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2019 IM Texas Kick Off Thread

Welcome to your official 2019 race thread! This will be home for you and your fellow teammates who are competing (and have competed) to train, learn and share with one another.

You’ll find lots of historical information here in this forum, and you can search above or use the main forum page. But it’s just as important to add your information from this year -- your workouts, volume weekends, race plans, highs and lows...it’s all here.

Race Captain - We Need One

Ideally your event has a race captain to lead by sharing their training and generally being a really awesome, supportive person online. If you have one, their name is ^above^ … If not, you can request to become the Race Captain via email here (just remember to tell us the race you want to lead). You’ll get a free month of EN membership and some other cool stuff as our way of saying thanks.

We have a basic schedule to support the Race Captain, you can view it here  and it’s not a ton of work. Even if you don’t have a race captain, you can all use that schedule to make sure You are connecting around the critical parts of your season.

Looking for Your Fellow Racers?

Sometimes the hardest part of getting the community around a race started is finding your fellow racers! You can do that via our Race Database (online here, password is WORKWORKS) where you can search by race name such as “Placid,” etc. Once you have a list of names, you can use the “@” sign to tag them here in this thread (so they are notified) or you can send them a private message via the Forums as well.

GroupMe Chat

If you are looking for your Race GroupMe, you can search our official GroupMe page online here. Can’t find the GroupMe because There isn’t one for your race? You can request we make one for you via email here.

Have Questions or Need Help?

No worries, we’re here to help! You can send us an email right here so we can help you out. Please be sure to reference your race forum and give as much detail as possible.

~ Brenda



  • Hi there!  I see that I only have 1 race listed in the Race Database, and I actually have 2 IMs and 1 half IM this year.  Can you add IMTX to my column as well as IM70.3 Ohio?

  • Am I the only one doing this race again??

    Welcome to everyone else on the journey to the Woodlands!

    I've started all the IM Texas races so this will be my 9th time here. 1DNF, 3KQ and lots of fun. It's a great, well supported race.


  • Hi Tom, I'm doing it too! I'm a transfer from IMFL '18. I know that Trish Marshall, Bob Smith and John Lauchlin are doing it as well.

  • @Jenniferlyn Kryvicky that's great! Good to see a group of us going!

  • Oh, @Tom Glynn , now you've done it. We have the encyclopedia of IMTX at our fingertips! ;)

    As Jen mentioned, I am a transfer from IMFL 2018. I am flitting back and forth from MI to FL and have struggled mightily with an early IM mindset. Usually I race in fall with a nice long build. The extra struggle is training alone in FL, finding safe places to ride (no trainer) and not pissing off my hubby using the car to get training done (down to one car!) We had 2 weeks of company and yeah. I'm feeling behind!

    Back in MI till the 19th, I've already ridden the kickr in ZWIFT, have a play date with my workout hubbies on Sunday and a pool date with another friend who is also racing TX on Monday. Gotta keep looking for the mojo! :D

    I know @Jorge Duque is racing too. I hope he joins in the chatter because that man is a blast!

  • @Trish Marshall _ I've done I FL and I had to struggle with a late IM mindset! My triathlon season mentally comes to and end in July and anything past that takes a ton of effort. My lifestyle routine is for a spring IM, summer off, or at least chaotic with kids stuff and then back to routine in September, improving until January then a 12 week build to a spring IM. Then start all over again! I've done IM AZ when it was in the spring, St. George, Texas (9 times now), CdA (2X), France and LP. Nothing after that ever seems to work well with me or the family!

    With the spring racing comes a lot of winter indoor training. TrainerRoad for intervals, Zwift for IM riding. I live in CA, so I can get outside starting March pretty regularly. I run outside unless it's dark or raining.

    Looking forward to Texas!

  • Hi guys. Looking forward to see you all at IMTX. I am sure we will have great time. This is the first time I am racing in the spring and training has been different. A lot of Zwift and treadmill has been the bulk of it. Can’t wait to get outside and ride.

    Cant wait to collect a beer I am owed by the Marshal family. Go Hawks!

    I’m arriving to Houston Wednesday before the race. Let’s organize a get together before race day.

    This week I am traveling on business to Nashville and the diet has been terrible, and by terrible I mean amazing BBQ every day. Finishing the week with a trip to NYC before going back home so next week back to body composition.

    lets get this thread active to spread some mojo around us.

    Can’t wait to see you guys

  • I arrive on Wednesday and leave Monday. family arrives on Friday.

    I'm staying at the Westin right at the race start. Any team family members that want access to the hotel race day, let me know. It's great for Starbucks, bathrooms, pool and a place to hang while we zip along the bike course!

    Athlete dinner is typically Thursday but I'd be happy to forgo it for a team dinner.

    mandatory team breakfast on Friday is at the Egg & I :) https://theeggandirestaurants.com/location/woodlands-tx/


  • @Jenniferlyn Kryvicky - regarding races listed on Database, please reach out to @Coach Patrick on that.

  • edited February 16, 2019 1:51PM

    @Tom Glynn I like the breakfast plan for Friday!

    We have a large local crew (and a long lost teammate who lives in Houston) so I don't know if there will be a "family" dinner yet, or if so, when. I'm good for breakie though!

    I am arriving on Wednesday as well and leaving either Sunday or Monday. Staying at the Residence Inn.

    @Jorge Duque the beer debt will be paid. Believe it or not, my better half just inquired about getting season tickets again. Le sigh. GO LIONS! 🦁 :D

  • @Trish Marshall Let your man know that there is nothing wrong with season tickets. Besides triathlon gear, that is the second best way to see money go away!!!

  • I am arriving on Wednesday, and leaving Sunday. We are staying on the cheap at the Comfort Inn about 3 miles north of the start line. With 5 large races this year between the hubby and I, all requiring travel, decided to go a little more economy at this race.

    Not going to lie, I am a little relieved that I am not the only one struggling with the Spring IM mindset.  My gosh it is quite a bit different raining for an IM when you are surrounded by snow quite possibly until the day we leave for the race.  I do hope that I can sneak outside in April for some rides.  Come on mother nature!  

    I feel behind in some big ways, mainly because I was sick for 2 months after IMFL peak, then just got back into training January starting over with some major loss in fitness.   

    It does not feel "real" and that is scary a little to me - I like being able to gauge how I am doing with things in the real world and all of the virtual training (treadmill, pool and trainer) is definitely making me mentally strong, just hope that translates in the real world come April 27th.  

    But hey,  it is what it is!

    I did a major (for me) bike boost this month, 330 miles in the first 2 weeks, and found that it helped me gain strength in the run as well.  I just uploaded the 2019 updated plan in FS to replace the 2018 plan and like what I am seeing.  A nice long challenge ride this weekend?  Yessir!

    68 days till the big show - Giddy up!

  • I went ahead and posted the (albeit late) week 9 Admin post for IMTX.  I also provided the link to the IMTX specific GroupMe chat so that we can start to get the ball rolling and bring the team together to help us overcome the Winter Training mental game!  Come play with me!


  • Hi everyone,

    Pretty excitied to be doing IMTX this year. This will be my second full IM ( did IMSR last year) and my first race outside of California. I arrive Thursday afternoon and head back Sunday evening. Looking forward to meeting the EN family in Texas.

  • Howdy Texas Team! I wanted to make sure you stop by the Ventum booth at the IMTX Expo. Meet the Ventum team, demo ride a Ventum bike!

    They would love to set up a time during the IRONMAN Texas and are inviting members of Endurance Nation to come by for a demo ride during the expo. You can even start the process now by sending them your fit information and scheduling your demo.

    Ventum will also have a mechanic during expo hours to work on any and all Ventum bikes as part of the "Mechanic for Life" program. So, if you already ride a Ventum, make sure you take full advantage of this feature!

    For more information and to demo a Ventum One, Z, or NS1, reach out to me to get take the first steps and meet the Ventum family. mariah@endurancenation.us or tag me here

    The Ventum crew is more like family, so even stopping by, letting them know you're on EN and saying hey would be awesome!

  • Good luck team! Looks like you guys are set to have a Texas size experience this weekend!

    Stay well hydrated and salted please.

    I have all of you set and ready in my tracker!

    If/when problems come up, there are not many problems that can't be solved by simply slowing down or even stopping for a moment to pull your thoughts together and re-group. This is were the real IM experience starts!.......

    As always, no matter what, KMF!

  • Hey guys! Welcome to The Woodlands! I'm local here, and can make time if you guys need any last minute help. My phone number is (832) 372-1611. If you need anything (toenail clippers all the way up to and including a bike) let me know and I'll see what I can do. Good luck on Saturday!

  • Good luck, racers!

    Race well and have fun!

  • For the numbers geeks:

    Total Registered Athletes: 3132

    DNS: 746

    DNF Swim: 14

    DNF Bike: 147

    DNF Run: 125

    DNF (Over Time Limit): 7

    DQ: 14

  • I was one of the DNF's on the bike, but due to a medical. Super bummed but also fired up for IMFL now!

  • That wind looked pretty brutal. It looked like people's speeds were varying by about 5 to 7 mph average going north vs south on the toll road.

  • @Chris Davis The winds in Texas are always crazy! As usual, the winds pick up as the day wears on so the poor, slower age groupers often get it way worse than the pros that start the swim earlier and of course swim and bike way faster.

    I heard that winds were close to 20mph. A little tough on the two "out" parts of the course, but super fun coming back. The last 20-25 miles just zip along and you arrive back at the run in pretty good mental and physical states. It's really tough to watch some of the slower riders sitting up into the wind pedaling at 10mph - it would be a very long day!

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