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Kevin Schroth 2020 Season Thread [TeamEN]

Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually Monday & Friday each week.

Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.

Coach Notes

Your Races

  • 06/27/2020, intermediate distance tri, war at the shore, long branch NJ
  • Ironman 70.3 Maine (2020-08-30) #70.3Maine_20   

Season Update

These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.

  • Last updated by Coach on 02/03/2020
  • On 2/3/2020  Load the    OutSeason for Triathletes (Run Focus) Plan, 14wks  to end on  05/10/2020 
  • On 5/11/2020  Load the    Bike Focus Block, 2019 (6wks)  to end on  6/21/2020  
  • **Transition Early**On 6/8/2020  Load the  -- EN Half Bike Focused  to end on  8/30/2020  
  • On 8/31/2020  Load the  -- Post Half Iron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks)  to end on  9/13/2020  
  • On 9/14/2020  Load the  -- Durability for Triathletes 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on  10/11/2020 
  • On 10/12/2020 Load the  -- Durability for Triathletes 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on  11/8/2020  
  • On 11/9/2020  Load the  -- Durability for Triathletes 3 (7 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on  12/6/2020  

Your Notes

IM Tremblant 2012, 10:43. Best 70.3, Clearwater, 4:39 in about 2008, most recent IMMT and IM Princeton in 2014, about 5:05.  I've got 2 kids, 6 and under, and now train for shorter races.  Cycling 4x week, 312 FTP; running about 1-2x week, most recent marathon, 2018, 3:37 (3:26 in ~2016); swimming about 1x/week (former college swimmer; I've slowed plenty but still can still do relatively well without big time commitment).

Let's get to work!

~ Coach Patrick



  • Options

    @Kevin Schroth

    Hey Kevin,

    I'm here help you get setup in Final Surge - better understand your training, make adjustments, re-introduce you to our learning opportunities to get you ready for War at the Shore and Maine 70.3.

    Let me explain a bit more about your first training block.

    The OutSeason is 14 weeks. 4+1 test week, 4+1 test week, 3+1 test week. The test weeks are when you will redo you FTP test and track your progression. It is a bike focused block, but you can still add your swimming and there is a baseline level of running for durability. The intensity is focused on the bike with a variety of shorter intervals early in the week, longer intervals mid week, followed by a ABP (Always Be Pushing) ride that is around 3.0-3.8 W/kg, or a CNC (Cruise and Crush) ride that is around 2.5 W/kg but has a few max efforts (45 sec, 4+ minutes, then a 30' sustained effort). A lot of the athletes on the Team ride on Zwift and coordinate ride times using the GroupMe chat (see below for the link).

    Running. You will see a description for TRP (Total Run Pace) this is a pace that is between Z1 and Z2. It should be easy and you should be able to carry on a conversation. That is the pace you will do a bulk of your work in this OutSeason phase. Here is it all about frequency and consistency. Early on, say the first 5 week block, focus on getting the duration in. If you feel good and want to mix up the pace based on the workout - go for it - but early on we want to emphasize consistency, frequency, and be conservative on the pacing/intensity on the run.

    For any questions you have getting started - chat with me here in this forum or schedule another call with me here:https://calendly.com/new-member-phone-call/1

    A few thoughts on getting setup and organized.

    First off, think of this as an opportunity to get fitter, smarter, and share your experience with the rest of the team. Coach Patrick has designed a Race Roadmap for you. The progression of workouts will get you fitter and prepare you physically to race but, getting smarter about training and race execution is what sets Endurance Nation apart from other programs. Here you have access to Coach Patrick (11x Kona qualifier, Boston Marathon PR 3:05, and several Boston veterans), a library of his Coach Lessons, and the experience of hundreds of other athletes across all age groups - willing to share their advice and what has worked (or not) for them. We would love to have your experience and voice in those forums too.

    Want to know the best equipment to buy? Where to stay for your race? How to triage you week of training when you have to travel for work? How to ride hills efficiently? How manage your power and heart rate on a hot day? You name it the Team can help you and make you a smarter athlete. There is free speed out there just by being smarter at how you play the game. Check out the GroupMe, forums and the learning section from the main Endurance Nation page to get started (see below for links).

    Consider downloading the Final Surge App. This makes it way easier to add comments about how you felt, ate, weather, and paces etc. Those are all super helpful to you as you track your progress, prepare and plan your for your race.

    We definitely want to see those hours, miles, and heart beats - but we also want to know how you felt, mood, how mentally easy or hard the workout was, what you ate and drank on those long rides (helps dial in your fueling and hydration for long races), what went good (as a reminder) and what you want to work on next time. This takes your Final Surge account from just workout data to a full on training log - where you see your progression and become a smarter athlete. 

    To make comments, select the activity and click on the "pencil" icon to tap "how I felt" or "perceived effort." You can add a few notes about what you ate/drank, how you felt mentally, the weather or any aches etc. Those comments are really handy when you are comparing workouts, tailoring your own training, evaluating progress and planning for your ride. It also makes it easy to look at and plan for your upcoming workouts. Just a quick not goes a long way.

    For any questions you have getting started - chat with me here in this forum or schedule another call with me here:https://calendly.com/new-member-phone-call/1

    Here are a few things to do: 

    #1 Subscribe to your Coach Thread.

    Subscribe to your Coach Thread and get an email when we respond. Your Coach Thread is the best way to get a hold of us. It documents all of your training questions, its always here for your reference. 

    Here is how: 

    #2 Get setup in Final Surge. 

    Link your Garmin or Strava account to Final Surge. Do it once and forget about it. All your workouts will automagically get uploaded.

    #3 Down load the Final Surge App


    Final Surge | Mobile Apps


    #4 Join our GroupMe chat and join the Team

    Our forums and GroupME chat its a great place to learn, ask questions and connect for accountability with other Team members. Need to buy a new training gadget? What is the best xxxx? Want some advice about your race we? We have someone on the Team that as done it before and can help you race like a veteran. Ask in the group chat, start a forum post, or just search the library.

    Your new Friends are waiting for you.

    GroupMe is an app you can download to your smartphone, visit on the web, and even search if you want. The forums are our long-term memory, these chats are a running dialogue with the rest of the Team


    ·        EN Live 24/7  [Join Here]

    ·        Run Group [Join Here]

    ·        Zwift Chat [Join Here]

    ·        Events  [Join Here]

    ·        Race Groups [Join Here]


    If social media and chat groups are not your thing. Take a look at our forums. These are not your typical forums or chat rooms. These are where our smartest members hang out and answer questions or give advice. Think of this as your biggest group of endurance and athlete friends. These folks are super helpful. We have a set of Wicked Smart Members (WSM). These athletes are vetted by the rest of the team and Coach Patrick. They are recognized for their expertise and willingness to help.

    You have complete access to the entire Learning section. Check out the Coach Lesson Videos, Race Execution Guidance there and look through the forums. There are tons of race reports to help you learn more about training and racing.



    Learn More about your Outseason Plan



    #5 Customize your workouts in Final Surge

    If you have a recent 5k. Use your average heart rate to set your customized EN zones. Once you customize them, the workouts will say 20' @ (135-145 heart rate) vs. 20' @ Zone 2. 

    Here is how you update your training plan with integrated and customized zones (there is a video here too): 


    My goal is to make your first month of Endurance Nation as simple and as awesome as possible! I want to help you get the most out of your workouts, Final Surge, learn more about race execution and how the team can help you get to your race goals.

    Talk with you soon,

    Matt, Training Plan Coordinator

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