Determining FTP
Hello everyone, New member question here. I've searched and found quite a bit of information on FTP, both on the Wiki and within the Data Tool itself. What i cant seem to find are the specific instructions on how (EN) suggests determining my FTP. Closest i could find was in the Data Tool where it stated "Record each 20' segment as interval. Upload workout file in CPS."
I am not clear on what CPS is. Is it similar to WKO?
Thanks in advance,
Warm up for 10-15 minutes with some spin ups towards the end, maybe 30 seconds or so 5 times. I don't know, I hate warming up! Then the protocol in the haus is doing 2X20 minutes hard intervals as if a gun was pointed at your head, building gradually to finish strong, not weak. Take 2 minutes rest, and do it again. Make sure you hit the lap button at the beginning and end of the 2X20 (2') and look at the normalized power for the interval and viola, your FTP. It will take a few times to get right, but you'll be in the ballpark. Try to make sure you do it on the same course with similar conditions. CPS, I can't help you there, not sure.
Much of the power math and related jargon was created by the inventors of the WKO+ software. They have handed out the algorithms to the public to keep the power jargon standardized. They do not vouch for any results other than those calculated using their product.