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Is it normal to eat this much???

Ok, seriously since finishing IMOO I've come home and pretty much eaten anywhere from 4-6 meals a day.  And I'm talking MEALS, none of this snack meal stuff.  And I'm still hungry.  Like mind-numbing can't focus on anything hungry.  And I'm having a really difficult time telling when I'm full.  I used to be a chronic overeater (it's a family trait) and all of my tricks of eating slowly and concentrating on my food and not doing anything while eating are not working at all.  The good news is I haven't really put on any weight, but honestly, I feel like crap.  And I know that my body needs to rest and recover, but I usually exercise to get rid of the icky feeling and don't want to rush back because I can't control my appetite/metabolism/whatever.  Anyone else experiencing this?  Any suggestions?


  • Not to the same extent but i noticed the other day that i am constantly eating. Not sure if it is really any more than while training for moo but more than i was expecting to be eating given ive basically been sitting on my butt for the last week. Oh and ive definatly rediscovered my weakness for cookies. I better get to one of those body comp groups soon...
  • I lost my appetite the last 8 weeks of IM training.  Just wasn't hungry.  But, I can relate to u Jennifer....appetite has returned!  Feels good to feel hungry again.  wondering if this is part of the recovery our bodies need?

  • My appetite went over the top, after IMLOU! I think it's just part of the body's way of recovering. However, I am not an IM vetaran, so I will leave this to some of the sage members to answer!
  • I ate a lot after IMCDA, wasn't working out much, and a few weeks later...I had gained more weight than I wanted. Now I'm going through the weight loss process all over again as I build towards IMAZ. It's probably good to put some pounds on after the race, but part of me now wishes I had exercised a little more control in the 3 weeks after my IM.
  • I think we've talked about this elsewhere, but really it's important to remember that you need to physically and mentally recovery. You probably were a bit of a food drill sergeant leading into your race, and now you want to eat. Some successful things to do are to limit your binge eating (as in treats) to once a day. Like be good most of your day but have a yummy dessert. Putting some weight back on is fine...but putting like 10lbs on is not!!! Do your best to surround yourself with easy to access good foods so you don't make too many poor choices!

  • I'm glad to hear that it's just not me. I'm definitely trying to at least eat somewhat smart since I'm eating so much. For the most part it's working, but as I tell everyone who asks why I do these crazy-long-course triathlons, I do it so I can eat whatever I want image but the package of Oreos I wanted to house last night probably wouldn't have been the best choice! It would be nice if this speedy metabolism was here to stay though!
  • Jennifer, I'm so glad you started this thread. I usually have no appetite immediately following an IM (for like a day or two) and then BAMO I'm back to Ironman Training appetite eating without the training! EEEEEEK! This year is the same. I'm trying to be more careful this time around so I don't pack on too much before the OS. But the holidays are right around the corner, and ugh, it's just a tough time of year to resist temptations!
  • I too felt starved about two days after the IM. I have only gained a couple pounds but i almost feel guilty about it after watching my weight for so many weeks.
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