I didn't swim at all during the OS. When I got back in the water, I got an ear infection and couldn't swim. Got a couple of weeks of swimming and then was on vacation without a pool easily accessible. So I'm not on plan. Should I try to do the workouts in the plan (I'm on week 6 of the HIM plan), or is there a better strategy with so little time left until my race?
Bob, don't get too worried. My thoughts: 3 swims a week as 2 x technique, short. 1 x endurance long. In last two weeks, plan on swimming 4-5x a week. Longer two weeks out than race week, technique and some speed on race week. It's all about proximity to race with swimming. If you can't get the water time in, then add some swim cord per the swim ebook for that third (or fourth / fifth) session.
Hope you are recoverying well Patrick. I am heading out of country for two weeks and will not have my bike. I followed Rich's recommendation of going hard on the bike these past two weeks and Rich mentioned going hard on the run while out of the country. Can you give me some more guidance on hard running for the next two weeks. I will have access to a pool. Thanks for the insight and I think this will be a good opportunity for me to work on my running. I am currently on week 6 of 20 Beginner IM.
Steve...I refuse to reply until you tell me where you are going and promise a token t shirt gift.
Two weeks is a long time to focus on just running. I would keep it pretty simple as a three day routine. This way you can flex if you need to juggle a day / plans change, and I don't set expectations on your travel time from my wheelchair at 11pm on a Wednesday night on Vicotin.
* Day 1: Short and Hard run....20' out easy/exploration, 20' back hard (or intervals as 2x1 mile or 5 x 3' (2). Stretch and some Core. Total = 60 minutes.
* Day 2: Longer / Easier...Anywhere from 45-90' of running as negative split focused. Not too hard.
* Day 3: Core / Yoga / Flex work. Option to run, but only strides or easy/technique run.
I didn't swim at all during the OS. When I got back in the water, I got an ear infection and couldn't swim. Got a couple of weeks of swimming and then was on vacation without a pool easily accessible. So I'm not on plan. Should I try to do the workouts in the plan (I'm on week 6 of the HIM plan), or is there a better strategy with so little time left until my race?
Bob, don't get too worried. My thoughts: 3 swims a week as 2 x technique, short. 1 x endurance long. In last two weeks, plan on swimming 4-5x a week. Longer two weeks out than race week, technique and some speed on race week. It's all about proximity to race with swimming. If you can't get the water time in, then add some swim cord per the swim ebook for that third (or fourth / fifth) session.
for technique workouts I usually do 400 warm up, followed by 15-20x50(10), and then 500 drills. Does that make sense?
I'll be racing IM KS 70.3 this weekend then looking to jump back into my 20 week IM plan for IMWI, I think I'd be around week 6 of the WI plan if I jumped right into it. Any advice for how many tranisiton week(s) to take and what the structure of those would look like?
We are heading to a small city about 8 hours from Rio. My wife is from there and we are taking the whole family down there. I will do you one better than a t shirt, bottles of Pinga for you and Rich. Thanks for the schedule changes as it will help out. Get better and watch the mail for those bottles and tshirts.
Tried this with an email, hope for a response here
Gentlemen, thanks for your insight on my forum submissions to this point. I am getting more comfortable using the forums.
That said, I am no longer comparing the 12 week $200 pdf I purchased vs the online plan you loaded for me as a member and questioning what the.... I have the following questions after looking at the entire last 12 weeks of the 20-week plan (thanks Patrick) and thought better in a single email rather than a forum submission:
1- There are 3 iterations of TT, do you stress this or leave it up to the athlete? 2- Are all runs on bike days Bricks? 3- As sat moved to 4.5 hrs sun goes down (compared to 12-week PDF), was this a recent adjustment? 4- When you look at the micro-macro forums do you prefer I reply to your reply or start a new item?
Lastly, I posted a query on forum to figure out a hill-training approach for IMC. I understand, the only difference doing the z4-5 sets on flats, rolling or hill repeats is the speed. However, considering the amount of climbing for IMC I am trying to establish an approach to ensure enough hills are done so I am prepared for riding in that position. I was thinking, do the threshold sessions on hills one week flats the next, or do hills on wed and flat/rolling on sat. Just looking for ideas.
Tried this with an email, hope for a response here
Gentlemen, thanks for your insight on my forum submissions to this point. I am getting more comfortable using the forums.
That said, I am no longer comparing the 12 week $200 pdf I purchased vs the online plan you loaded for me as a member and questioning what the.... I have the following questions after looking at the entire last 12 weeks of the 20-week plan (thanks Patrick) and thought better in a single email rather than a forum submission:
1- There are 3 iterations of TT, do you stress this or leave it up to the athlete?
2- Are all runs on bike days Bricks?
3- As sat moved to 4.5 hrs sun goes down (compared to 12-week PDF), was this a recent adjustment?
4- When you look at the micro-macro forums do you prefer I reply to your reply or start a new item?
Lastly, I posted a query on forum to figure out a hill-training approach for IMC. I understand, the only difference doing the z4-5 sets on flats, rolling or hill repeats is the speed. However, considering the amount of climbing for IMC I am trying to establish an approach to ensure enough hills are done so I am prepared for riding in that position. I was thinking, do the threshold sessions on hills one week flats the next, or do hills on wed and flat/rolling on sat. Just looking for ideas.
Thanks in advance.
Tim, the Micro and Macro threads are the tools we use to answer specific training questions from the team. 400 of you, 2 of us, email just wouldn't work. Please use these threads. My answers to your Q's:
Sorry, don't understand what you mean by 3 iterations of TT. Please explain or give examples.
We recommend you do the runs as bricks for time efficiency reasons: one workout, one shower/costume change, session is done in the AM and not hanging over your head all day, done.
We made a lot of changes to the plans inside. This is likely one of them. I'm sure the volume change to Sunday wasn't much at all (maybe 30'). Fine to keep the volume but not at the expense of the intensity.
Just post your "what do I do about this week/I have big picture questions about my training" in these two threads. Check out the threads and you'll get a feel for the questions that are asked here.
Hills: frankly, there isn't anything too magical about climbing/not climbing hills. I recommend you post this question as a new thread in the General Discussion forum. You'll get a ton of insights from the team regarding what they do in your situation.
I'm doing Steelhead 70.3 on July 31 as my Summer A race. I would like to add another September-ish race for an "A-" race to more or less close up the season.
A couple of choices are the Rev3 and Branson that are within driving distance for me. One is 6 weeks out, and the other is 7 weeks out. Redman half is also a possibility, 8 weeks out
Is this difference in gap reason enough to choose the later one, or do you guys think the difference isn't too big a deal? In case you think it matters, I'm 46 this year and have done 3 HIM races and one IM race in the last couple of years. If you have other reasons to suggest one race over another, I'd be glad to hear that as well.
Patrick, I hope you are feeling better and healing up well. I'm trying to get my thoughts organized for the start of my 20 week IM plan mid-June.
One Saturday per month I have to work a half day, from 7:30 until noon. Can't get out of it. I am willing to work out for 90 minutes, mayyybbbeee 120 occasionally, before work that day, and have no problem swimming later that afternoon, but that's about it. Doing a long ride on a July afternoon in Texas just won't work. On those weekends, should I switch the bike workouts, and do the longer ride on Sunday? I have mental trouble doing an ABP on the trainer - I really need intervals there. Is it ok to do a shorter interval ride Saturday and a longer ABP on Sunday, or what do you recommend? Thanks!
Patrick, I hope you are feeling better and healing up well. I'm trying to get my thoughts organized for the start of my 20 week IM plan mid-June.
One Saturday per month I have to work a half day, from 7:30 until noon. Can't get out of it. I am willing to work out for 90 minutes, mayyybbbeee 120 occasionally, before work that day, and have no problem swimming later that afternoon, but that's about it. Doing a long ride on a July afternoon in Texas just won't work. On those weekends, should I switch the bike workouts, and do the longer ride on Sunday? I have mental trouble doing an ABP on the trainer - I really need intervals there. Is it ok to do a shorter interval ride Saturday and a longer ABP on Sunday, or what do you recommend? Thanks!
I think simply switching the rides is the best option. If possible, I'd look to do something fun but hard that morning...can you get friends over for a group indoor ride...or meet them somewhere. Or perhaps you could do a group ride (of some kind) on that thursday, then run long on Sat AM (until the runs get too long?). Since it's only 1x a month, I am not that worried about it!
I'm doing Steelhead 70.3 on July 31 as my Summer A race. I would like to add another September-ish race for an "A-" race to more or less close up the season.
A couple of choices are the Rev3 and Branson that are within driving distance for me. One is 6 weeks out, and the other is 7 weeks out. Redman half is also a possibility, 8 weeks out
Is this difference in gap reason enough to choose the later one, or do you guys think the difference isn't too big a deal? In case you think it matters, I'm 46 this year and have done 3 HIM races and one IM race in the last couple of years. If you have other reasons to suggest one race over another, I'd be glad to hear that as well.
I think you have had a long, long season. I was going to say that I prefer you pick the furthest one away, but then realized that only extended your training (and season) by almost another month. Not worth it. Instead, pick the "easiest" one to do, the one that leaves the smallest possible footprint on your life. The Rev races have a good reputation and might be in a fun location...so that could be a big win. Regardless, you can't assign any goals to it until after you have recovered from Steelhead...kapisch??
I see what you're saying on a literal basis...but it sounds like what you're really saying is I should punt altogether after Steelhead.
I surely grant that I started seriously working for Boston shortly after January 1, and I haven't had an A race before June in previous years.
But I've been avoiding all the fun/social local races this year to focus on specificity in da haus. [no "Dam to Dam 20K this weekend, no Drake half marathon, No HyVee Oly, no Pigman sprint, etc] Just Boston, the Oly I just did and Steelhead firmly on the schedule at all. So I do have that "cool things to do" itch left to scratch.
The end of July just seems so early to hang it up for the season.
Nonetheless, ARE you saying I should retire for the season after Steelhead and maybe just do a couple short local races? There's a great local half, but it's too soon after Steelhead to do it well (Pigman, Aug 22). There are a few sprints and Olys nearby in August and September. Fun, but I wouldn't have trained with any specificity for them.
I'm pretty sure you won't tell me to do an October marathon...but it is formally an option. I think there's a half associated with it, too. :-)
I suppose some of this may also hinge on what I want to do in 2011. Probably no Boston even though my 2010 time gets me in again. It was great fun, but expensive and I think I want to focus on triathlons again and get a top notch out-season done.
Hey guys, my last scheduled race in coming up this Sunday, Eagleman. I am trying to figure out what to with the rest of my season. Long term goal is to crush IM Switzerland in July 2011. First order of business would be to take a week or so easy after Eagleman. Then what to do? I have toyed with adding a sprint here or there during the summer. Also thought of doing some century rides or something fun like that. Just like Florida 70.3 earlier this year, I have an offer to do Silverman Half in November with all expenses covered. I am considering doing this. Wife has given the OK. Get good exposure to the boss. That would put 5 months between A races. Would this be advisable? And to throw another twist into this, I am considering running the Philly Marathon, which would be two weeks after Silverman. So am I nuts?
R n P I am on week 7 of Half Ironman Intermediate training for Sept Half. The 20 week Ironman plan for Ironman Fl, Nov 6th would start June 19th. When do you advise me switching from Half to Full Ironman training plan? thank you
@Tucker, 5mo between races is plenty. That said, I think you should do the OS plan until 8wks out from Silverman, as that is the best tool we have for making you faster, and 5mo is just a long time to continue training for an HIM after having just finished another one. Better to go short and very fast, have fun this summer, and wait to dial up the HIM volume until you need to.
If you decide to do the marathon after Silverman, that changes things. On the front end, you'd need to integrate marathon training into whatever plan you were doing to prepare for Silverman. As for racing a marathon two weeks after Silverman, not ideal but I think you'll be OK.
Short answer is that you're still a very long way away from needing to make the decision about the marathon. I'd say you could hold of that decision until...12-14wks out from the marathon. At that point we could have this conversation again to talk about specifics.
One more question, I'm about to switch my training plan over now that my 70.3 is over and resume my 20 week IM plan. I was planning on resuming the Intermediate Plan, this is for IMWI and it will be my first IM so I have no PR to go by. However I just dipped sub-5 (barely, ~4:57) at my 70.3 this weekend and I feel my fitness has a lot more room to grow this summer. Given my lack of full IM experience I was leaning towards staying with the Int. plan, but do you think I'm up to the challenge of moving to the advanced plan instead?
I see what you're saying on a literal basis...but it sounds like what you're really saying is I should punt altogether after Steelhead.
I surely grant that I started seriously working for Boston shortly after January 1, and I haven't had an A race before June in previous years.
But I've been avoiding all the fun/social local races this year to focus on specificity in da haus. [no "Dam to Dam 20K this weekend, no Drake half marathon, No HyVee Oly, no Pigman sprint, etc] Just Boston, the Oly I just did and Steelhead firmly on the schedule at all. So I do have that "cool things to do" itch left to scratch.
The end of July just seems so early to hang it up for the season.
Nonetheless, ARE you saying I should retire for the season after Steelhead and maybe just do a couple short local races? There's a great local half, but it's too soon after Steelhead to do it well (Pigman, Aug 22). There are a few sprints and Olys nearby in August and September. Fun, but I wouldn't have trained with any specificity for them.
I'm pretty sure you won't tell me to do an October marathon...but it is formally an option. I think there's a half associated with it, too. :-)
I suppose some of this may also hinge on what I want to do in 2011. Probably no Boston even though my 2010 time gets me in again. It was great fun, but expensive and I think I want to focus on triathlons again and get a top notch out-season done.
More confused than when I started,
William -
If you are reading into my posts literally and figuratively, we might have broader issues. Coach P only speaky on one level re training! Seriously though, I am saying this. Adding another A race at the end of the year after boston and steelhead is probably too much. Doing a ton of cool fun races after Steelhead and ripping it up and having fun....AWESOME. FINE. DOOO IT. I am encouraging you to do stuff, but not to plan to do stuff, sit down with a protractor and abacus, block out the fun races for another 3 months just to have another A race. I am making it very black and white, you can draw your own distinction. Remember, my goal is to have you fit in 2011, 2012, and beyond, and that means we need you to be into it when you need to be, and NOT into it if it's not necessary....
First, thanks for your call last night.. It is a nice touch for new members. I am racing Eagleman this Sunday and you have started me off using HIM Medium training plan 2.0 12 weeks. You mentioned that I would be switching after this race to a OS plan since I have 2 Olympics NYC, July and Park City in August comming up with Toughman another Half in Sept and or Mightyman 1/2 in Oct. I have never seen what the OS plans are but asumue they are alot of base training. I just want your big picture thoughts to this plan you had reccomended.
If you are reading into my posts literally and figuratively, we might have broader issues. Coach P only speaky on one level re training! Seriously though, I am saying this. Adding another A race at the end of the year after boston and steelhead is probably too much. Doing a ton of cool fun races after Steelhead and ripping it up and having fun....AWESOME. FINE. DOOO IT. I am encouraging you to do stuff, but not to plan to do stuff, sit down with a protractor and abacus, block out the fun races for another 3 months just to have another A race. I am making it very black and white, you can draw your own distinction. Remember, my goal is to have you fit in 2011, 2012, and beyond, and that means we need you to be into it when you need to be, and NOT into it if it's not necessary....
Now I am sort of confused...
Coach P-
Got it. Hole drilled through thick skull, funnel positioned, and answer poured in. Another "A race" past Steelhead is out.
I didn't mean to imply I was considering doing a bunch of fun races PLUS another "A-" HIM: it was an either/or thing. You were telling me not to be a dope and add a 3rd big race for the year at all, but I had had my single-minded-blinders on and didn't get it. In my reply, I meant to say that I had fun, local alternatives to another big race to fill the summer, and was trying to clarify. At Casa Jenks, it's not worth $500-600, 3 days of absence, and a number of SAUs to do another half somewhere "just for fun".
So, if I may... the "plan" is now NOT to plan past Steelhead. Knock Steelhead out of the park (or, given that the World Cup is coming up, "put Steelhead into the upper 90"). If I feel like it, do a few fun, short, local races for the rest of the summer, then decompress for a while - all with the goal of crushing it again in 2011 and beyond.
Coaches, First, thanks for your call last night.. It is a nice touch for new members. I am racing Eagleman this Sunday and you have started me off using HIM Medium training plan 2.0 12 weeks. You mentioned that I would be switching after this race to a OS plan since I have 2 Olympics NYC, July and Park City in August comming up with Toughman another Half in Sept and or Mightyman 1/2 in Oct. I have never seen what the OS plans are but asumue they are alot of base training. I just want your big picture thoughts to this plan you had reccomended.
@Scott - no worries...chatting with the new folks is one of the highlights of the whole gig!!! The OS stuff is actually pretty hard work, minimal base. Think FAST before FAR. You can read up on it in our Training Manual as you taper. Enjoy it and good luck this weekend!
I have completed my first A race, 70.3 Kansas. I have used Season Planning Tool to plan next 15 weeks to 70.3 Branson. I have uploaded 20 Week Advanced Outseason plan. The plan shows me in week 14 of 20, however I only show up to week 16 in my Training Plan Central.
Will weeks 17 through 20 show up as soon as I complete week 16 without me doing anything or there should be an action on my part?
I am in post race transition week now, will begin this Outseason plan in week 15, no testing at the start, should I wait and test later or test at the start?
Using the season planning tool I came up with 6 weeks Advanced Outseason Plan, it ends 07/25/2010, than 8 weeks of 12 Week Advanced HIM plan ending 09/19/2010, does this sound correct? I have a total 14 weeks to next A race.
PS: I thought I posted this question, but may have misplaced it somewhere.
I have just finished the OS part of my plan. I am about 19 weeks out from my first Iron distance race. I have the 20 week beginner IM plan. I am having a tough time finding information on the swimming drills that are to be done in the work out. Do I need to purchase the Swim E-book to get these drills or am I missing something? Thanks for the help.
I am doing IMCdA next week. My schedule does not have anything posted past week 12 (next week). I have IM Timberman coming up and MCM after that. What do I need to do to see the projected schedule after IMCdA? Would like to know recovery sched and next few weeks after IMCdA.
I am doing IMCdA next week. My schedule does not have anything posted past week 12 (next week). I have IM Timberman coming up and MCM after that. What do I need to do to see the projected schedule after IMCdA? Would like to know recovery sched and next few weeks after IMCdA.
Please check out the Post Race / Transition post in the wiki (here). In general, you want to take 2 weeks pretty darn light before you start thinking about training. I will always happily fix "need to get fit, fast!" than "please unfook me, it's two weeks to go until race day and I am in a hole" -- you get the idea!
I've got Vineman 70.3 coming up in 4 1/2 weeks. Since I know I can't finish the bike in 3 hours or the run in two hours, I'm wondering if I should be riding and running a little longer these last few weeks. Last year for my first IM, I kept my rides to the guidance in the plan and it worked fine. But since this is a HIM, I thought I'd ask if I should increase my long sessions to closer to race distance. This question also applies to the bike on my second race rehearsal. Thanks
Bob, don't get too worried. My thoughts: 3 swims a week as 2 x technique, short. 1 x endurance long. In last two weeks, plan on swimming 4-5x a week. Longer two weeks out than race week, technique and some speed on race week. It's all about proximity to race with swimming. If you can't get the water time in, then add some swim cord per the swim ebook for that third (or fourth / fifth) session.
Steve...I refuse to reply until you tell me where you are going and promise a token t shirt gift.
Two weeks is a long time to focus on just running. I would keep it pretty simple as a three day routine. This way you can flex if you need to juggle a day / plans change, and I don't set expectations on your travel time from my wheelchair at 11pm on a Wednesday night on Vicotin.
* Day 1: Short and Hard run....20' out easy/exploration, 20' back hard (or intervals as 2x1 mile or 5 x 3' (2). Stretch and some Core. Total = 60 minutes.
* Day 2: Longer / Easier...Anywhere from 45-90' of running as negative split focused. Not too hard.
* Day 3: Core / Yoga / Flex work. Option to run, but only strides or easy/technique run.
for technique workouts I usually do 400 warm up, followed by 15-20x50(10), and then 500 drills. Does that make sense?
I'll be racing IM KS 70.3 this weekend then looking to jump back into my 20 week IM plan for IMWI, I think I'd be around week 6 of the WI plan if I jumped right into it. Any advice for how many tranisiton week(s) to take and what the structure of those would look like?
We are heading to a small city about 8 hours from Rio. My wife is from there and we are taking the whole family down there. I will do you one better than a t shirt, bottles of Pinga for you and Rich. Thanks for the schedule changes as it will help out. Get better and watch the mail for those bottles and tshirts.
@Trevor, see the self-coaching guide for post HIM training week guidance.
Gentlemen, thanks for your insight on my forum submissions to this point. I am getting more comfortable using the forums.
That said, I am no longer comparing the 12 week $200 pdf I purchased vs the online plan you loaded for me as a member and questioning what the.... I have the following questions after looking at the entire last 12 weeks of the 20-week plan (thanks Patrick) and thought better in a single email rather than a forum submission:
1- There are 3 iterations of TT, do you stress this or leave it up to the athlete?
2- Are all runs on bike days Bricks?
3- As sat moved to 4.5 hrs sun goes down (compared to 12-week PDF), was this a recent adjustment?
4- When you look at the micro-macro forums do you prefer I reply to your reply or start a new item?
Lastly, I posted a query on forum to figure out a hill-training approach for IMC. I understand, the only difference doing the z4-5 sets on flats, rolling or hill repeats is the speed. However, considering the amount of climbing for IMC I am trying to establish an approach to ensure enough hills are done so I am prepared for riding in that position. I was thinking, do the threshold sessions on hills one week flats the next, or do hills on wed and flat/rolling on sat. Just looking for ideas.
Thanks in advance.
Tim, the Micro and Macro threads are the tools we use to answer specific training questions from the team. 400 of you, 2 of us, email just wouldn't work. Please use these threads. My answers to your Q's:
Hills: frankly, there isn't anything too magical about climbing/not climbing hills. I recommend you post this question as a new thread in the General Discussion forum. You'll get a ton of insights from the team regarding what they do in your situation.
I'm doing Steelhead 70.3 on July 31 as my Summer A race. I would like to add another September-ish race for an "A-" race to more or less close up the season.
A couple of choices are the Rev3 and Branson that are within driving distance for me. One is 6 weeks out, and the other is 7 weeks out. Redman half is also a possibility, 8 weeks out
Is this difference in gap reason enough to choose the later one, or do you guys think the difference isn't too big a deal? In case you think it matters, I'm 46 this year and have done 3 HIM races and one IM race in the last couple of years. If you have other reasons to suggest one race over another, I'd be glad to hear that as well.
Patrick, I hope you are feeling better and healing up well. I'm trying to get my thoughts organized for the start of my 20 week IM plan mid-June.
One Saturday per month I have to work a half day, from 7:30 until noon. Can't get out of it. I am willing to work out for 90 minutes, mayyybbbeee 120 occasionally, before work that day, and have no problem swimming later that afternoon, but that's about it. Doing a long ride on a July afternoon in Texas just won't work. On those weekends, should I switch the bike workouts, and do the longer ride on Sunday? I have mental trouble doing an ABP on the trainer - I really need intervals there. Is it ok to do a shorter interval ride Saturday and a longer ABP on Sunday, or what do you recommend? Thanks!
I think simply switching the rides is the best option. If possible, I'd look to do something fun but hard that morning...can you get friends over for a group indoor ride...or meet them somewhere. Or perhaps you could do a group ride (of some kind) on that thursday, then run long on Sat AM (until the runs get too long?). Since it's only 1x a month, I am not that worried about it!
I think you have had a long, long season. I was going to say that I prefer you pick the furthest one away, but then realized that only extended your training (and season) by almost another month. Not worth it. Instead, pick the "easiest" one to do, the one that leaves the smallest possible footprint on your life. The Rev races have a good reputation and might be in a fun location...so that could be a big win. Regardless, you can't assign any goals to it until after you have recovered from Steelhead...kapisch??
I see what you're saying on a literal basis...but it sounds like what you're really saying is I should punt altogether after Steelhead.
I surely grant that I started seriously working for Boston shortly after January 1, and I haven't had an A race before June in previous years.
But I've been avoiding all the fun/social local races this year to focus on specificity in da haus. [no "Dam to Dam 20K this weekend, no Drake half marathon, No HyVee Oly, no Pigman sprint, etc] Just Boston, the Oly I just did and Steelhead firmly on the schedule at all. So I do have that "cool things to do" itch left to scratch.
The end of July just seems so early to hang it up for the season.
Nonetheless, ARE you saying I should retire for the season after Steelhead and maybe just do a couple short local races? There's a great local half, but it's too soon after Steelhead to do it well (Pigman, Aug 22). There are a few sprints and Olys nearby in August and September. Fun, but I wouldn't have trained with any specificity for them.
I'm pretty sure you won't tell me to do an October marathon...but it is formally an option. I think there's a half associated with it, too. :-)
I suppose some of this may also hinge on what I want to do in 2011. Probably no Boston even though my 2010 time gets me in again. It was great fun, but expensive and I think I want to focus on triathlons again and get a top notch out-season done.
More confused than when I started,
Just like Florida 70.3 earlier this year, I have an offer to do Silverman Half in November with all expenses covered. I am considering doing this. Wife has given the OK. Get good exposure to the boss. That would put 5 months between A races. Would this be advisable?
And to throw another twist into this, I am considering running the Philly Marathon, which would be two weeks after Silverman. So am I nuts?
I am on week 7 of Half Ironman Intermediate training for Sept Half. The 20 week Ironman plan for Ironman Fl, Nov 6th would start June 19th. When do you advise me switching from Half to Full Ironman training plan?
thank you
@Tucker, 5mo between races is plenty. That said, I think you should do the OS plan until 8wks out from Silverman, as that is the best tool we have for making you faster, and 5mo is just a long time to continue training for an HIM after having just finished another one. Better to go short and very fast, have fun this summer, and wait to dial up the HIM volume until you need to.
If you decide to do the marathon after Silverman, that changes things. On the front end, you'd need to integrate marathon training into whatever plan you were doing to prepare for Silverman. As for racing a marathon two weeks after Silverman, not ideal but I think you'll be OK.
Short answer is that you're still a very long way away from needing to make the decision about the marathon. I'd say you could hold of that decision until...12-14wks out from the marathon. At that point we could have this conversation again to talk about specifics.
Please use the Season Planning Tools to help you lay all of this out.
@Dennis, I recommend you do the HIM plan until 12-14wks out from the Ironman. Then switch over to the IM plan and use that through the race. See:
One more question, I'm about to switch my training plan over now that my 70.3 is over and resume my 20 week IM plan. I was planning on resuming the Intermediate Plan, this is for IMWI and it will be my first IM so I have no PR to go by. However I just dipped sub-5 (barely, ~4:57) at my 70.3 this weekend and I feel my fitness has a lot more room to grow this summer. Given my lack of full IM experience I was leaning towards staying with the Int. plan, but do you think I'm up to the challenge of moving to the advanced plan instead?
William -
If you are reading into my posts literally and figuratively, we might have broader issues.
Coach P only speaky on one level re training! Seriously though, I am saying this. Adding another A race at the end of the year after boston and steelhead is probably too much. Doing a ton of cool fun races after Steelhead and ripping it up and having fun....AWESOME. FINE. DOOO IT. I am encouraging you to do stuff, but not to plan to do stuff, sit down with a protractor and abacus, block out the fun races for another 3 months just to have another A race. I am making it very black and white, you can draw your own distinction. Remember, my goal is to have you fit in 2011, 2012, and beyond, and that means we need you to be into it when you need to be, and NOT into it if it's not necessary....
Now I am sort of confused...
First, thanks for your call last night.. It is a nice touch for new members. I am racing Eagleman this Sunday and you have started me off using HIM Medium training plan 2.0 12 weeks. You mentioned that I would be switching after this race to a OS plan since I have 2 Olympics NYC, July and Park City in August comming up with Toughman another Half in Sept and or Mightyman 1/2 in Oct. I have never seen what the OS plans are but asumue they are alot of base training. I just want your big picture thoughts to this plan you had reccomended.
Coach P-
Got it. Hole drilled through thick skull, funnel positioned, and answer poured in. Another "A race" past Steelhead is out.
I didn't mean to imply I was considering doing a bunch of fun races PLUS another "A-" HIM: it was an either/or thing. You were telling me not to be a dope and add a 3rd big race for the year at all, but I had had my single-minded-blinders on and didn't get it. In my reply, I meant to say that I had fun, local alternatives to another big race to fill the summer, and was trying to clarify. At Casa Jenks, it's not worth $500-600, 3 days of absence, and a number of SAUs to do another half somewhere "just for fun".
So, if I may... the "plan" is now NOT to plan past Steelhead. Knock Steelhead out of the park (or, given that the World Cup is coming up, "put Steelhead into the upper 90"). If I feel like it, do a few fun, short, local races for the rest of the summer, then decompress for a while - all with the goal of crushing it again in 2011 and beyond.
@Scott - no worries...chatting with the new folks is one of the highlights of the whole gig!!!
Hello Coaches,
I have completed my first A race, 70.3 Kansas. I have used Season Planning Tool to plan next 15 weeks to 70.3 Branson. I have uploaded 20 Week Advanced Outseason plan. The plan shows me in week 14 of 20, however I only show up to week 16 in my Training Plan Central.
Will weeks 17 through 20 show up as soon as I complete week 16 without me doing anything or there should be an action on my part?
I am in post race transition week now, will begin this Outseason plan in week 15, no testing at the start, should I wait and test later or test at the start?
Using the season planning tool I came up with 6 weeks Advanced Outseason Plan, it ends 07/25/2010, than 8 weeks of 12 Week Advanced HIM plan ending 09/19/2010, does this sound correct? I have a total 14 weeks to next A race.
PS: I thought I posted this question, but may have misplaced it somewhere.
@Aleksandar, yep, I answered your q' in the Micro thread so check there. Thanks!
I have just finished the OS part of my plan. I am about 19 weeks out from my first Iron distance race. I have the 20 week beginner IM plan. I am having a tough time finding information on the swimming drills that are to be done in the work out. Do I need to purchase the Swim E-book to get these drills or am I missing something? Thanks for the help.
@Stephen, go to the Wiki Table of Contents, you'll see the link down there in the swim section
I am doing IMCdA next week. My schedule does not have anything posted past week 12 (next week). I have IM Timberman coming up and MCM after that. What do I need to do to see the projected schedule after IMCdA? Would like to know recovery sched and next few weeks after IMCdA.
I am doing IMCdA next week. My schedule does not have anything posted past week 12 (next week). I have IM Timberman coming up and MCM after that. What do I need to do to see the projected schedule after IMCdA? Would like to know recovery sched and next few weeks after IMCdA.
Please check out the Post Race / Transition post in the wiki (here). In general, you want to take 2 weeks pretty darn light before you start thinking about training. I will always happily fix "need to get fit, fast!" than "please unfook me, it's two weeks to go until race day and I am in a hole" -- you get the idea!
Good luck!
I've got Vineman 70.3 coming up in 4 1/2 weeks. Since I know I can't finish the bike in 3 hours or the run in two hours, I'm wondering if I should be riding and running a little longer these last few weeks. Last year for my first IM, I kept my rides to the guidance in the plan and it worked fine. But since this is a HIM, I thought I'd ask if I should increase my long sessions to closer to race distance. This question also applies to the bike on my second race rehearsal. Thanks