I'm now a race director
i'm always looking for the next big thing to do whether racing or training. We'll today I took over our local bike race so I'm now a Race Director of the Gaslight Criterium. The race has been around for 4 years and has a great following. It's also in my hometown so approaching sponsors and getting permits is little easier since I know everyone. It should be fun new adventure.
Good Luck with your new adventure.
You are the man. They're lucky to have YOU.
The whole production was handed over not just the race directors job. Fortunately between the team I race for and our sister club (women's tri team/cycling team) I have about 50 people to help pitch in. Which is good because I have about 47 jobs that need to be filled.
I'll posts the date when I get approval. Maybe I can convince you to come out and race.