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Week 15 - Bike Camp Week!

Hello all!

Ok IM Texas Crew- You have made it to WEEK 15! WOOHOO!! With each week comes a little more excitement for the BIG DAY! So let’s talk about this week. 

FIRST OFF - who needs some mojo?  *RAISES HAND, JUMPS UP AND DOWN, SCREAMS 'Me! Me! Me!'*  This has been one really tough training cycle in terms of weather, I am in Michigan, and availability of pool time and run safety. Add to that being sick with the flu recently and travel to EU for a  week, I am really switching gears from race mode to do no harm execute like a ninja and celebrate the day wherever it ends mode.   Anyone else feeling me on this?

This week is CAMP WEEK!!! Camp Week is the official-ification of our Ironman training weekends. It represents the intersection of race execution and volume, presenting YOU the athlete with a chance to simultaneously improve their fitness and strategy. There are FANTASTIC videos/podcast about this high volume week. They will give IMPORTANT information so take a few minutes to listen and watch!!

Anyone going to the course to do camp or doing a local camp? 

I would recommend if you have specific questions for Coach Patrick, GET THOSE IN THE forums NOW! Don't wait to ask them a questions on Friday night for Saturday morning!

So... What is camp?

It's a regular training week with modifications to allow for a swim rehearsal, the 2 x 112 (or 6 hour) rides and a weekend long run.

  • Thursday: Swim Race Rehearsal
  • Friday: Race Simulation #1 aka 6 hour (or 112 Mile, which ever comes first) Ride + a 1 Hour Run. Read the full Race Rehearsal protocol here.
  • Saturday: Up to 112 Mile Ride. How far you ride on Day Two is a function of your fitness and race goals, and of course, safety. At a minimum you'll want to do 56 miles, with more advanced athletes working upwards to a full 112.
  • Sunday: Long Run according to your plan; minimum of 13 miles OR 2 hours.

Think at the start of this week.

  • What do I need this weekend to get ready. Get your equipment dialed in.
  • Pacing
  • Get out there and JRA - 1 hour 1.5 then to steady pace
  • Fueling plan
  • Run - first three miles LRP plus 30” per mile. First three miles to settle in - mark the transition and take stock of how you feel

What if life conspires to prevent camp week from happening?

If you can't do the three days as planned, then do a weekend race rehearsal. This isn't disaster; it's how the plans have been for ten years. Don't beat yourself up. Your week would change as follows:

  • Do the long run, slated for Sunday, on Thursday.
  • Bump the RR swim from Thursday to Friday.
  • Do RR #1 (bike + run) on Saturday.
  • Sunday OFF to recover. 
  • Monday back at the regular plan.

More info here….http://members.endurancenation.us/TrainingPlan/TrainingPlanCentralPage/ENFULLPlanResources/VolumeStrategySeriesPartIV.aspx

Keep on CRUSHIN’ it Florida Team!!! Let’s hear you!! How’s everyone doing???

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