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Derrek's Eagleman Race Plan

Eagleman 70.3 Race Plan

This will be my 8th half iron distance triathlon and 3rd Eagleman. No, I don’t like hot races but it’s our local IM branded 70.3.

- 2014 – 5:43 (:50/2:54/1:52)

- 2017 – 5:17 (:36/2:40/1:53)

- 2019 Goal – 4:55 (:34/2:35/1:40)

Thanks for any comments/suggestions/advice!


-         30’ bike (trainer); 30’ run; 30’ swim

-         Final packing. Have everything packed and ready before going to bed

Saturday: Sip on one bottle of GE or Skratch throughout the day

-         Breakfast

-         Depart for Cambridge, MD by 9:00 (2 hr drive)

-         Expo - Check In 11:00-12:00

-         Team Lunch

-         Set up and test ride bike, then check bike in (before 4pm). Lower tire pressure; check brake rubbing, set easy gearing

-         Check out Transition Area: swim start/finish, swim in, Bike out/in, and run out. Memorize location, take pictures

-         Relax

-         Light Dinner

-         Organize T1/T2 gear

-         9:30 To bed


-         Wake 3:30am: eat by 4:00 Instant oatmeal, banana, bagel/honey and coffee.

-         Castelli speed suit, chamois cream, secure timing chip

-         Garmin 735; HR Monitor

-         Prepare 3 bottles with GE in disposal bottles

-         4:45 am: leave house; walk to TA (10 min walk)

-         Set up bike/run gear. Garmin 520, calibrate PM, pump tires, wrist band on aero bar

-         After body marking, head to swim warm up area and don wetsuit/swim skin

-         Head to swim start (100 yd walk)

-         Line up in 30 – 34 min swim group

Swim: Start out at 80% effort for 5-10 minutes, the increase effort to 85%. Stay calm in the congestion. Focus on stroke rate, taut frame and count strokes to stay focused. Goal: sub 38 non wetsuit / sub 35 with wetsuit

T1: Race to T1! Swimskin/wetsuit/goggles in bag; shoes on (No socks), Helmet …go. 

Bike: Heart rate will be high, settle down and ride the first 4 miles easy to get HR below 135.  Drink 2 bottles GE/hr, drinking every 10 mins. If hot/humid, 3 bottles in the first hour. After 15' build to 200-206 watts. Ease up on power with tailwind, watch watts not speed in headwinds. Grab water at last aid station to cool off just before T2.

Nutrition per hour: 360 calories (from GE); 1,200mg of Sodium (GE). Goal: 2:35

T2: Leave shoes on bike. Carefully race to bike rack. Put on socks, shoes, Go Bag (race belt with 2 gels, truckers running cap, race saver bag) …go.

Run: Run the first 3 miles at 7:45 to 7:30 pace/HR ~140 (caution: this will feel slow). At aid stations cool off with water on head, ice under hat. Miles 4-10, ease into 7:00 to 7:15 pace, but don’t force it. Take 10” walking breaks at aid stations to drop HR and get in fluids and ice. If the heat and humidity are a factor, I need to drop my pace, increase hydration and monitor HR. Last 3.1 miles at best effort. Nutrition for the run will be 1 caffeinated GU at 5 and 10 miles and Gatorade or water every aid station. Take Coke after mile 10. Goal: sub 1:35

o  Morning Clothes Bag: Wetsuit/swim skin, body glide, goggles (x2), race swim cap, 1-Gel, bottle of water, spare tire, spare tube/CO2, 3 bottles of GE for bike, towel, chamois cream, wrist band

o  T1: Aerohead Helmet, bike shoes, small towel

o  T2: running shoes, socks, large Ziploc/go bag: race belt w/ bib and 2 Gels, race saver bag for ice, trucker hat, bottle with gatorlyte mixture


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