IMKY and IMCA EN chicas roll call
putting this separately....
1. what EN chicas are racing next weekend?. we don't want to leave you out of any MOJO!!
2. Please be advised: Take lots of pics of many things! videos too. See anybody and get some "documentary" before and after sorta thing, post it, somewheres, so we can see it!
3. We have a race day tracker in place within the EN haus and yep we will be watching, we got your back! We will hold you up to the same standard that we ourselves expect you to have of us. if you can guesstimate your times, let us know, that way when we watch... online we can be there with you.. and know of course, hmm too long there something must be up, or fast there, things are going better! for example Carrie at Utah in her T1 or T2, forgot now, but we knew that the conditions must be rough and everybody starting sending her good vibes/prayers. so no shame involved in your predicted times, just we wanna be able to see you finish!
Thanks M!
Hi - thanks for this Marianne
I'm racing IMKY on Sunday
@Marianne, also thanks for your comments in Matt S's heat index analysis in the forums, very helpful. Which brings me to my anticipated race timing... This is my first IM, so all bets are off in one sense. If my execution was good in good conditions, it would appear that I could bring it in under 13 hrs. The heat may be a major factor. Right now they are saying it's going to be right under 90 degrees on Sunday (better than over 90, that's for sure). The biggest impact will be on my run I would imagine. According to the IM tables at a solid 41 Vdot I can expect around a 4:30-4:50 run. I'm thinking it will be closer to the 4:50. Swim, a touch over an hour; bike somewhere between 6:30 and 7.
There, I wrote it.
My the EN forces be with me! Thanks chicas!
OK- who else is out there? Come on Chicas! Sound off so we can support you this weekend. Oh I'm getting goose bumps thinking about it. I just love an Ironman Sunday- ooooh, and I'm tapering too, what a great excuse to sit my butt in front of the PC all day!!!
I'm racing in Louisville this weekend too. This will be my second shot at the course; my revenge, if you will.
FYI, I did KY in 07 = my vdot is about a 39, it was about 90+ and I did a 4:45ish.. for the run.. so yep you are in the ballpark on time and on a good day,you are right maybe a bit faster. we will keep our fingers crossed
re: vengeance, well you know the course so that helps and have extra oomph to you so I bet you will.
Yasko. I love Regensburg, haven' t done the IM but have been there! wow that course will be very diff.
okay so take some pics before the race!!! m
Another big chica day! Can't wait to see you all come in!