Endurance Nation t-shirt
I'm interested in an EN t-shirt Just regular t-shirts to wear around town when grocery getting, etc. (not training/performance type). When is the next order of something like that?
I am looking for more of a cotton blend around town shirt than a training shirt -- something more in the #wrongchat t-shirt category.
Is anyone else interested in this type of gear?
@Janyne Kizer Sign me up too! I see a lot of pictures of veteran members in more casual apparel, which inflames my FOMO.
I am interested in a casual t-shirt, too!
@Coach Patrick, how can we make this happen?
The last things we want is inflamed FOMO. So, I have this shirt already live on the internets...
Is this design sAtisfactory, or do folks want more of a clearner look? Of course we have the nice polo shirts from ChampSys as an option (if folks want more formal)...
~ Coach P
Could we have the front logo in color or does that jack the price way up?
Thanks @Coach Patrick FOMO under control now, t-shirt ordered. Is your note about the monthly t-shirt order in the forums (ie, community forum) and I missed the notice?