Home New Member [First Month]

Greg Charbeneau Official Coach Thread [PlanEN]

@"greg charbeneau"

Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.

As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.

Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.

Coach Notes

Your Races

  •  01/19/20 Humana Rock n Roll Arizona Half Marathon

Season Outline

These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won't complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on Final Surge by clicking on Training Plans / My Plans. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.

>> Last updated by Coach on June 26, 2019

  • On  6/24/2019   Load the --  Run Durability for Triathletes 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks  to end on 7/21/2019
  • On  7/22/2019   Load the --  Run Durability for Triathletes 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks  to end on 8/18/2019
  • On  8/19/2019    Load the --  Get Faster Plan, 10 wks to end on   10/27/2019
  • On  10/28/2019  Load the --  Half Marathon 12 weeks  to end on 1/19/2020
  • On  1/20/2020   Load the --  Post Marathon / Half Marathon Plan (2wks)   to end on 2/2/2020

Training Plan Support in Your First Month

You can connect with @matt limbert as needed in your first month to get dialed in with your training plans and data. You can set up a call with him online here: https://calendly.com/new-member-phone-call/1 and he'll be on this thread shortly!

Your Notes

Half Ironman 2007 4:50, IMLP 2008, 2009, IMFL 2009, IMAZ 2010, Kona 2011 Fastest time 10:03 in Kona. Stopped IM training in 2014. Been doing Orange Theory.I do orange theory 5 x's per week. Currently treating an overuse injury in right hip. When I do run at orange theory my pace is 7:30 to 5:15 depending on intervals. 

Your Homework

Tell Me Your Season Goals

  • What will make you consider this season a success?
  • What's your biggest limiter right now?

Contact Points

As part of your journey to becoming a Self Coached Triathlete inside TeamEN, we are prepared to give you excellent support for your first 90 days. Our goal is to transition you from live, in-person support to using our digital resources and the Team to help you continue your progress as you execute your Three Year Plan.

These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. Please remember to include your phone number.

  • Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
  • Training Plan Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
  • End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
  • End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your End of Year Gap and Year Two (TBD in this Coach Thread)


  • Coach Questions - Right here in this thread. Always reply to this same thread, it keeps a record for us as we evolve together!
  • General Questions - Simple stuff can go to the Q & A Central Forum for the Team to answer. For example, Best Bike? How to improve run cadence? How to flip turn?
  • Need Help? - Please check the EN Help Site first!
  • Admin Questions - Billing or orders or whatnot? Use the red chat button at the bottom of the Members Site (not forums) or email us here.
  • Specific Questions about a Race or Power, etc? - You can post those into the targeted forum for that topic. Power questions to the Power and Pace Forum. Race questions to your specific race forum, etc. Not sure where to post? Put it in the General Discussion forum and we will sort it out. Whatever you do, PLEASE ask your questions!!

For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.

We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.

Your First Month on the Team

You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / Trial Member Welcome.

Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation

This will be unlocked after your trial expires.

Looking forward to working with you this year,

~ Coach P


  • Greg, Welcome back to Endurance Nation! With your past experience in triathlon, I expect you will be in back in great shape your your Half Marathon. The run durability plan is a great way to build run fitness while still getting some variety in training with additional bike and swim workouts. It will set you up nicely for the Get Faster and Half Marathon plans that will provide more run specific work before your race.

    My goal is to make your first month of Endurance Nation as simple and as awesome as possible! For any questions you have getting started - chat with me here in this forum or schedule a call with me here: https://calendly.com/new-member-phone-call/1

    I'll monitor this thread for your first thirty days and help you get up to speed with your plan, your basic schedule, terminology, and all of our resources. Coach Patrick has just made your season plan in Final Surge, so you can sync your Garmin or Strava (only one!) and get your workout data uploaded. (Chose Strava if you ride on Zwift.)

    In Final Surge: Workouts -> Garmin / Device Upload

    Then chose either Garmin or Strava. Just chose one, otherwise you will get double workouts recorded in Final Surge.

    As you get all your tech setup, also consider downloading the Final Surge App.

    This will make it way easier to add comments about how you felt, ate, weather etc (for the bike and run) and sets, paces etc (for the swim). There is plenty of data to look at in Final Surge with charts on heart rate, power, cadence, distance etc. But, there is equal value in the individual comments you write about your workouts. Those are all super helpful to you as you track your progress, prepare and plan your race.

    Get the App here:

    Final Surge | Mobile Apps


    It makes it super easy to add comments about your workout. Click on the workout, then on the "pencil" icon to tap "how I felt" or "perceived effort." Then add a few notes about what you ate/drank (helps to figure out what works best for you on the bike), how you felt mentally, the weather, your goals for the day, reminders for next time or any aches etc. Just a quick note goes a long way.

    Those comments are handy when you are comparing workouts, tailoring your own training, evaluating progress and planning for your race.

    Let me know how I can help - remember we can chat here in your coach thread or schedule a call here: https://calendly.com/new-member-phone-call/1.

    I look forward to hearing more and helping you get started.

  • edited July 10, 2019 9:52PM

    Update from @"greg charbeneau" here...on his run goal.

    @matt limbert Here is the additional background text from greg via his roadmap...

    Half Ironman 2007 4:50, IMLP 2008, 2009, IMFL 2009, IMAZ 2010, Kona 2011 Fastest time 10:03 in Kona. Stopped IM training in 2014. Been doing Orange Theory.I do orange theory 5 x's per week. Currently treating an overuse injury in right hip. When I do run at orange theory my pace is 7:30 to 5:15 depending on intervals. 

  • @matt limbert @Greg Charbeneau

    First, Greg has been doing a great deal of training. When he says he's going to orange theory five times a week, that guy is getting up at 5 AM and going orange theory and kill it. So aerobically a he is fit. Good path back to running health according to him, he has put on some muscle mass from the strength work but in general very healthy.

    For the most part, he can run without discomfort when he monitors the distance and runs at a comfortable speed. His happy place is around 730 to 7 minute mile. When he runs slower than that the lack of coordination exacerbates his hip issue. He ran a test mile at 5:36 pace in early July.

    He started seeing physical therapy a couple of weeks ago and is now down to two sessions a week. One of the sessions is really intense and aggressive while the second one is more restorative and focuses more range of motion. He needs to continue to do this type of work on his own as he transitions out of that physical therapy space.

    The short term plan will be to work in specific run only days into his program. So for example, instead of doing five days of orange theory with two we can days off, he can start doing Wednesday is the run only day reruns up to 4 miles. After two weeks we can make it Tuesday Thursday run only days and do orange theory on Monday Wednesday Friday. Ideally by the time we hit September he is running three days a week and is doing orange theory twice.

    I would be remiss if I did mention that he also still has his tri bike at his disposal, and since he lives in Scottsdale he has some good rides to do. It's been a while since he got out on the bike so it may take a little bit of work, but I do believe using the bike as a tool to develop aerobic fitness beyond what his capacity is for running right now is very important.

    I don't want to ignore the overall benefits that cycling can provide him as we go through the process of rebuilding his run. Want to make you sure see you had all of this so we can do a better job of moving forward working together. I will also send these comments and a link to Greg so we can get him talking to you here in the forms.

    Let's get this going!


  • @Greg Charbeneau

    What do you think about using the Final Surge app to add the Orange Theory and physical therapy work your training calendar? As we add more pure running to the schedule we'll have a baseline ( minutes or miles) as a reference per week as we increase the training load.


  • @Coach Patrick you forgot that I added some adipose tissue along with muscle mass........... 😀

    @matt limbert @patrick.mccrann+checkoutinterfacecodetest@gmail.co I can manually add the OT and PT. I tried to see if my workouts were logged in OT however, on the dates I attended, not data.

    Thank you gents.


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