Goggle Fogging
I wear Aqua Sphere goggles and have always liked them very much. However, at a point in their lifespan they begin fogging up and no matter what I use or do, it is a loosing battle and I end up replacing what are otherwise, serviceable goggles.
Being a frugal kind of a guy, this disturbs me greatly.
What do you do or use to prevent and/or stop goggle fogging?
I also use the lens anti fogger that came with the goggles and have tried washing the goggles thoroughly with both dishwashing soap and hand soap. And once again I get almost 25 yards before the fogging sets in and I am basically swimming blind from that point forward.
I thought it was just warm water and full suit overheating?
@Al - I was a rescue swimmer when I was in the service. We would go from warm/hot environments into cool or cold places all the time. We used toothpaste to help with fogging. It seemed to work for me pretty good (smear it on, rinse is off, good to go). Now I just swim with goggles and spit. Anyway, something else for you to try. Good luck.