Home OutSeason (December '09)

Hi folks

Hi folks - i'm an EN noob so kinda feeling my way through the info, looks all good - thanks Rich & Patrick for setting me up quickly.

So jumping in w/c 7th Dec - you guys all start week 1 last week? Also, the training guide pdf for week 1 is no longer accessible (should it be?).

Looking forward to starting the plan - just need to get my PT wheel back from LBS Monday after a complete re-build (new rim - DT-1.1 again, the original one lasted me through 3 seasons of hard turbo sessions & wet winters).

Will do proper intro over the weekend - my wife is also insisting I contribute pics of our 2 labradors to the forum!

Train hard, rest even harder - Dave





  • Hi David--from one Lab lover to another! Welcome to EN. Fire up your training fu, and let 'er rip. You'll have a great time here!

  • Hey guys...I am a noob too.  I have reading and learning from the EN material for a while, but, I am new to the team as of last week.

    I have just started my OS too, so, it is great to have some people getting started with me!

  • And, NO, I couldn't get the pdf. either, but, Week 2 worked fine.  So, I guess just make it through tomorrow and you'll be good to go.


  • Welcome Dave and Steve! Another lab parent here--mine's yellow and likes to eat Kleenex's. Get ready to do some real work and get supa fast!

  • Welcome David and Stephen. We have a cat, but am working on my wife to okay the lab.

  • Welcome both Dave and Stephen!  Looking forward to seeing your progress.


  • Hi Dave - welcome!  I'm starting the OS on Monday as well, so you have some company.  

    Great sig, btw. Massively true - rest is so easy to overlook!



  • Hi Dave,

    I am starting a week late too.   Like your moto, especially rest even harder.  Am approaching 50 next year.  Any other masters doing OS?

    Could not access week 1 pdf either, but the work outs were on the training plan central.


  • What constitues a "master?"  I reluctantly turned 40 two weeks ago, so I think I might be in the neighborhood.  

  • Hey Gang,

    I'm in the Dec OS too, I did start this week however.

    Weeks one and two PDFs are fine for me.

  • Dave,

    Masters is over 40 according to Friel.  Probably a nice way of saying the midlife crisis group.  So, I'm trying to punch the IM ticket while I still can.   The last race I was in had Age Group (45-49), which I was registered, but, then there was a Masters category.  Maybe masters gets better swag.

    Does anybody else have trouble uploading photos?  I keep getting the little yellow warning sign symbol when I try to upload images.  Maybe it's my antivirus or firewall.


  • Thanks for the welcome folks!

    Coming out of an MTB XC race background in the UK - Masters are super-quick 30-39 yr olds, with the top 10 littered with ex-elite/semi-pro's that couldn't train as much/had kids, jobs etc - so, they're still damm quick with years of endurance & technique behind them. Sam Gardner, the Xtrerra guy, won our national series in masters before folks complained and he went back into elites! :-)

    'Veteran' category is up next at 40-49 age range - again, super competitive with yep slower old geezers (like me!) but also ex-elites & guys that have biked for years & years - in 2007 we had Adrian Timmis come into Vets and 'dabble' (AKA win everything by miles) - if you recall, he was the ex-Tour de France pro that rode for the short-lived Lynda McCartney team??

    Then there's Grand Vets at 50-59 and then 'Super Vets'! Not sure if there's a 'Even-more Super Vets' cat' !

    Looking forward to utilising the old diesel engine now my I've lost my petrol turbo - if i ever had it, that is! 'Nice' steady-state/FTP efforts rather than XC FTP + 20sec sprints every few minutes, yuk! :-)

  • Hey George... I'm a "Grand Master."   FYI: It took a 9:58 to qualify in M50-54 at Florida this year. My experience is that we can benefit at least as much as younger athletes through the OS plan. My speed has certainly taken a tumble over the years.  This will be my first season committed to a 20 week program. I'm just starting week 2 and loving the short bouts of discomfort. Beware of injury in the older age groups. I find that I am nearly always responsible for an injury. I'm from Houston... Lonstar and Buffalo Springs 70.3 and Ironman Florida in 2010.

  • John,

    Thanks for the ping.  Your feedback is inspiring "Grand Master."  9:58!  That confirms my suspicion that the lottery is my best ticket to Kona.  I will join the 50-54AG in Jan.  How many years have you been doing tri?  This is my 3rd Triathlon season and have improved considerably, but, I also have become acquainted with physical therapy for knee pain.  What is your experience with weights to help prevent injury?  I'm in Elizabeth City, NC near the Outerbanks with school age kids so east coast races, especially summer time events like IM France, get the nod from my better half.  One day when I manage to apply at the right time I'd like to do Eagleman.

  • Hey John glad to have more Texas folks! I am planning to do Buffalo Springs also.
    I am still a spring chicken around here I guess. I will turn 25 the week of Buffalo springs... The qualifying times in that age group are sick also!
  • I need to make sure you guys realize that I WAS NOT THE GRAND MASTER WHO BROKE 10 HOURS!  Although I have completed five Ironman races, each between 12:02  and 12:30, my bucket list is simply to finish BELOW 12 HOURS. I have injured myself with weights ... they must be used  very carefully. I'm not sure what RnP would say about weights for athletes in the higher age groups. Loss of strength due to normal aging may increase the ROI (return on investment) enough to justify some very specific exercises for those over 50 in particular. In general, I think that exercises (not necessarily weights) that can work the little core stabilizers and balance muscles are overlooked and can really help prevent injuries.You can do these in your living room with a few props.

  • BTW, the old official dog post form is here:


    Maybe we need to fir up the 4.0 dog thread???

  • Hey everyone, just joined the team and after a couple of years doing it alone want to see what it is like with someone else telling me what to do- god knows if I was designing my workouts zone 4 wouldn’t be the standard. Where do you go to get your zones by the way?
  • Posted By Jeff Kelley on 11 Dec 2009 01:29 PM

    Hey everyone, just joined the team and after a couple of years doing it alone want to see what it is like with someone else telling me what to do- god knows if I was designing my workouts zone 4 wouldn’t be the standard. Where do you go to get your zones by the way?



    Welcome.  You get your zones by entering test results from a 5k and FTP test in the data tool here



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