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7/17/10 - Saturday Bike Thread

I am finally feeling like a real triathlete again.  Had a long brick last weekend per my plan (1 hr swim, 2:45 bike and 1 hr run) and today I did a very hard bike followed by 15' run.  Hell ya!   Distance wasn't far cuz there was lotsa steady climbing and rollers the whole way.  Was sitting in the .89x IF range for most of the ride but dropped a tick the last 20 minutes or so chatting with my buddy.  It was ~ 90 degrees off the bike and the run hurt but I pushed into Z3 without any problems.

Tomorrow is another bike day but I am going to pace my wife at her Oly event tomorrow instead.  So I will hammer the swim in my wave and then wait for her and bike and run with her.  Should be fun.

Entire workout (160 watts):

Duration:   2:49:45

Work:       2197 kJ

TSS:        258.5 (intensity factor 0.885)

Norm Power: 208

VI:         1.13

Distance:   48.903 mi

Elevation Gain:     2231 ft

Elevation Loss:    2209 ft


  • Awwww, I kinda missed these posts! I rode 4 hours today. Did my intervals early to get them done with and at about 3 hours ran into one of the faster roadie guys around here. He flipped it and rode with me for a little while letting me lead (he knew I didn't want to draft) and then said "OK Nemo, when we get to X road, I want you to Time Trial it until we hit the traffic light and I'll try to stay on your wheel"

    HA HA HA! "TRY to stay on my wheel- yeah, as if it would be a challenge for him!" Well, the challenge was set and I had to take it. So I drilled myself for what worked out to another 10 minute FTP interval. Did I mention this was 3 hours into the ride and all my "work" was done???! Yeah, I totally limped home after that one! GREAT STUFF!!! I need this guy to come out and find me on the road more often :-)

    Tomorrow is a 3 hour ride with our own Ralph Butler who is down in OBX with his family for vacation. Should be fun!
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