I finished my last race of the season today! (Placed 2nd in my AG!) Now I have two weeks easy before the OS begins! I'm very excited to be a new EN member! My question is: I ran 5k PRs at my last two sprint tris within the last month. Can I use those times as my 5k TT to start my OS pacing guidelines or do I need to do another 5k TT? My triathlon 5ks are usually the same or faster than my stand alone 5ks ( I know it's strange!) Thanks!
What Keith said.
When you do an EN 5k TT you need to be literally gasping for air and in HZ (Hurl Zone) when you hit 3.1 miles. I like to have my faster friends pace me a little faster than I think I can do the total TT time so I know I won't give up towards the end.
It really is a unique experience.
Welcome to the team.
I am absolutely sure I gave it my all yesterday. As I started the 5k, I could see my best friend (who pushes me to my limits) about 90 seconds ahead of me. I was pushing hard and slowly making time on her. I passed her at the 2.6 mi mark. She surged, so I red-lined it the rest of the way knowing that she was on my heels and could pass me at the finish line! I was totally in the HZ!
I haven’t run that hard in 20 years! (Back in the day, puking at the finish line was my norm.) I know I could not have run ANY harder.
I'll bet you could have gone harder/faster in an open 5K than you did after swimming and biking first. You can certainly use those times to start the OS with, but I'll bet you beat them easily in your first open test.
Vicky - What steve said.
However, you can use the numbers from your race as a baseline. When OS officially starts you will have an opportunity to do a stand alone 5k TT then along with everyone else in that OS group. Will be fun to see how it ends up.
Hope all is well.