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Anyone experience this problem?

Not sure when it started but my PT Pro computer seems to be losing about 1 min for every hour of riding as compared to my downloaded data (ride time).  For example, computer will show a 4:55 ride time but my downloaded data says 5:00. It appears to have started about the time I began doing a lot more training outdoors. It also appears to be related to stopping. IOW, I don't see a delta when racing. I just see it in training so the assumption is that it's occurring when I stop. I've watched my computer after stopping and visually it appears to be doing what it should being doing. So, again, I might have a downloaded total time of 5:15, which obviously includes stopping time, but my computer will say 4:55 and my downloaded ride time will say 5:00.

I've owned several PTs over a 6+-year period and have never seen this problem. Having said that, this is the first year where I've really trained on a wireless PT.

Anyone seen this? I haven't contacted support yet but will do so if nobody has ideas on the forum.

Thanks, Chris



  • I believe it only tracks when you are moving, so if you are stopped at a stop sign or red light.


    My usually tells me say 4:10 overall time 4:00 riding time.



  • I have, but I am not using a power tap. Are you downloading to WKO 3.0 now instead of 2.2?

    I know that there were some updates made to how version 3.0 calculates moving time. I somtime see very small differences in my data from my garmin edge 500 and wko, around about 30" per hour I would guess is the average difference. Somedays it is very close to the same, other days (when I stop and start more) the gap is bigger.  Just to clarify I am referring to the difference in moving time on the garmin and moving time on in WKO, the total time is almost always the same or very very close.

  • Posted By Steven Ford on 14 Jul 2010 04:27 AM

    I believe it only tracks when you are moving, so if you are stopped at a stop sign or red light.

    My usually tells me say 4:10 overall time 4:00 riding time.


    Actually it stores both in the computer but the display will only show ride time, not total time. WKO+ will show you both too but my problem is that the display on my computer (ride time) doesn't match my downloaded ride time.

    Thanks, Chris

  • Posted By Matt Ancona on 14 Jul 2010 08:59 AM

    I have, but I am not using a power tap. Are you downloading to WKO 3.0 now instead of 2.2?

    I know that there were some updates made to how version 3.0 calculates moving time. I somtime see very small differences in my data from my garmin edge 500 and wko, around about 30" per hour I would guess is the average difference. Somedays it is very close to the same, other days (when I stop and start more) the gap is bigger.  Just to clarify I am referring to the difference in moving time on the garmin and moving time on in WKO, the total time is almost always the same or very very close.

    I'm still running 2.2. I haven't upgraded so nothing has changed in the sw on the PC. What's strange is that I've never experienced this problem in 6+yrs of using a PT. If it were seconds I wouldn't bother but I'm losing a minute/hour. Actually, I'm not even sure which one is correct (my computer display or downloaded ride time). I was assuming the latter but that might not be a good assumption.

    Thanks, Chris

  • I vaguely recall reading about something similar (wattage list perhaps?) but could be imagining it.

    I'm assuming you've got the latest firmware on the LYC?

    Also, unrelated but while I have you - at some point in the last month I think you mentioned that you were going to do a post on modifying race targets based on long ride results.  How's that coming along?  I'd like to read it sometime in the next 6 weeks. image
  • The PT head keeps track of the total time it is in use for the day- the largest number; how long the display is moving numbers around- which continue for 17-18 seconds after back wheel stops moving- next largest number; actual riding time- smallest number.

    So last weekend, we rode 2 loops of IMWI course. PT actually on and displaying numbers was 5:30, but time for the day was 7 hours ( we spent a lot of time in the coffee/ bike shop watching TdF. Moving time was about 5:20.

    Make sense?
  • Posted By Michele Cellai on 16 Jul 2010 12:45 PM

    The PT head keeps track of the total time it is in use for the day- the largest number; how long the display is moving numbers around- which continue for 17-18 seconds after back wheel stops moving- next largest number; actual riding time- smallest number.

    So last weekend, we rode 2 loops of IMWI course. PT actually on and displaying numbers was 5:30, but time for the day was 7 hours ( we spent a lot of time in the coffee/ bike shop watching TdF. Moving time was about 5:20.

    Make sense?

    Yes, that would make sense if you stopped that frequently but nobody in the world I know stops that frequently.  Actually, even if the above was true then why all of sudden did it change? Like I said, until recently I never had this problem. I keep saying this but I've owned multiple PTs for almost 7 years and I've honestly never had a difference between my computer/display time and my downloaded ride time.

    Thanks, Chris




  • Posted By Craig Harris on 16 Jul 2010 12:08 PM

    Also, unrelated but while I have you - at some point in the last month I think you mentioned that you were going to do a post on modifying race targets based on long ride results.  How's that coming along?  I'd like to read it sometime in the next 6 weeks.

    Funny you mention it...

    A great exaxmple: I recently had someone contact me about his power file at IMSG. The guy insisted he rode too easy. On the surface it did appear he rode too easy (assuming you can really do that in IM). I then asked him to provide me with long ride data and he didn't have a single long ride over .68 IF and it's not like this guy was biking 20hrs/week either.

    Anyway, I hope to have something soon.

    Thanks, Chris

  • In terms of "what changed" I figured that when you went wireless, there would have been a different LYC and that maybe Saris had introduced a quirk with the firmware rev?  Hence the question about whether you were running the latest.  Saris would probably work but I bet the wattage folks would get to the bottom of it pretty quick too.


    Re: long ride IF, I re-read your post on IM bike execution and there is good stuff on that very subject in there - albeit brief - looking forward to hearing you expand on it!  I fear I might be in that grey area a bit - the next month of carefully monitored long rides will tell for sure.
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