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[EN] Complexity is the Enemy ⚔

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Welcome to our first newsletter in this new New Year! Before we get down to business, we hope that you had a safe and healthy holiday with the people that matter to you most.

2021 is full of promise and energy...more than 24 new members signed up for Endurance Nation in the last ten days of 2020. This is bodes well for the industry and the season -- now all we need is for everything else on the planet to cooperate!!

Seriously though, we are doubling down on content and resources to help you get back on track: Friday 12pm EDT Facebook lives, monthly live instructional sessions, a new OutSeason Course to accompany your training plan and more.

Smarter athletes are faster athletes.

An athlete with a Team never trains or races alone.

2021 is here and it's time to get to work. Let's do this!

~ Coach Patrick

** Body Composition Strategy with Brad Cline [PODCAST]
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