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Why is 90% So Hard? 😰 And is Garmin FTP Accurate?

So I’m just getting back into OS after a few years and the intervals seem pretty hard considering that they’re easier than they used to be at 95-100%. Am I the only one? Zone 3 building to Zone 4 shouldn’t feel as hard as it does. Or should it?

Theres the possibility my estimated FTP is off. It’s been awhile since I tested officially but my Garmin 1030 so kindly gives me an estimated FTP after some rides and I feel like it was pretty accurate based on a time where it was close to a more official FTP but maybe not. Anyone have any thoughts on this?



  • I never fail to be surprised just how hard “hard” feels in the first few sessions of an OS.

  • I would agree with Dave T. Always harder than expected!!

  • The TrainerRoad folks explain it. Basically, go into the workout fueled and take in adequate carbs during the workout.

  • @Kim DuBord I think you answered your own question in your second paragraph. I am going to completely avoid using the word FTP since the definition and the way we interpret it has changed. I would merely suggest you do some real 100% efforts, and then do 90% of those. If you wanna call it a test go right ahead.

    I also recommend WKO , I have WKO4 which gives you an mFTP number (modeled FTP) , WKO5 is out now but I have heard it uses different algorithms. Simply feed the model a bunch of hard efforts from 1'-20' and read your mFTP. I have just completed a solid 4 week block of IM training and could not agree with my number anymore!

    YES 90% is hard but 100% should be Fnnn HARD.

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