JOS 2020 Bike Week 5 - "Like you have a gun to your head"
This is the week we validate what we have or not accomplished. For many it will be a pat on the back, for some that haven't put in the work for various reasons, it will be a wake up call that we're one-third through the OS. For ALL, there is still plenty of time for hard work and measurable improvements.
For those that are newer to EN and Testing, hopefully the last few weeks have shown you hard, "hard" is. The test is the time to dial it in and do your hardest. The original EN testing protocol was to do 2x20 intervals "like you have a gun to your head." The protocol further stated that you should get off your bike with legs shaking and possibly puking.
Read more in the wiki on Power testing or HR testing
Final Surge as below - reminder, DISENGAGE ERG mode for power tests. choose a flatish course in Zwift
POWER TEST (If you own a powermeter)
- WU: 10' easy, then 8' building from 50% estimated FTP to 100% estimated FTP in 2' increments, 2' easy. The intent here is to get in a good warmup, so use your best judgement.
- Test 1 -- VO2 Max Test: Ride 5' at the best (hardest) effort you can sustain for the full 5'. A good target is 120% of your estimated FTP.
- Recover 1: 10' easy spin, stretch, recovery.
- Test 2 -- Functional Threshold Power (FTP) Test: Time trial for 20' at the best (hardest) effort you can sustain for the full 20'.
- Recover 2: Minimum 5' easy spinning
HR TEST (If you don't have a PM)
- WU: 15' easy, include 4 x 30 Spinups. 3 x 1' (1') Hard, to get your heart rate up and work up a sweat.
- MS: Then time trial 30' Hard-Very Hard, as if racing. After the first 10', hit the lap button on your computer, then of course stop your computer at the end of the test. Find your average heart rate from this last 20' of the 30' interval. This is your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR), used for calculating HR training zones.
- CD: Easy spin.
OS has gone well so far, but I have to admit that I'm not looking forward to testing. In fact, I haven't tested in about 3 years now. Haven't done an offseason in that time either; so it is time to bite the bullet. However, to be consistent, I will default to the standard that I have always used: Coach Troy's Threshold Test and Sufferfest (Spinervals). It's a slightly different protocol with 3 mins all out, 3 x 1 min supermax, then the 20 min pukefest.
For those testing this week, Zwift has a very good 5/20 test you may select if wanted.....
For the shorter workouts during the OS, I find the TrainerRoad ramp test to be just as accurate as the 20-min effort, but without the opportunity to mess-up the pacing. I believe Zwift has a ramp test as well.
In season, closer to races, the longer tests absolutely make sense. But for me in the OS, this will be what I go with.
@Jeff Phillips I've used the TR ramp test as well and gotten the same results, within 1-2 watts, as the standard protocol without the resulting fatigue. And I agree that it's harder to screw up than the standard test IF you keep going until your legs stop working. (Which is easier to say than do. 😋)
@Mark Maurer I've always manually switched my trainer to resistance mode before a test since I don't want to test in ERG. I just read that TR will switch the trainer from ERG to resistance as test starts. How have you done it in the past?
@Jeff Phillips good question. I haven't done one in a while but I thought it was ERG mode. The resistance increased at regular intervals and I just pedalled until I couldn't. The last 4-5 minutes was an all out war with the gorilla.
That said, I didn't change any settings so if it changes automatically then that's what I did. I'll take a look at my past tests to see if I can ferret it out.
@Jeff Phillips I took a look at my last TR ramp test and it looks like the power varies by a couple of watts during an interval (see below). However, I was on a CompuTrainer when I did that test. I have a Kickr Core now so it will be interesting to see if the numbers look different. I just loaded the Ramp test workout and started it without being on the bike and it stayed in ERG mode. I guess I'll see tomorrow. Sorry I wasn't more help on this.
@Jeff Phillips I was looking at the TR forums and there is a post that says the ramp test can be done completely in ERG mode but the standard FTP test automatically switches to resistance mode in the test intervals.
Bike test is in the books. A successful one in that I got a big bump but felt I left some one the table.
The numbers 5' - 289 20' - 248 up from 234 my modeled FTP in WKP 5. Interestingly enough my new modeled FTP is 257.
Things I did right.
-Lets were sluggish, felt a little off and hip flexors were tight.
-Did a longer than normal warmup actually got off the bike twice to do some small stretches before the 5' test.
-Following the 5' test took some extra time, typically ramp up after 5' or so but actually took the 10' as written.
-ramped up slower at the start though I was at least around 240 and for the first 5' of the 20' test I was around 239 watts. I think this cost me a few watts on the test, I figured 2-4 maybe a little more given the modeled FTP number from WKO5 but I got in the 20'.
What I did wrong
-sleep over the weekend was minimal 6-7 hours for 2-3 days, last night was almost 8 but still not enough
-some beer over the weekend, 2X2 led to a bit of dehydration
-busy day at work yesterday, eating was off, not getting in the full calories and again water/hydration was off.
-did not have a gun to my head and know cardiovascular I had more HR hit 160's I know I have several more beats in me but still a very hard effort.
@Jeff Phillips I've done almost all my bike training over the last couple of years on TrainerRoad so I'm pretty familiar with their ftp tests. @Mark Maurer is correct about the standard 20 (and 8) minute test switching you out of erg mode for the test intervals and the ramp test not doing that. TrainerRoad actually recommends staying in erg mode for the ramp test, which makes sense to me since the goal is to maintain exactly the prescribed power for the minute intervals, which can be more accurately done in erg mode.
12. Should I do this test in ERG mode?
If you have a smart trainer we recommend that you do the test in ERG mode (default). A smart trainer is not required and those doing the test in ERG mode do not have an advantage over individuals on a traditional trainer.
Bike test in the books for me, too. I did the Zwift 5/20 test and thought it worked well. I'm pretty sure it stayed in ERG mode for the 5 minute interval, but turned off for the 20 minute test. I'm happy with the results - I felt like I gave it my best effort so far this JOS. The results were a 6% bump over my swagged FTP, so I'll take it. The next few workouts should be rather uncomfortable that's for sure!
my 1 day break after skiing all last week turned into a 4 day break with a bug I likely caught from the sniffling & sneezing guy on the plane next to me.
no testing for me and just doing the 2x18s I didn't do last week, good numbers for both efforts, rode them as ramp ups.
I realized after this test that I have not committed to any goals in the OS in part due to not knowing my numbers coming in.
So 270 watts is my stretch goal which seems crazy high but is only 10 watts over my all time best. Also factor in my WKO5 modeled FTP of 257 and I'm much closer.
So I'll be gunning for 260+ for the next test and then see what I can pull out for the final weeks. Given the last of the easy gains from regaining the old FTP are gone. I'll have to be very consistent and work very hard for the remainder of the OS. I also don't want to affect downstream workouts as I also need to push up the VDOT as well.
Run goals to follow in the other thread after tomorrow's test.
forgot how much I hate testing!
I’ve used the Sufferfest 4DP protocol for a few years, so I did the same again
hardest I’ve had to ride for a long time. Had no idea how to pace the VO2 max test- might have slightly undercooked it. Still, when I asked myself at every stage if I could keep it up - the answer was ‘maybe’
rode it at a higher cadence than I’ve done in training so far - probably saved my legs tho!
FTP now 271 (from 245)
@Gordon Cherwoniak , @Angus Whitfield HUGE numbers and solid progress on testing today!
Can't wait to see more testing explosions roll in!
I eased into my new FTP on 2' V02 intervals this morning:
@Angus Whitfield - i would not have been able to wrap my head around a test today. I do feel like I am swagging my numbers well though. Looking forward to getting in a solid 13 days of workouts before the next ski trip... the next one should allow me some bike & run time though!
@Shaughn Simmons - what's the New FTP? bump?
Apparently I'm not as familiar with the trainerroad 20 minute test as I thought because I was completely unaware there was an adjustable resistance level once out of erg mode. :) By the time I figured that out, my first test attempt was pretty much invalid. Not sure I can motivate myself to try a second ftp test again today and it is reasonably nice outside, so I might flip the order of the bike and run tests.
Awesome results so far. I read the reports above before starting my test and I know it motivated me to push. Great work @Gordon Cherwoniak , @Dave Mehl, and @Angus Whitfield
FTP test done. I have not done one in quite a while because I always felt like I had a good feel for where I was at. I knew I needed to test today and was dreading it. Current FTP was already bumped up since the start of the OS from 215 to 225 based on one of the Tuesday rides. Yes the 215 was a swag but before the OS I would bet it was +- 5. I definitely have felt like the OS has been pushing me and that I have gotten stronger and today confirmed it. New FTP is 237. So from OS start to today is an increase of 22 or 10%. Best FTP ever. Now let's see how this feels in the upcoming workouts. I made up my own workout mostly so I could adjust the warmup to suit me. The rest of it followed the EN protocol.
Here it is:
Rode the first part through the 5' VO2 test and the 5' cool down. Got off the bike for a couple of minutes to select Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory album and stretch a little. Got back on and rode a couple more minutes in recovery then forwarded on to the test. 5 minute mini intervals. Ramp from 230 to 250, then steady at 250. I actually did use ERG and pushed the bias up in the last 5 minutes to 255 for 2', 260 for 1', then 265 for 2'. Wife got home as I was going into the last few minutes and stuck her head in and asked if I was going to make it. I somehow grunted out 2 more minutes. Anyway, I am guessing that using ERG mode is not suggested because of the death spiral but I wanted something that made me really not want to just slow down. Someone please let me know if there is some other reason not to use it.
5' VO2 was 280.
20' AP was 249.
Zwift Results:
TP results:
No testing for me today. My 81 year old mom had a stroke last Tuesday, dropped everything and headed her way(she lives 300 miles away). She got help quickly, and is now in a very nice rehab facility with some good progress already happening. Not sure how this will affect the rest of my out season and race season(after all, this is just for fun), I do have a sister that lives much closer to her and a step-father with her.
Plan on doing week 4 this week,and going to week 6 next week.
This morning I did 2X12's as 1st Zn3-4 and 2nd Zn4-5; at .9 and 1.02 with the run done as a brick.
Nice work team, way to push it this morning. Sorry to read about your mother @Mark Lane That can't be easy for you and your family, glad to see she got help quickly.
I did the TR ramp test this morning, in resistance mode @Mark McCombe . I read what you linked to above and also found an article in the TR forums saying resistance mode was preferred. Who knows, but in general I prefer testing in resistance mode since I feel like I have more control.
I'm not satisfied with the minuscule FTP bump I received today even though it probably is a fair representation of where I'm at. I've been using the FTP I used for IMAZ in November and I hadn't been pushing the Z4+ workouts until the OS started. My FTP had likely declined into IMAZ and post the race -- I'll take the glass half-full view and say my increase was likely greater than what the test showed!
More work to do in February!
@Mark Lane Sorry to hear about your mother...keeping your family in my thoughts.
Wow - great work all around!
I had been dreading the bike test today, but did it anyway. It seems my suspicions that my FTP had inched up were 6% from my last estimation. And that estimation from early January was indeed a crude one, so I could have easily estimated a bit on the low side. That said, I did see the workouts get less hard after week 2, so I do suspect improvement is real, just maybe not a full 6% in 4 weeks. Regardless, any progress is welcome, so I'm both happy to see the hard work pay off and realizing that things are getting harder in the next few weeks as I adjust to new zones.
@Mark Lane - I'm very sorry to hear about your mother's stroke and hope she has a quick recovery. You have plenty of time until your races and certainly more important things to think about. Best of luck.
I haven't tested in something like 3 years so today was a victory in that I completed Coach Troy's Threshold Test vs Sufferfest. Just based on past work, I had assumed my FTP might be around 220 and it came in at 218. So the reality is that I was probably lower when I began this block. I'm hoping I can get to 230 by the end of the OS, but at my age just holding constant is a good thing.
@Mark Lane - Sorry about your mother. Glad to hear that she is in a good place and good progress is being made. Hope the healing and recovery continues well.
@Mark Lane Sorry to hear about your mother.
@Angus Whitfield Huge improvement
@Bill Eckert 10% improvement is huge. The number we used to throw around was 15% over the OS. Of course the more years you put in the harder it is to get those percentage gains.
@Jeff Phillips "I'm not satisfied…" Looking forward to what numbers you put up in 5 weeks.
@Wendy Kelly 6% is solid gains keep up the good work
@Paul Hough Nice work getting in the test. Hold on to those watt keep the curve as flat as possible as long as possible.
I've had several test failures over my 10 years so for any lurkers out there don't feel like you can't post if it did not go well.
For those who earn a new FTP our reward next week was shown in @Shaughn Simmons post 2' Vo2 intervals, of course we have to get the weekend ABP ride in the books first. Remember the ranges if needed as the new number can make it harder earlier in the rides. The key is to be posting in the final weeks.
Interesting. Looking at my VO2 and my FTP. The ratio is 1.18. In the wiki (link that Scott gave us at the beginning of this thread) it says that indicates that my VO2 needs work. So we have been working FTP and my FTP went up. Now I need to work on my VO2 and I see a whole lot of VO2 workouts in the coming weeks. Seems I remember a ceiling and roof analogy discussing these numbers from a past video. Looks like things are working out as planned. Time to raise the roof so that I can raise the ceiling again.
@Mark Lane sorry to hear about your mom. Sounds like it was quickly diagnosed and treated so hopefully the results won't be to debilitating. Nothing in this planis more important than doing what you can for her right now.
Did the TR ramp test this evening and my FTP was up one watt over my SWAG. While that's not exactly what I wanted to see, I have to say that in the last 5 years doing the OS, 220 is where I'm usually at after the first test week. I'll count the fact that I'm at 221 at 63, when that'swhat I was at 59, as a win.
Having said that, I can't help but be a little jealous of all your shiny new FTP numbers.
@Bill Eckert I seem to have the same problem - improving FTP, but little VO2 max. Scanning ahead, I think the OS programme will be throwing some VO2 work at us very soon.
Just completed my test and had a 3% bump for a new FTP of 206. I had an issue with ERG and had to stop after the VO2 to fix and it started me back at the beginning but I skipped ahead to where I left off.
@Mark Lane thinking of you and your family!
@Mark Maurer Definitely a win!
@Sabra Gonzalez Nice work getting it done!
All, thanks for your amazing EN support!