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I signed up for 70.3 IM ST George 1 May. So I have an early season race on a tough cycle

I had password trouble and credit card issue all corrected now. Name and password issues corrected, so I'm back on line

I have scheduled call for you next week, so that should be good.

My Heart issues are stable and I have full clearance to race and train, Will have a 2nd stress test prior to my ST George 70.3

My meniscus tear are fully healed with time I should regain some speed.

Had a cycling MVA incident two days ago where a horse trailer clipped my rear wheel 10 miles from home, Driver did not stop, but I had witness I went to hospital and had CT, it was normal, I am doing well, except I am told I have some amnesia and cannot remember last 10 miles of my ride home. My helmet saved me. but gotta get a new one.

I'll doing for Zwift only for a couple of weeks to recover my brain. I am pleased to be a member of this great club. Pass onto Brenda if you talk to her, that if my messages to her seemed disjoin ted, it was because of head trauma, or at least, this is my excuse


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