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New Year's Triathlon Resolutions

"It was twenty years ago today" (New Year's Day) I started running, fulfilling my one and only New Year's resolution in order to do a triathlon that June. It's been a long strange trip since then, and to commemorate, I'm trying it again. Resolutions IMO are not about goals (for those, see my sig line). Rather they are meant to develop new habits. Like, I'd never been a runner, and now I am. So here are process resolutions I'm going to try and turn into habits this year:

• Run 365 times in 2019. Not necessarily every day; split runs will count as 2 runs. Minimum 2 miles or 20 minutes

• Swim at least 2.5 hours a week, allowing for four weeks off

Feel free to put down your own markers.



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    edited January 1, 2019 1:53PM

    "Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play"

    It was 10.5 years ago I ran my first HM and then my first HIM.

    2019 is going to be another year of Ultra Running at least until August. Running wont be the problem but everything else will be.

    Process Resolutions for 2019... Weak area's that got dropped for too long last year when the volume/specificity of Ultra Running was priority.

    1. Strength Work - 2-3 sessions per week averaging 1-2hrs per week , for a total of 50+hrs in 2019.... I tried this last year and did OK managing a total of 30hrs but can definitely improve on this... I view this as developing "New Habits" and a priority.
    2. Bike Work - 2-3 sessions per week averaging 1-3hrs per week as maintenance , through August...
    3. Thoughts on #1 and #2, acceptable minimums during volume and specificity, make sure to do 2x 30min sessions of each of the above.... Only exception is 1 week either side of a race and travel weeks...
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    2019 for me with the year of Ultra Running.

    habits I want to keep doing :

    1) Strength and recovery.. I started focusing on this 2 months ago and I am pretty sure it helped me build my actual weekly volume, if I wanna meet the targets I need to be z11 focus on Strength & Recovery

    2) Bike 1-2 sessions per week, I am sure it will help 1)

    3) Keep learning at this new sport, I consider myself as a total noob.. so glad we are a nice group jumping into this new sport where we will share and learn all together.

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    Be consistent.   And while I can't quite define it, I know it when I see it. 

    (I'm doing goal-setting wrong ^here,^ so I'll come back to my 2012 through present standing goal that this speaks to: a sub-10 Kona finish.)    

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    "they've been going in and out of style"

    good thread as i was literally just thinking about this. I've done a good job on building consistent run. I had a run streak going past 90 days, but learned in the OS that sometimes you need a day off. Double dipping to get runs back, I've also learned in the past can be a fool's errand.

    My goal for this year is to do a minimum of 3x a week strength exercises. on the floor, hip exercises, core, etc and 1 day a week in the gym with weights (of the 3 days).

    I also plan on spending more time with my normatecs. I have 2 sets of them (won one of them) and have them at my house & Jill's and can take to VT.

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    For me it's been 20-21 years since I've been dedicated seriously to anything sport related. I did Karate for 5 years 3X week, picked up triathlon at 30 and been fumbling around with this sport for the last 17 years. I've always liked running in the past and found that again in my 2017 IM. My motto for this yet is 'Bet on yourself' and by that I mean I need to actually dedicated time and personally commit to sticking with a full year of consistent training. All this is worked in best I can around by 21 month old and wife of 11.5 years.

    My resolutions are to

    • Give up computer gaming / sports viewing for that extra hour sleep 3x week. I typically record everything and typically take the prime viewing hours of 9pm or later. This will facilitate evening and earlier workouts while keeping me more rested.
    • It's a back to the gym year for me as well. 3X week through the JOS to work out some muscle imbalances. Following that a minimum of 1X week in the gym with 2X core/stretch cord exercises.
    • Be a running again and build durability for 2020 IM (pending discussion and approval). Set up the year for a 100 day run challenge, currently thinking July 1 - Oct 18. May have to shift this or run through if I sign up for Calgary 70.3 on Aug 11, 2019.

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    1) Strength/CORE twice a week

    2) Improve dietary intake

    3)Raise vDOT 2 points and maintain without injury

    4)4.0 w/kg using a 60' FTP as baseline

    5)Run well off the bike in the 2019 IM race of my choosing

    6)Find ways to truly add value to EN and teamates in 2019

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    Non-triathlon goals:

    1) Consolidate 2 households into one.

    2) Wedding

    3) Listen more / talk less

    4) Increase wealth

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