Forum usage difficulties: overload?
The last couple days, I've had significant problems with the forums, but they seem to boil down to two issues:
1) I am getting "service unavailable" errors periodically. This seems to happen most when I am looking at super long threads like the "micro" or "macro" threads. This is sporadic, and I haven't tested it again much this morning (Thursday). It could be overload from the new users or something, but I suspect it is related to the size of certain threads, too.
2) I have been completely unable to put images into a post. I'm a mac user, and I have the latest version of Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. Chrome didn't even seem to let me upload the images. In Safari and Firefox, I could upload them, but the little "+" signs didn't do anything when I tried to use them. Perhaps I am doing it wrong, but I assumed that if I hit the green + sign when my cursor is in the correct place within a post, the image would go there. Related to this, the "preview" window was completely hanging whilst in Firefox. This is a NEW behavior in the last couple of days (since the update? since the new users?)
Thanks for any advice.
-Service Unavailable - we had a good bout of that yesterday evening. Some changes where made and I haven't seen it since so I am hoping we are past that.
-Forum - there are a few things going on with the forum. I am attacking them today.
Thanks for your patience.
Hey Guys,
Trust us, we are aware of all the issues. Continuing to point them out, especially the overloading stuff, will only serve to spinup Daniel at potential risk of life and limb . We're on it