Update and Bike Pix
First of all, words can’t describe how much your good wishes have meant to Keith and me. If you ever think that words don’t matter, think again. Your genuine feelings of concern come through and continue to help. I cannot thank you enough. I leaned on every one of you. Special thanks and huge hugs to Gina, Patrick, Kitima, Nemo, and Michele for peeling me off the ceiling a few times this week. Much love and gratitude for letting me cry and be scared.
Keith was in rough shape, no doubt about that. We visited some VERY dark places in the acute phase of his injuries, but as beaten up as he is, it could have been worse. We transferred him from the trauma unit at Lahey Clinic, which was the closest from the site of the accident, to the trauma center at Mass General Hospital. That's where we needed to be. Incredible care.
Cliff Notes of injuries:
Minor sub-arachnoid hematoma. Don’t read about this on the web--I shouldn’t have. Good news is he has been himself from the time he gained consciousness. He has basically been released from neuro, just some follow-up. He will recover fully. Unbelievably lucky.
He has a break in the transverse process at C5 in his neck. He will be in a hard neck brace for a few months. Originally they told me C5 was cracked, and I was terrified about paralysis.. Thank heavens that turned out not to be the case. This break is no fun, but it’s way better. Unbelievably lucky again.
There was a risk of loss of vision in his L eye. Many CAT scans, and multiple exams by docs called over from Mass Eye & Ear. He even had a trip over to ME&E from MGH for an exam with a super-special instrument confirming no permanent damage to the eye. Unbelievably lucky yet again.
The next big hurdle is the facial reconstruction on Wed. He has a Le Fort Fracture II, and this is major. Many, many breaks in his face including much of the orbital rim, down into his L cheek, across the nose, and over on the R cheek. Google images of this are pretty graphic. There will be many pins, plates, and mesh installed. Looking at him—even though he looks like he went a round with Ali—you wouldn’t know so much is smashed in there.
For those not of FB, the surgery will be done by Michael Yaremchuk, the chief of craniofacial surgery at MGH. The head of Plastics came to see Keith, and told him the repair is “above his pay grade,” and that Yaremchuk agreed to take the case. Great to have docs of this caliber available, just not so good that you're the one who needs them. What they might have to do to get in there to do the repair is so graphic, I'll spare you the description.
The Bike
Lots of requests for pix of what happened to the bike. Take a look for yourself. The steerer tube split INSIDE the head tube. Like someone took a hack saw to it. As Patrick said when he saw it, “that is off the chart.” Tell us what you think. Keith chose an aluminum steerer tube specifically when buying the bike. Being an engineer, he was distrustful of the integrity of carbon holding up, and feared this exact thing happening.
Keep the prayer flags flying, and the good wishes wheel spinning. I can’t respond as much as I would like, but I am thinking of you all and holding tight to every single positive vibe you're willing to send our way. And be sure to hug the people you love and who love you.
I will be sending good thoughts your way and hoping that the worst of this accident is that Keith is not as pretty as I am sure he once was.
{{{{{{Linda & Keith}}}}}},
Thank you for taking the time to post here. From one in the medical field, his injuries are so very frightening. I am just sooooo thankful all that could have happened DID and DIDN'T ( for what that is worth). His recovery, as you well know, is going to be a series of steps and events. In my heart of hearts, I will be praying that all goes in textbook fashion. You are in the best of hands, no doubt.
The bike pictures in a word- nauseating.
Sending you guys all the support and love possible. I know everyone will be anxiously waiting to hear how things go Wed.
Lots if love!
Wow. Scary pics for sure. Really would not have thought it would have any load on it there. Looks like it was well below where the star or compression plug would have ended. I naturally assumed that it was all carbon.
Best wishes for the middle of the week!
That is so scary to look at and I can't imagine what you guys are going through. I'm am so happy that he will be able to recover from this. You seem both so brave and strong. Thoughts are with you and your husband and the rest of your family and hoping for a no issues recovery.
Take care ,
We have so much confidence that Keith will make it through the next big step with flying colors. Lots of love to all of you who will not have the benefit of sedation on Wednesday. I really think you're going to have the tougher row to hoe. Patch strength is truly admirable!
Linda (and Keith) 15 years ago I had my orbital put back together with two plates. One over and one under my right eye. Similar thing in that they waited a few days and other than looking like I was a pro-boxer the damage wasn't terribly noticeable. In fact the discussions with the surgeon were about it being optional to repair it. Decision really came down to risk of surgery (near eye, had to sign a nasty waiver) vs having a very noticeable deformity.
If I remember (and it has been a few years) I shattered all 5 (?) bones of the orbital. So they plated it all back into place. Recovery was a breeze all said and done and you almost can't notice the injury (I of course can in every picture I see post injury).
So while obviously not directly applicable, I can kinda understand what Keith is going through
Just wanted to let you know that it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Easy to say 15 years on mind ya.
I'm so so glad that Keith is in good hands from a medical/surgical standpoint, but more importantly, he has the support of his amazing family and friends. That goes FAR when it comes to healing and a fast recovery!
I shall continue to keep both of you in my prayers and thoughts. And super healing vibes are being sent to Keith's facial bones starting tomorrow!!
Praying and thinking about you two and your family! Glad to hear so much that you have been "blessed" with injuries that are fixable!! So so glad nothing is permenently damaged, no loss of vision, no paralysis!! Keith's body will heal, that is how God designed the body to work. Also you are very fortunate to have some great medical help! Will be thinking ofyou this weekend, wishing you were there
But understanding completely
Take care Linda
That is some scary stuff, I am glad hear that from the sound of things Keith will be ok in the long run. Good luck this week!
Sending healing thoughts.
PS ever since my crash in March I have been having nightmare about things like this happening; now I am having 2nd thoughts getting back on the bike after some time off.... that folk thing is unreal!