Washing these sweaty clothes
OK, whatr does everyone else use to wash their exercise gear? I've used Penguin Sport Wash with pretty good results. I've tried Winn but am losing faith in that product pretty qucikly. Looking for any other ideas of what people use.
I hate spending 9$ for a small thing of detergent. I use Tide with Febreze and the above shower method---my clothes are stink-free.
My DH, OTOH, will leave his workout clothes to ferment in the hamper. To de-stink them, I have to wash them 2-3 times. I NEVER put technical clothes in the dryer---that just permanently seals the smell into them.
Here's a link to the method project: http://www.methodhome.com/products-laundry.aspx
This brings up the question: how do you get *that* smell out of your bike shoes. Ya, know. . . *that* smell. . . . This product seems to have done the trick: http://www.febreze.com/en-us/pages/collection.aspx?category=sport&gclid=CKODrorw7aICFQ6bnAod3jbxbQ It might work on stinky clothes, too.
Your suppose to wash your clothes?
I am a Win fan. Never had any issues and it has always worked well for me.
Afer my daughter takes a bubble bath I throw my cycling shoes in the bathwater for an hour or so and let them sit outside. They do permanently reside out there, but at least when they go into the car they no longer have to remain in seal zip-loc bags.
I use regular Cheer free on clothes- no bleach, no softener, hang dry. I lay or hang wet stuff after workout or yes the mildew smell creeps in!
Thanks for all of the input. I tried the vinegar option for a few that had gotten forgotten, worked pretty darn well. I think I'm going to try some of the Tide with febreeze since it should be easier to find than the Penguin, etc. I do know that my bottle of Winn is empty and I won't be purchasing another one.
Thansk for all of the good discussion.
OK, so I am always looking for new, cheaper ways of doing things. After reading this thread I decided to buy Tide with Fabreeze. But I wanted to "test" it cuz I like to do that kinda stuff. So I ran one day and did my normal sweat thing. Got home and washed my favorite running shirt ONLY in cold water with a 2nd rinse cycle and with Tide with Fabreeze. Then hung it out to dry. My shirt smelled very good. The next day I went and ran and once the sweat started I could smell almost immediately my B.O. under the floral scent. I know my B.O. intimately as I think we all do.
Then I went home and washed that same shirt ONLY in Penguin (I use Win also), a 2nd rinse cycle and then hung it out to dry. Went and ran yesterday and when the sweat started there was no floral scent or underlying B.O. No smell at all.
I really like the Tide with Fabreeze and we will use it on my wife's work clothes, but for me it didn't get rid of my B.O. It just seemed to try and mask it. I guess my B.O. is more pungent than most.
Thanks for reading.
Hmmm, maybe I was just born smelling like a rose, or I'm just so used to my own stench that I don't notice it, or maybe I'm doing something right. I just about NEVER leave sweaty clothes wadded up. After every workout I take whatever was hung yesterday and throw it in a mesh hamper, and then hang up today's soaked clothes. I think that if you don't let the funk get sunk in, you don't have to work so hard to get it out.
As for soap, I just checked, and we're using Tide Free & Gentle. I just do a normal cold load with the suggested amount of soap - and then hang all my tech clothes to dry.
+1. I have a wicker hamper, and hang things around the edge after workworks session (the socks go in the carrying slits). End of the day or before next workout, whenever dry, they go into the (covered) hamper. Wash on Sunday, with whatever detergent DW has bought this week, and I get no stares at home or on rides/runs.
No one will go into my room, though, while the things are hanging outside the hamper!
@Mike - Ultrarunners don't sweat . . . they perspire. :-) And their perspiration smells like roses. :-)
I went through all this a few years ago and asked the same question in another tri group cuz my clothes were nasty. Ended up with Win/Penguin and had good luck ever since. Guess we are all different.
For my bike shoes I use Stuffits. Had for over a year now and they are still working great. Run shoes I just wash.