Single Race Train Map
A quick view of several of Coach Patrick's videos has convinced me to change my original Integration Survey to include only a single long-course event for 2010. I have nearly 30 years experience in triathlon, including 5 well-executed IM and numerous relatively strong HIM finishes. I have spent the last 5 years "Going Long" and have experienced many of the frustrations predicted by RnP. I have been following an unstructured plan similar to a 50% EN OS since October, and am loving the return to my roots of Speed! I want to smoke the "old guy" competition at a couple of 70.3 races, however, my "bucket list" goal is simple: An Ironman Florida 2010 that represents my potential as an individual who has dedicated many years of his life to triathlon. I feel that in my case, a solid OS program, followed by a 2-week transition, and a deliberate build to my November 2010 Ironman will maximize my odds of a breakthrough. Don't worry, I'm going to keep my sanity by racing monthly at the Olympic or Sprint distances. Any thoughts? I submitted a second survey that indicated a single Ironman A-Race.
This thread does not belong here, and for some reason I can't move it. Please see this:
The I need to discuss macro-level training plan stuff with the Coaches Thread
Also this: When to Tranistion from OutSeason to Half/Full Ironman Plans
In short, focusing on IM training April thru November isn't the best way to get faster. It's too long and I think you'll get burned out. A couple half in route would be a better plan...but lets not discuss this in the admin forum. Thanks.