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Question on Run Focused Outseason for Triathletes

Hello Coach Patrick! It's been a while since I posted and a couple of years since I've done an outseason. Things have changed since my last one! I am looking to do well in a half marathon at the end of the outseason (that's my top priority), with gains on the bike secondary. The description of the run focused triathlete plan says there are two quality bikes per week, and in the plan notes when loaded into Final Surge it says to start out targeting 4 runs per week for the intermediate level. Here are my questions:

  1. When the plan is loaded, there are three bikes, all high priority - not two as expected. Two fits my goals/time available at this point. Which two should I do?
  2. There are six runs in the plan. What four would I do?
  3. What does "RDP" stand for in the Sunday run?

Also, when loaded, the coach note in Final Surge says "Coach Note:This is the Bike Focused OutSeason plan" - should say the run focused plan? I searche around and could not find clarification on these questions - hopefully I did not miss something!

Thanks Coach - hope all is well!



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