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[EN] It's the Final [Zwift Deal] Countdown ⌛

It might be more “hardcore” to train alone, why bother when there are so many ways to connect w/ other endorphin junkies like yourself? Here’s how ...


The end of April is here and all we can say is WE WANT MORE SUNLIGHT! Being in lockdown is one thing, but doing it with a ton of miserable weather outside makes it one million times worse. It's important to remember that sunlight isn't as good for our bodies it's good for our soul as well. Wherever you are, I hope this email finds you surrounded by sunlight with plans to get outside and make your day awesome.

I say "make it awesome" because awesome doesn't just happen. It might be something that you had to come to expect, but now it's something that you need to create. Not only for yourself, good for your family and your friends… Maybe your community as well. These are extraordinary times and they call for you to be your best.

For me, that process always starts with a solid workout. It's the number one reason I get up in the morning and train is so that I know I am primed to tackle what the day brings. In addition to your workout, we've got some great stuff going on in this month’s newsletter to keep you focused and help you be your personal best. Check it out, and feel free to pass it on.

Virtually hi-fiving you,

~ Coach Patrick
Let’s Get Started (https://endurancenation.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=54dc221df5218e0dafff46b51&id=7f4f4ba242&e=443f1a9157)

** Getting Virtual with Team EN - Offer Ends 5/1!
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