Garmin Heart Rate monitor reading low - help
Any advice fixing low readings on a Garmin Heart Rate monitor? I have swapped out the battery already. It has gotten normal use - I didn't soak it or accidentally wash it. It started to read low, so I did the battery thing. It is registering a heart rate - but it does not seem to respond to my current effort. I wish I was getting that kind of fit, but the numbers are unrealistically low. Asking for a friend.
Check this out.
It didn't work for me, so I bought a new one. I bought the Polar twin one. Seems to work okay. Hit 165 bpm during yesterday's Tuesday bike wko (week 2 run focused OS).
@Peter Greagg Thanks for the link. I'll give that a shot. That's a nice way to do an opcheck of the heart rate monitor! 165! 💪💥
Probably shows I have been sandbagging my wkos the last few years. LOL
Also, try using Aloe Vera Gel on the electrodes to help with conductivity of the strap.
In Australia, Aloe Vera Gel is in very short supply because people want to make hand sanitize (because you can't get that either) by adding a third of a cup of gel to two thirds of a cup of metholated spirits (denatured alcohol).