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ENVEREST Challenge Update: Fun February is ✅

More than 50 athletes completed the first challenge. There are two more to go...join us for FREE! www.endurancenation.us/enverest


Congratulations to everyone who completed the first stage of the ENVEREST Challenge -- Fun February.

We hope you are recovering and staying smart this week. Early-season volume can be very impactful, but it is also a little risky. We are only just beginning to develop the resiliency to handle longer sessions. By challenging your system early you've primed for growth but you've also open the door for trouble if you aren't careful.

Everyone has their own measure of what represents true fatigue. Everyone knows when they cross the line. The trick is to know you are in danger before you get there. Telltale signs of short term over training include: excessive appetite, sudden lack of interest in training, urge to nap / rest when you are just having a normal day.

Even if you aren't experiencing any of these signs, do yourself a favor and take a moment to listen to your body. How does it feel at rest? When training? When just being you?

Learning how to work with your body on when it IS when it IS NOT a good time to continue training will help you stay healthy and more consistent!!

Good luck

~ Coach Patrick
Session Five of Rocket Bike Applications are Open

We are pleased to announce that Session Five of RocketBike 🚀 is now open for applications. We have completely revamped the entire course to make it 16-weeks experience complete with hands-on support from both Coach Patrick and Matt Limbert.

Participants will move quickly from testing to learning to training with the new workouts and zones. Our stated goal is to help you earn a year of new bike fitness in just four months! This isn't just talk, more than 50 athletes have already experienced incredible results. 👍
Learn more and apply online here (https://endurancenation.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=54dc221df5218e0dafff46b51&id=42e179d075&e=46eef5a3a8)

** Defining Volume Targets by Event and Fitness
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