Ladies Cycling Shoes- who are you wearing?
I'm considering purchasing a new set of bike shoes. I have Sidi Tri shoes that I've owned for a very loooooong time (the first pair of cycling shoes I ever bought actually). They serve me well in short distance, but I get hot foot when I go longer distances and I think this may partially be because they are a big snug/narrow in the forefoot. I'll be getting the Specialized footbeds we've discussed in other threads as well to help since I have now observed a definate tendency for me to push the peddles using the outside of my foot.
Anyway- I'm actually thinking of buying Road shoes (not Tri Shoes). For Ironman, the whole easy transition thing just doesn't really matter as much (I'm not mounting/dismounting with shoes on bike), and for anything shorter than IM, my Sidi's would still be OK. OTOH, the Sidi's totally suck when riding longer distance on the road bike- ESPECIALLY in winter or cold/rainy weather. So I think a proper set of road shoes might just be in order.
Soooo- what shoes are you ladies wearing? What have you tried and liked or not liked? I'll be doing the mail order thing since my "shopping" options are seriously limited, so I want to get some ideas before I start the UPS parade to my front door (nothing like that big brown box truck showing up to signal to Joe that I've bought yet another bike accessory! )
thanks, Nemo... I'm needing new shoes myself. I have specialized road shoes, but I'm not a huge fan - and lost 2 toenails during a century ride last year (wonder if they're not properly fitted or I'm not using good pedal technique)... they're about 6 years old... so perhaps a newer model might help.
For the trainer rides and all rides (even on the tri bike) up until Race Prep, I wear my road shoes (Sidi Genius circa 2000). They are just way more comfortable.
For races and Race Prep, I use the tri shoes.
For winter riding (temps < 35 degrees for 'cross, road, or mtb), I have winter bike shoes. They are much more warm than putting even a neoprene shoe cover on a regular bike shoe.
Tri- I wear them from the time it warms up past 60 to October. I had to retire my old Carnac's (which I totally loved) and bought the custom fit Schimano's. Can't say that I am pleased with value for the money. Not cheap and they still want to rub on the top right of my foot (around the ankle). :-( (scroll down to the Zephyr)
This is the shoe I have been wearing since '08. Is a "road" shoe, but suffices for tri as it has no buckle. And the white is b**tchin!!
After several pairs of road shoes with velcro-only closures, and the velcro eventually wearing out before the shoe, I upgraded to a pair of Sidi Genius, circa 2001. Finally replaced them last year with the Sidi Genius 5.5 (same link as above, just click on Genius 5.5). And I've had lots of compliments on the white iridescent color (technically "Steel/Crequelle"). LOVE these shoes, with the Specialized footbeds.
I get hot foot only on the R and the specialized foot beds are sitting on the counter waiting for Garth to return from Madison with my shoes.
Wow - you chicas are reading my mind.
I only have sidi road shoes - Michele M. we are twins! I never knew that color was called "crequelle" you learn something new every day! They are pretty snazzy and on a sunny day they actually sparkle
I've always loved my Sidis, but I have very recently been noticing a slight hotspot issue on the outside of both of my feet. I was wondering if it was actually "heat related" and perhaps my socks are too warm. So on a similar note, does anyone have sock recommendations for the heat? Sockless does not really work for me. I have spent so much on IM stuff this year I was hoping not to have to buy new shoes. I'm doing an RR this weekend, so that will perhaps be the final word on shoe comfort.
Are specialized footbeds just off -the -shelf? Not customized?
good stuff... this is super helpful. I also had the question about the specialized footbeds (what are they/where can I get them). Should probably get a move on and start training it whatever I get. Perhaps not race in them at Timberman, but with the goal of having them broken in for IMFL. Nice to know road shoes aren't passe! My immediate goal is to learn to clip in and throw my other leg over while rolling (tried this past weekend... it wasn't pretty)... leaving shoes on bike is a long way down the road for me.
Great input ladies. I'm realizing ultimately I need to do a shopping trip to a store with lots of selection so I can try these things on. Fit is going to be the big factor.
The Specialized Footbeds and Hot Foot issue were discussed in some detail in this thread for those of you interested:
I received my Specialized footbeds today and cut them to size, but they make the fit of my Sidi's even tighter and I think that's going to be a problem. New Shoes are in my future.
Oh- and RE Socks, I generally just use thin cycling socks (Sock Guy or other), but for really hot days I'll pull out the really thin "Ironman" socks (by Wigwam I think) that I got at Eagleman.
Aimee - I hadn't ever heard of crequelle before, either! But I really like it.
You should be able to get the off-the-shelf specialized footbeds at any shop that sells Specialized bikes. They come in 3 different arch heights, and the staff at the shop should be able to help you determine the one that's most appropriate. They also come with optional wedges which many people could benefit from depending on foot structure. Again, staff should be able to help determine this. The idea is that you remove the existing footbed in the shoe and put the specialized footbed in instead. But as Nemo points out, since the sidi footbed is super thin, the specialized footbeds take up a bit more space in the shoe (especially if you use the wedges with them). If your shoes are already super tight, that might be a problem, but worth trying.
LOVE my super thin Balega socks, and can't bring myself to ever wear a different sock in my cycling (and running) shoes.
They're the Balega X-Athlete Hidden Dry model.
:-) I went to a local tri shop and tried some shoes on yesterday... wouldn't you know it, the sidi's felt the best - but the men's T2 (with a yellow superfeet insert) not the women's. I found them cheaper online and just ordered them... need to get another pair of cleats so I'll have the old road shoes for bad weather.... will keep you posted.
Oh, and Nemo - I mentioned hot spots to the tech who was helping me... and he asked about my pedals (speedplays), he suggested moving the cleat up or back just a hair to try to alleviate some of the discomfort. Thought I'd pass that along. Good luck with the new shoes (oh, and are you heading to town... still not getting email updates... I'm due for an RR Sat)