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V02 max runs on the treadmill

Are there any tips or tricks I should know for running V02 max runs on the treadmill?  The  weather is supposed to be cold and rainy tomorrow morning and I may not be able to get myself outside.  Do I just set the speed at the pace dictated by my Z5 zones, or a little faster?  Is a 1% incline on the 'mill enough?  Thanks for any advice!


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    I love doing V02 stuff on the treadmill especially if it's been a while or the paces are new to me. keeps me honest through the whole main set. image

    The key for me with treadmill work is a good warm up. outside your pace can be all over the place in that first mile but a treadmill prevents that if you stick it at one pace and just run. a sign that you're rushing it is tightness in your shins once you get to the actual intervals. For me here's what works: 5-10 min at EP and then some pick ups (3-4 with full recovery) at or above that pace for 30-60 seconds. really loosens up the lower leg and ankle so that I'm not slapping my feet. also gets my turnover up and flushes the system. takes 15 minutes tops.

    I'm a fan of 1-2% incline but that's mostly because it's more comfortable to me. start with 1% and see if you like it (will also prevent that running downhill feel with speed work). if not, got back to 0%. if you're still running outside and using the treadmill on bad weather days, I wouldn't sweat it. go with whatever feels better.

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     I usually go with the 1% grade and use my Zone 5 speeds from outdoor tests. Might be a little off, but I'm still working hard so can't be that far off! 

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    For short intervals, I change the speed of the treadmill a little early and a little late to make up for the approx. 5 seconds it takes my treadmill to get up to speed. Try it with 1% first and see how it goes. Other than that just set the speed to your Z5 pace and don't fall off the back or grab the hand rails.
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    Posted By mancona (aka Matt Ancona) on 01 Dec 2009 10:48 AM 

    just set the speed to your Z5 pace and don't fall off the back
    This is really good advice.....x2 on this


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    haha! so very true.

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    I tend to be a worrier.  Falling off the back has definitely crossed my mind!  I'm going to be holding the emergency stop cord during those intervals!  Thanks for the advice, all of you.  Very helpful!

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