Beating the Heat or laying the smackdown
So some conundrums continue and need some advice. Lately my quads have been cramping right near the 60ish mile / 3:00 mark and staying that way anytime I have my leg extended (makes it kinda hard to push your way through 85 miles .
I am taking salt tabs, drinking bottles of Gatorade Endurance swapped with Accelerade.
at least 40 miles of today's ride my computer read 100+ degrees (I know we're all dealing with loads of heat).
I drank 3 lbs of fluids within an hour of starting (48oz), drank 6 bottles x24oz for a total of 9lbs and had a recovery drink of 24oz when I got home from 4hrs in the saddle. All that and I STILL LOST 5LBS on the ride - no wonder my HR was blasting into the 160's and even up to 175.
I don't think I can drink anymore on the ride and am confused on what to do - any good suggestions? If I take out the recovery drink because I'm not drinking that while exercising I am losing 6.5 lbs for a net loss of 4.0% - can't be good right?
Thoughts out there from the EN nation?
You guys must be my brothers from another mother because I suffer the same issues. Just curious what is your total sodium intake per hour. I'm at 1,200mg / hr but I'm thinking on uping it. I don't get full on cramps but do get a fair amout of "twinging".
I'm between 1000-1200mg in the form of Lava Salts as I go through the workout. Not sure how much more sodium is 'safe' nor how much more I can drink to offset a 4% weight loss . . . trying to go back to the drawing board but coming up a little empty . . .
Cramps are mysterious and can have multiple potential causes. Today, we had out annual "heat" wave in the Pac NW - temp on my 4 hour ride went from 77 >> 92 in bright sun. I drank enough, didn't lose even a pound, but started to get left quad cramp about 2 miles from the finish. I almost never get cramps when riding, and never there before. When it happened, I remembered that, along with forgetting (close your eyes, Kitima) sunscreen, I didn't have any salt tabs or e-caps. But I slowed down, and the cramp disappeared. I figured it was just a sign my ride, at 244TSS, was done - muscle self-protecting.