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I have an avulsed hip fracture.

Ok so I have an avulsed hip fracture and don't need surgury. Below is the radiologists insight. Can I get some more? What would and should I be doing? Do I need crutches? I am a firefighter as a career so I am able to go onto light duty, but do I need to? What things can I do exercise wise? What can I expect on rehab?

Thanks a bunch.



  • Eric, I am not a Doc, but I have had a non displaced fractured hip, they take forever (2 months), mine was diagnosed 5 weeks after a crash , I had already stopped running but was still cycling a lot, the doc ordered me 2 weeks crutches and 1 month nothing, then 1 month cycling but no running for 2 months..... I skipped the crutches , but I did everything else, there is very little blood flow to recover, and bones take 6-8 weeks in general....... The key is no weight bearing and that is why they will want you on crutches.... Dont mess around , listen to the doc, take the time they say... You'll come back faster!

  • edited December 27, 2018 1:54AM

    pelvic fracture... actually... what were you doing? this is hard to do! I see this sometimes in young football players... mostly it is a sprain as it is (the iliac anterior inferior spine) the attachment of the muscle that runs from above the hip to the knee... a fracture should heal faster than a straight forward muscle tear but I'm sure it hurts like crazy! Try to see a specialist in sports medicine for rehab... (I'm an ER doc) avoid sudden moves! for sure and remember the motto of the orthopedist, if it hurts don't do it!

  • Oh no! I have not advice for you but I'm really sorry to hear this!

  • Hey Eric,

    I am close by and a Sports Doc at Wake Forest. I am also interested in how this occurred since this type of injury usually occurs with a mechanism of hip flexion like kicking a ball and catching your foot on the ground. The good news it that it usually heals uneventfully but the muscle that attaches there acts to both flex the hip and extend the knee. That means that it is used when swinging your leg forward during running and so running may aggravate it. You might try activities like biking which would put less stress on that muscle. You may also have to take a couple of weeks off until it is less painful and certainly return to activities slowly so as not to set yourself back.

    Good luck

  • Wow first I thank all of you an apologize for not getting back sooner. I have had a glitch in my account and just got it up and running. Secondly I appreciate the info that all of you have given me. @Janyne Kizer, thanks for your note. @tim cronk I have been staying off of it for the last two weeks and they said that I can do away with the crutches on short walks (to the bathroom or around the house), but if I am walking a long distance (which right now I don't) to use them. I have been listening to both the Dr.'s and the PT's. I have been going to PT 2-3 times a week and that has been beneficial for the blood flow. @Patricia Rosen and @Ralph Moore how I did it is still a mystery. I didn't do anything to pinpoint this injury. No wrecks or things to do this however, for the last year I have been getting blisters on my right foot to which I have never gotten. We are looking at my gait and thinking that my gait has been off and will address it after I heal My PT is good more or less things to advocate blood flow to the area and stability strength (one leg stands for 5 sec.) to regain neurological firing in the area.

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