced this but taking 3 salt tabs at the start of the run. Why more than the regular feed?  If you think you are going to get behind I'd look at taking one or two on the last bike feed.  As this might be new perhaps its something to practice in the future. 

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    @Gordon Cherwoniak Thanks for reading and offering the feedback. I think it is a great suggestion to have objective criteria that influences that decision to take it up to IF of .72. I will give that some thought and look back at my race rehearsal data files. I don't have mph or segment time on my watch....only power, cadence and HR so I won't know those things until afterwards. I'm guessing that bike split based on my prior bike splits of 5:18 & 5:08 on this course.

    I'm a heavy sweater so I take more salt tabs then I probably need but feel better doing a little extra then getting behind and then trying to make it up.

    Thanks again!

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