Flashpoint FP60?
Hay's in the barn - time to paint the barn!
I'm toying with the idea of picking up a deep front for kicks (and "free" speed).
I'm ~147 and generally pretty easy on equipment.
Somewhat budget minded so thinking of going with Flashpoint - probably the FP60 (Rich still has some left in stock so I can get a decent enough deal). Have to admit I get a bit nervous just looking at the 80.
First big use would be IMC if I get it and ride it enough to feel comfortable with it.
Have you risen a deep wheel before? If not, find a wheel to borrow and see what you think yourself.
I personally do not think a 80mm deep wheel is a big deal but if you are nervous about it go with the 60mm as the speed difference is minimal and not worth having to worry about one more thing on race day.
Many zipp dealers have demo wheels available.
I use an 808 in the front 148-152lb with the disc cover. Love it. Wish I went with the 1080, I've had no issues....
So I guess the question Mike is whether the 60 would have only blown you 3/4 of the way?
I was really suprised to see what seemed like a really honest and no-BS assessment on this subject right on HED's main page:
For reference, the stinger 9 is analogous to an 808/FP80 whereas the Stinger 6 is analogous to a 404/FP60.
I was impressed with this because it seems quite contrary to the general Slowtwitch-esque attitude of deeper is better so you should HTFU.
@Craig, thanks for bringing the FP60 to my attention - I promised myself I'd get an aero front wheel as a reward when I get my FTP up to 250 (hopefully by next season?), and the FP60 seems like a good wheel for the money.
When you say Rich still has some left in stock, which Rich is that?
@Trevor, that's a great article, thanks!
@Jeff - that's a great point and probably one I didn't explore enough. I've heard good things about both, and also about Neuvation.
@Kevin - You deserve it! You can drive yourself nuts, but from my research it seems like Flashpoints are pretty damn good (SRAM S60 is basically the same wheel as FP60, mainly different decals I think). Flashpoint/SRAM are 9X percent of Zipp goodness with a somewhat more palatable price point.
Rich is Rich Sawiris at wheelbuilder.com We call him "Good Rich" so we don't get him confused with CoachR.
Thanks all - I went with the FP60 - I was leaning towards the 60 and Rich didn't have the 80 so that made the decision for me.