Becky - I don't know you but have been following this thread for some time. When I did my first IMan in 2002 my mantra was "I did all the training. I'm ready for this". And it was so much fun! A missed swim here or there in training is NOT going to hurt you (as others have alluded to). The mass start is chaotic but kinda fun - it pulls you along! Just get behind someone and keep movin' forward. Enjoy the day knowing you're prepared. And as for the toenails - awesome! After all it's all about looking and feeling good!
@Gigi - thanks, that means a lot! Need to schedule a haircut, too... shorter hair will make me faster. Oh, and I have to post a pic of something I ordered when I was in WI... it just came in. A bit of flair that I might wear race day to keep myself in check and to remember to have some fun. A few of my girlfriends here (who are, by the way, amazing athletes and who don't take themselves the least bit seriously) want me to wear it. I actually ordered one for each of us to wear at Eagleman next year. It's hot pink in honor of the chicas!
@Beth - that's what I thought you meant... and, I've have noticed the dust pile up all along but haven't been inclined to deal with it. I have continued to vacuum about once a week, though, bc I have pergo floors and cats - so furr balls and kitty litter around the house was too much to let go since I'm almost always barefoot/in socks inside. But dusting, forget it. And then there's my "to be filed/put away when I have the time" pile (which is the corner of the couch in my den) - well, that's just a tad bit out of control right now. And last week my shower/tub was so horrifying to me that I couldn't take it - but instead of actually cleaning it I simply grabbed a few clorox wipes and did a 3 minute clean job... so, yeah, I guess I'm there. The only saving grace has been my telework day - that's become my laundry, hit trader joes, and run whatever other errands at lunch need to be handled day day.
Oh - strength training. I love the BOSU ball and plank. They make me a better runner. This season, I think I also need some upper body muscles for swimming. Need bigger muscles for pulling/going fast/winning bets against Rich!
Beth. I've been meaning to post that I put myself in a challenge with you that I would work as hard as you to improve my time. I hate going to the pool at 5 in the AM. Just H-A-T-E it but it's been going well. I hope to finish IM Texas swim strong and much much faster than IM WI. Thanks for the inspiration to challenge myself!!
Hi ladies. Thought I better pop in here and see what is happening. I believe it was Sheryl who said she has been such an introvert lately. That is exactly how I am feeling. Haven't posted on here for a while, but just a few things here and there, and same with F.B. I hope everyone is doing well, as I did not go back and try to catch up with all I have missed. Becky, I know you will Rock FLORIDA! I am excited for you. I am also still thinking about signing up for IMFL, online if I can. But, having serious thoughts of not doing an IM at all this year, after DNF in IMLOU. Guess that messed with my head more than I thought it did. Still deciding. I'm doing some running again, since Chicago Marathon, and getting ready for a half marathon here in Valparaiso in November.
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 21 Oct 2010 06:47 PM
Posted By Beth Schwindt on 20 Oct 2010 03:17 PM
Oh - strength training. I love the BOSU ball and plank. They make me a better runner. This season, I think I also need some upper body muscles for swimming. Need bigger muscles for pulling/going fast/winning bets against Rich!
Beth. I've been meaning to post that I put myself in a challenge with you that I would work as hard as you to improve my time. I hate going to the pool at 5 in the AM. Just H-A-T-E it but it's been going well. I hope to finish IM Texas swim strong and much much faster than IM WI. Thanks for the inspiration to challenge myself!!
AWESOME. Woo-hoo to company for o'dark thirty swims!
Barb -- I didn't see you on the mary course, but I was cheering for you! If you heard any obnoxious cowbell ringing, it was probably me.
Happy Friday everyone! I have to confess, I haven't been on a bike at all in almost 2 weeks Between the super short week days and hiking last weekend, it just hasn't happened. And I'm NOT sticking myself on the trainer until it's absolutely necessary. Sooooo, my biking is probably crap right now! I may get a ride in on Sunday- we'll see.
OTOH, I'm enjoying cool morning runs! And I'm really excited to be doing a 5K tomorrow! That will be my first real run race since the whole calf thing started a full year ago! Wish me luck!
Speaking of good luck wishes, big vibes going out to Kris today. She starts the Bourbon Chase today!! Goooooooo Kris!
Confessions...really? I've only been on the bike ONCE since IMan WI. Nov 1 OS start is going to hurt like hell isn't it?
Kind of depressed - I might give in to age and give up on Boot Camp. I love the exercises we do but it's just too many reps for this old bod. I don't think it's meant for the 50+ set. Am I a wimp? I can do most everything but just can't recover well enough, or quick enough, to do anything else. Maybe I'll create my own version of boot camp with the same stuff but less reps - I don't know, sneaker camp?
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I hope you all have great weather, great mojo and most importantly lots of fun!
@Kris - yay, have fun and chase some Bourbon for me! woo hoo!
@Nemo - I wouldn't feel bad about not biking that's what off season is for - you're hiking and running and enjoying fall. I'm jealous!
@Sheryl - I hate swimming in the early morning, too. Just hate it. Since I joined a gym with a pool I've stopped doing it (when I swam at the rec center I pretty much had to be there in line when the door opened at 6am bc getting a lane after work was practically impossible bc half the pool was set aside for masters, a few lanes for a local youth team... it was just a pain to deal with).
@Barbara - sorry to hear IMWI is haunting ya... I hate that. I vote you come back to WI and conquer your demons (but I'm biased bc I'm doing it...)
Well, I'm doing what I can to salvage my week while maintaining my wits about it all. Mon was recovery from the RR. Ts I did the scheduled ride for Ts (not the scheduled Mon swim). Wd I took off... oops, didn't mean too but had wine and pizza with Dan Ts night so sleep was a better idea on Wd morning. I did the long run on schedule yesterday... Tonight I'll do Wed's hour run - so I'll end up down a 40 min run down and all 3 swims... I have every intention of going to the pool Sat and/or Sun... we'll see how that goes. My plan is to do the brick tomorrow morning before heading to the Pentagon for pre-race set up, then hit the pool on the way home. Sun I'll work the race then do my brick, then hit the running club party, perhaps swimming after that. We'll see, but I am vowing to swim at least once!
so running last night I noticed lots of tweaks. My calves were lead - like when I first started wearing the Newton's and was just learnind the mid-foot strike stride... that was odd. And my right hammie was acting up, hasn't twinged in ages. It was very disconcerting. Then I listed to the week 18 podcast and coach P mentioned the strange phenomena that is taper and that these random aches and pains happen and it's the body enjoying the low volume and trying to heal. That made me laugh bc I was seriously freaked last night... we'll see how the run tonight goes. Your thoughts on taper?
Wanted to peep in and say hello, as I have been SUPER lurker of late. I have been reading, just not posting.
Becky- It's all done but the shouting now. Time for you to have FUN!! You WILL do this.
Barb- It's up to you wether you sign up for another IM and no one is going to judge your decision. There is sooo much OTHER stuff to do besides IM. But, if you do choose to, IMFL would be a good choice.
Beth- Tell me about your BOSU ball work!! I wish I could send you some of the yummy swiss chard I have coming up.
Neems & Gigi- I think time away from the bike is good. After IMFL '08, I think I didn't ride for 2-3 months!! Ultimately, no real loss in FTP.
My modus operandi @ ;present is that of a "dirt diva". I am doing my best to be a pro MTB rider like Kitboo & Olivia, trail runner like Kris & Tracy. The MTBing is great for teaching bike handling skills & earning new bruises. And, the proof will be in the pie, but I gotta believe this trail running is going to make me a stronger runner. I have already signed up for two trail 10ks before Christmas and hope to do a trail 1/2 mary come spring.
Hope everyone is doing well. Have a super weekend.
Gals! I'm with you on the sleep. I head to bed at 8:30 and drag out at 5:00 but it's a chore to get up.
Barb! So excited for you!!! Can't wait to follow you on IM Live!!
Need good thoughts and prayer for a co-worker. She has been have huge issues lately and finally headed to Mayo on Monday. Surgery on Tuesday to remove several large tumors. She has been diagnosed with some sort of gastro intestinal blastoma cancer. Doesn't respond to chemo. They feel they got 95% and will treat the remainder with steriods. Apparently they will come back but they are slow growing and she will have to continue to have surgery to remove them. She is only 26 and getting married in June. She is very positive and upbeat. I'm just really feeling a little sad for her that she is dealing with this!
Everyone have a blessed weekend! Did probably the last outside ride of the season tonight. It was PERFECT!!! Hit 104% for entire ride and 120% for intervals. Fun fun fun!
Like Gina, I have been major lurker, reading, not posting
Ok, so I have never really had issues with age- 40? bring it, but 46, I feel like I'm that much closer to 50 Yikes!!!!!!
My agenda for today- I'm going to bring out my inner Beth and go to the American Visionary Art Museum.
Some of my friends from Delaware are going to come down, and then an early dinner. Then it is all about re-evaluating- what do I want to get done this year(Get rid of & stay injury free, get weight off once and for all and buy a house, get out and be more social- maybe go on a date or two or more)
For those not on face book, this week have made some good progress with foot. Significant improvement with little pain, starting to do more walking around house without boot. Another 2 weeks, expect to be boot free
Gina- love the dirt Diva! Love the pictures, keep em coming. Trail running will make you stronger. Bosu stuff good for strength and proprioception stuff- 1 legged squats/- just about anything on that will help with core strength and help with trail running and mtn biking. Balance the trail running with EN stuff and you'll be like lightening!
Sheryl- been there with the job frustrations-When i was a NP at VA, at the end, miserable- crying at the thought of going to work. That is just not right, life is to short. Gotta do what makes you happy! I went from being an NP, back to a nurse- but was fun flying in helicopters
Becky- You are so ready, and so much more prepared than my 1st IM in Florida. The first is always the best, so ENJOY & HAVE FUN!!!!!! Take everything in. Keep visualizing yourself crossing the finishline. Most importantly for you- Stay in your BOX, and you will be an Ironman for sure!
Barb- no worries on signing up for another IM. AFter LP, I signed up for the Half Full cause I was mad! Then I just didn't want to train. be patient with yourself and sign up when you are ready. Do fun things with your fitness for n ow
Linda- I hear ya on the weight thing. In 2007/2008, had a trainer, we did lots of functional strength stuff, no injuries. Stopped training when started job in MD- injuries. & I'm getting older, increased risk of osteo, as you mentioned loss of muscle mass with aging= tracy will be doing strength training.
kris- hoping you are having a blast in Bourban chase this weekend.
Wanto address everyone, thinking of you all, especially when i wear my chica rule hoodie
beautiful day here today!!! no childcare after 8 a.m. so instead ... we went to the PUmpkin patch late morning and it is 82 right now, quite nice except for the gusty winds.. it looked like Disney World there, with the crowds!! yikes.. but the hayride was open today to take us out to the patch where we got to pick out a pumpkin and I took a gizillion pics!! walked thru the corn maze, ate some junk food and stopped in a nursery on the way home for some flowers which I am about to plant! no cake baking for me, or museum visiting for me.. I can't stand a nice afternoon to be inside!!! so here are some pics. who knows how to show this in their full format so bear with me on the links!! I did a very short run this morning to get my think in.. and then just chillaxing today. actually yardwork is a great workout! smile. I am sorta behind in this forum but now am caught up. what else?? oh I signed up youngest 2 for swimming and it is on Mon wed afternoon so on WED I also swam during their 45' practice. They complained and whine so not sure how long that will last but they hadn't gone since July!! so I swam 2x last week!! got a massage too to work out the kinks and did some abs...power test but now the run is down!!! I mean frequency or mileage... okay so all of my plates are not yet spinning!! tomorrow it is supposed to rain, so I can come back in and look at power software and etc and yes make a cake!!!
so when I train, I always think of childcare for them. they are okay to leave for a bit of time but not to like LEAVE them!! unless a big bro is going to hang about and that is not likely either!! one goes to college and works the other goes to HS and play football and the other bro is out of state at college! so I don't do evening training sessions unless like I mentioned they are swimming and so can I... and I am a stay at home Mom so I am home when the bus rolls home... and they hang about here as I try to get all errands wrapped up by that time. so any time, I can double dip and combine workouts, like hiking with them, walking thru trails, or doing the P90x at home, then that is what I do.. sometimes, frequently, not having tng partners with my same available hours.... so sometimes you will hear me talk about group stuff and that is because the social aspect is worth more than the "work" and sometimes I will be solo and the "work" is more than the peeps, and then sometimes the peeps and the work coincide! and there you have it in long nutshell..
going outside to plant!!! just bought a clematis vine and a yellow knock out rose (fragrant), a flat of pansies/violas and a large yellow mum. m
Tracy, I know what you mean I'll be 50 next year and I just wonder when this all happened??? But you know what, 50 after cancer at 39 is great!!! Survival for one more year! However, here is my philosophical approach to it; at 50, there is no pretense that I can keep up with the 20 year olds. Before about 45, you feel like you can still fight time but once 50 comes, you start realizing that it's time to deal. I look at it this way, except for this group of people, I do more with my life than about 99.9% of people my age. Hell, I do more than about 99% of people younger than me. That's what gets me through the frustration of time moving too fast. I take pride in saying, 50 and training for an Ironman. I love it when the 25 year old in my office acts like I'm over the top while she sits there eating her chips and thinking that hauling her kids around is good exercise. So...that's all...done with philosophy class. :>)
Quick check in here on Monday AM. I can't get my head around the whole work thing. I'm struggling to keep it all together. Ugh! Miss my chicas! Great to hear about all of the fall adventures, and glad to see so many of us are continuing our core and strength work. I'm really enjoying popping out some of these exercises. Still haven't fully landed on my training approach for next season. Vascillating big time between OS or a straight up run program prior to the start of my training for TRR. I can see some benefit to OS, for sure. And it would keep me on the bike....but then again, If I'm gonna be a runner should I just be running? Maybe I could do the OS with the marathon hack...Hmmm. That could be something.
Spent the weekend in Santa Fe. What a great time! Spending the weekend feeding my artsy fartsy side is probably making this Monday harder to pull out the business side. I got inspired down there and really just want to sketch and paint. productivity of a whole different sort.
Alright...must go. Time to jump into the lion's den.
@Tracy - good to hear from you. Glad you're doing well (I have been reading your FB updates)! and thanks for the confidence boost!
Had strange training experiences this weekend. Sat's interval ride (3 hours) on a flat, windy course (the dreaded Hains Point loop) was just awful. Legs felt bad, I never felt comfortable on the bike... my handling skills felt off. Which was probably why, when having to jump a curb bc they had the gate closed for my first loop I rolled right into a cement barrier... was so nervous about the curb and the gravel that I kind forget to steer... so Jina has a bruised elbow now (the front right brake lever took the brunt of it...still works, but all scratched up). Oh well... she was bound to get messy at some point. Despite the crappy ride, the run after felt okay.
Sun, despite being absolutely exhausted (in bed at 11, up at 5 to work the Army Ten miler then straight home to ride) I felt much more comfortable on the bike. My avg speed isn't what I'm used to but I felt better/stronger... and the run was the same way...too fast on both legs (Z1 out/Z2 back). I planned to swim last night but after that and lunch I was just exhausted. Having kind of that out of body numb sort of feeling...
So, brought running stuff to work to run on the mall at lunch - 45 min run (15 WU, 1x1 mile... then finish it out... not bad at all). I WILL swim after work. Gotta! I did not swim once last week... oh well...
Didn't eat all that well this past weekend (too much wine Fri night... might have contributed to my crappy Sat brick), but the weight was trending down (finally) last week... so hopefully now that I'm back into my normal routine I can clean it up again. That's about it. Dan has been sick for about 2 weeks now - just can't kick a head cold/sore throat and man oh man has he been grumpy. I'm definitely giving him some slack. I hate being sick as much as the next person, but I hope I don't act like this...
Rant (unrelated to training/racing):
anyway. Work was crazy last week - crunching on a deadline on a proposed rule that, on Friday, got pushed back to an unidentified time. ARGH! And bc of that deadline my boss took me off another project that I'd had since day 1 in this division (working on the open Internet/Broadband Plan initiative for transparency with respect to ISP's network management practices)... a project that has a huge record, and only I have been through the record. That actually really ticked me off - not sure why I couldn't do both or why they couldn't have simply assigned Lynn as backup to me to help last week... I mean hell, the open internet stuff has been sitting idle for a few months and of course got active the week I had to deal with the rule making... then, days after they reassigned it, I'm told my rule making won't be an agenda item at the 11/30 Commission meeting so I don't need to circulate a draft ASAP. So they took me off transparency item for no reason... and didn't put me back on it. So, I'm back to waiting... and pretty much doing nothing.
I like this job... and that I'm in the consumer affairs bureau in theory helping people... but this place's inefficiencies are killing me. and I'm not being utilized well -- I think it's systemic in the government, to be honest. don't get me wrong, I don't miss private practices (where I worked around the clock and was taken for granted)... but I'm so bored. I guess I'll work on my race plan and checklists. Argh. I apologize to you as tax payers.
Ladies. . . . Halloween is upon us. You know what that means. My addiction is about to be unleashed! I will have full access to CHOCOLATE via my son's bags of candy. AAAHHH. I do have some control. I've entered the first step. Admitting that I have a problem. Unfortunately, this is happening when OS November begins. Hello! How am I to TEST with chocolate thighs?? Did Rich think this thru?? You know what this means? NO TESTING FOR ME! Yeah. I love that solution. So happy. I haven't officially received permission, but certainly being compassionate about my problem and the timing of our "holiday", I think he'll let me off the hook. Really, I think I should be off the hook for testing for at least the first say . . . . 8 weeks. That sounds about right. What do you think???? Please!
Oh. I was so busy being a wimp, I didn't lodge my real complaint. The local jewelry store lost my engagement ring of 18 years. That was the first time I took it off- for them to look at it and repair it. I even raced w/ it on. My husband and I have been very upset. They really can't find it and say it's totally gone. Not sure where to go from here. So bummed. No funny remark on this one.
Kellly- that's just HORRIBLE!!! I don't wear my wedding/engagement rings much anymore because I'm scared I'll loose them (take it off to swim, take it off to bike, take it off to run, etc etc- too many opportunities for something to happen). I can't imagine how you must be feeling about it! I know it's just "stuff", but some stuff is a little more personal than others. That jewelry store should totally replace it- not that you can ever really "replace" such a thing.
FWIW- my Mom lost her wedding ring down the sink shortly after my folks were married (well, that's what she claims anyway- there's a lot of "missing" stuff from their supposed wedding, but that's another story). Anyway, she never replaced it in all the years they were married until their 50th wedding anniversary! She finally let my dad give her a very simple ring- but nothing too fancy 'cause she's afraid of loosing it again. Maybe that's another reason why I don't wear mine, hmmmmmm, never thought about it like that before.
I think it was about my 17th anniversary that I lost or had stolen my wedding band/engagement ring. I was sick about it, like nauseous and my husband had let our insurance Jewelry) lapse so we had no insurance either on it. I kept thinking it would show up but it never did and for one year I didn't wear a ring and was content. and I told DH that I wanted another "story" behind the next one if he had to have me wear one. don't just give it to me in a box. all about the romance. anyways, on my 19th anniversary, I received a ring with five diamonds (one for each child) and it was beautiful but for our 20th, we took the kids on our first cruise and on the eve of our 20th anniv, on top of the ship (just like in Titanic, but girls it is way windy up there so I asked if we could back up a bit!!!), he gave me another band with 5 diamonds and a gorgeous solitaire to go in the middle! you have seen it.... the ring sparkles. and yes it is insured now. The dinner was special on the cruise with the waiters coming out and I wanted my kids to remember that their parents were married for 20 years and they were there to witness it. We blew it out big. not all anniversaries are like that, of course and last year for our 26th, we went mt biking and stopped in at Chick Fil A and splurged on a Coke and fried chicken nuggets!! marriage is hard work so when you get a new one, get the romance and the ring!!
I love chocolate too. run testing will be good, you burn more calories on hard sets than easy ones!!
ran & swam today, the swimming makes me ravenous!!! didn't use to in the summer but I have returned to the pool 4x and I am hungry!!!! now how could I swim 1.5 hours in summer??? I guess cuz it was so stinkin hot. and that is a hunger killer. I thought of you Bethand Sheryl as we are in OS swimming as we were too slow!!! in our IM!!! hahah. anyways I am swimming now for toned arms!!! that wedding is coming up in 2mos and my bridemaid strapless dress is in at the store! so Beth and Sheryl, new twist on swimming.. you know how you would swim for form or for speed?? right.. okay new way to thnk about this, solo swimming, swim for good looking arms and back!!! really put your strength into it and pull!!! get the triceps and then twist and rotate and feel the obliques. suck in the abs to keep you afloat until you can feel your navel being sucked in...flex the ankles and reach really far out there.... 26 Dec is Heather's wedding but you can train virtually with me!!! cuz I know for a fact that Beth has shindigs to attend and what about you Sheryl. oh yeah our EN sistahs are content to be out of the water.. not realizing that their arms and backs might be neglected come HOliday attire!!!! hee hee hee. well I gotta scoot, DH outta town so P90x, tony is calling my name. let's see what body part I haven't worked on today. then bed time!!! m
LMAO. Marianne? Did you just call me out and remind me to get back in the pool so I can appropriately rock strapless dresses? I LOVE you, chicas!!!!
Wedding ring loss = total suckage. My godmother lost the stone out of her ring in a lake. She was sad, but wore her stoneless ring for quite some time.
So much playing. On Friday, I saw a great David Mamet play that hurt my brain, it was so good. On Saturday, I literally ran to the grocery store to buy cake ingredients and than bastardized my grandmother's apple cake recipe by adding half a bottle of Goose Island Pere Jacques beer to its homemade caramel sauce. It was delicious. Grandma's cake then won the afternoon's cake-off! Go grandma! Then, I went to the ballet with my nine year-old niece (with caramel sauce on the black cocktail dress). Sunday was brunch, a long run, and some flirting and tacos. I am quite ready to stay home now!
Anybody have any good dryland core work for swimmers?
hey girls I am going to run this morning...and hope to catch the bike later. basically running is stress relief for me... and I need to be calm. my mother in law and I are meeting the surgeon as she has decided to get a masectomy, after discovering a very small tumor... she had a masectomy about 35 years ago and is 72 and widowed now and doesn't want the constant worry even after getting a lumpectomy.. the tests and biopsies and etc. so?? I am meeting with GFs to run and getting centered today. with 74 degs right now and 19mph winds, a storm is predicted! although Tracy lent me a trainer I don't have it set up now.. but like I said I might can do bike right before docs and after school send off or after the doc appt. ****
yes I am giving you adding incentive to stay in the pool!!! I know you have a bet with Rich but that is way off..... in 2011.!!!
Marianne, your Joe is obviously a very sweet and romantic guy! I wish I could have met him in Madison!
I'm hoping the push-ups help my arms for the party dress season (oh, and I guess I first have to actually own a party dress too!). I haven't been in the pool since the week before IMWI. I'm totally digging just doing what I want when I want with no schedule right now. I'm sooooooo glad I'm not starting the OS until January!
Thank you for your kind words. It's been wonderful 18 years. Hard last 2 due to my health problems, lots of suffering. My training has been how I struggle to maintain balance with my health and has become my treatment as there is no cure. When I signed up for IM Lou there was a 10% chance that I would make it to the start line in terms of completing the training. I was just sick and unable to train. As the season progressed, I as able to put in more time and not only made it to the start but finished. My husband was there every step of the way. He's been amazing. The ring was such a symbol of that. These things happen. I'm so lucky to have him, all things considered. So I just keep trucking along. Thank you!
Losing jewelry: I have the simplest of rings, but Max bought my rings in special places that we visited. I love them and they fit tight enough that I never have to take them off for anything. They are also flat enough that they don't tear my gloves at work- that was my requirement. But Mr. Max has lost his ring TWICE! Just a few weeks ago he thought he lost it again. Needless to say he gets cheap rings now. The first was very special to me and I was upset. Since then I have gotten over the fact that he loses them. But I feel for you Kelly.
Arms- pushups give you very lovely arms/ back/ chest muscles. We will all look lovely. But swimming is great and less stressful.
So my mom is forever getting on my case that IM is "too hard on the body" and that I need to give it a rest. Rest of conversation went like this: MOM: Why don't you do something gentle like swimming? ME: Because it's the OS and we don't swim then. MOM: But it's good for your joints. You are getting older. ME: But it's the OS and the coach says I don't have to swim, it's a waste of time this time of year. Plus the pool is out of the way. MOM: But.. ME: Yeah, anyway, the way we swim is not gentle. Trust me, the intervals really defeat the "gentle" part. No swimming. Period. MOM: I don't understand you. ME: I know.
I love my mom. She totally got me into sports when Title 9 was passed, now seems to regret it. Cracks me up.
Halloween candy is invading. I have been powerless to resist. Except... we think that I may have a gluten sensitivity issue. I have been on elimination diets for months, GI distress was awful this summer. But I thought my gut was messed up from training. Now it seems that I get GI distress with wheat products. When Max suggested that as my next "rule out" test, I totally disagreed. But I am eating everything except dairy- which has stayed off my meal plan for a month now, and wheat products for the past 4-5 days. The difference in these few days is noticeable though. And when I did have breadsticks at a restaurant Sunday, I developed the same issues. Wow! I totally thought this would be a dead end. Thank goodness I love polenta. So a new adventure begins. Lots more reading for me on avoiding gluten, but I have the basics down already. Totally sucks in that I don't like the taste of soy protein powder. Will have to get some egg white protein shake mix.
So back to candy- I am sticking to M&Ms and licorice mostly.
@Kelly - omg, so sorry to hear about the ring. I can't even imagine what the store could do to make that up to you. my mom's engagement ring is a really good quality (although not particularly big) diamond in an absolutely ugly as sin setting (what was my dad thinking)... and she refuses to have it reset bc no one will do it while she watches. she's convinced a store will lose her diamond or switch it out.
@Marianne - what wonderful stories...first a ring then the special 20th ring. yay!
@Michele - your conversation with your mom sounds similar to ones I have with mine, except mine doesn't advocate swimming in lieu of other training... she just thinks this is all so hard on my body. I have to bite my tongue to explain to her that her inactivity, poor eating habits, etc (as manifested by her high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity) are far, far worse for her body that what I'm doing to mine. Wow, I guess I can self censor.
I've been working on my packing lists, check lists, and race day plan... thanks to Kit, Nemo and Suzanne for looking at them all. I just posted my race day plan . . . think it's getting there. I definitely think the whole exercise has been super helpful and I'm sure when the time comes to start packing I will be thriled to death to have these lists!
Becky-Good luck. You're going to rock it girl. Have fun with it. That's important. Keeping a sense of humor because smiling thru the pain makes it all much easier. Thanks for the kind thoughts about my ring. It has royally sucked. My boys have even been sensitive about it. No big deal in the big scheme of life, so we'll move on. It just sucks.
I'm sore from P90X-ab ripper. How lame is that. UGH! I did extra sets. What was I thinking?
Man, this Halloween candy thing is a real problem right now. Ugh. Going for a run tonight. I've got my eye on some peanut butter cups! Is a sickness. LOL.
Professional lurker these days. Just have to cut down on screen time.
@K --So sorry about the ring. I wake up regularly in an anxiety dream gasping that my rings are gone. It's been going on for years--sometimes on consecutive nights. Those rings are connected very deep emotionally.
Me--not much to report. I'm helping a friend out with her first marathon on Sunday--Marine Corps. She's actually the mom who adopted Cali's brother from the shelter. We started with that connection, and now have become buddies. I've been her sounding board and sometimes "coach." I'm headed to the PO to ship her some S-caps, cuz the girl needs them. She didn't want to "trouble" me, but we all know these things take a village. Happy to do it. Hope it helps her.
BUM-MER about my weight. Ugh. After WI I dropped 3 lbs like water, and almost hit my goal weight that I was supposed to reach before the race, but didn't Didn't get on the scale until this morning. MIS-TAKE. I have not weighed this much since I don't know when. If one of you tells me it's b/c I've been lifting and it's "muscle" this is coming your way. . Time to knock off strapping on the feedbag and get rid of whatever has crept on. Then go from there--again. Ugh, ugh, and also ugh.
Lost rings make me sad. I had asked my dad if I could have my mom's rings (just my brother and me). He said I could but didn't know where they were. I scoured the house after he died and didn't find them. My brother claimed ignorance. Then an aunt disclosed that my sister in law had taken them home from the home my mother was in. ! I again asked my brother if he knew where they were but he claimed ignorance. In the meantime a friend of my sister in law had moved in to my parent's house rent free. Brother called to tell me that miraculously this gal found the rings (in a place I had already looked and they weren't there). So glad to have them found regardless of the circumstances, I asked my brother to put them in the safety deposit box and I would get them on my next trip down. I asked him before I headed down to please get them out because I wanted to get them while I was there. Now he claims that we need to talk because his wife (the evil sister in law) doesn't feel it's fair that I get MY mother's rings. She wants them for their daughters. My mother had a long haul with my dad. I loved my father, but he was the most difficult and complicated man I have ever known. Those rings symbolized my mother's steadfastness to her vows and that meant a lot to me. I'm sure they are incorporated into some jewelry that my sister in law now wears. I'm trying to teach our girls that preserving relationships, not matter how distasteful sometimes is worth more than material possessions and while my brother isn't the greatest person, he is my brother and I want to keep my relationship with him. It's so hard though because my father wanted me to have the rings and this gal is so incredibly selfish.
OK...enough feeling sorry for myself....move on...put it in a bubble and blow it away! Hope you find your ring though, truly. So disappointing and tragic.
OK...heading to the pain cave since we have hurricane force winds outside here in the midwest. Me thinks there will be no brick run tonight. North Dakota just blew down my street!
@Gigi - thanks, that means a lot! Need to schedule a haircut, too... shorter hair will make me faster.
Oh, and I have to post a pic of something I ordered when I was in WI... it just came in. A bit of flair that I might wear race day to keep myself in check and to remember to have some fun. A few of my girlfriends here (who are, by the way, amazing athletes and who don't take themselves the least bit seriously) want me to wear it. I actually ordered one for each of us to wear at Eagleman next year. It's hot pink in honor of the chicas!
@Beth - that's what I thought you meant... and, I've have noticed the dust pile up all along but haven't been inclined to deal with it. I have continued to vacuum about once a week, though, bc I have pergo floors and cats - so furr balls and kitty litter around the house was too much to let go since I'm almost always barefoot/in socks inside. But dusting, forget it. And then there's my "to be filed/put away when I have the time" pile (which is the corner of the couch in my den) - well, that's just a tad bit out of control right now. And last week my shower/tub was so horrifying to me that I couldn't take it - but instead of actually cleaning it I simply grabbed a few clorox wipes and did a 3 minute clean job... so, yeah, I guess I'm there. The only saving grace has been my telework day - that's become my laundry, hit trader joes, and run whatever other errands at lunch need to be handled day day.
Becky- I have now finished 3 Ironmans. The one most dear to my heart is the first. Just happens that it was IMFL
Beth. I've been meaning to post that I put myself in a challenge with you that I would work as hard as you to improve my time. I hate going to the pool at 5 in the AM. Just H-A-T-E it but it's been going well. I hope to finish IM Texas swim strong and much much faster than IM WI. Thanks for the inspiration to challenge myself!!
AWESOME. Woo-hoo to company for o'dark thirty swims!
Barb -- I didn't see you on the mary course, but I was cheering for you! If you heard any obnoxious cowbell ringing, it was probably me.
OTOH, I'm enjoying cool morning runs! And I'm really excited to be doing a 5K tomorrow! That will be my first real run race since the whole calf thing started a full year ago! Wish me luck!
Speaking of good luck wishes, big vibes going out to Kris today. She starts the Bourbon Chase today!! Goooooooo Kris!
Kind of depressed - I might give in to age and give up on Boot Camp. I love the exercises we do but it's just too many reps for this old bod. I don't think it's meant for the 50+ set. Am I a wimp? I can do most everything but just can't recover well enough, or quick enough, to do anything else. Maybe I'll create my own version of boot camp with the same stuff but less reps - I don't know, sneaker camp?
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I hope you all have great weather, great mojo and most importantly lots of fun!
@Kris - yay, have fun and chase some Bourbon for me! woo hoo!
@Nemo - I wouldn't feel bad about not biking that's what off season is for - you're hiking and running and enjoying fall. I'm jealous!
@Sheryl - I hate swimming in the early morning, too. Just hate it. Since I joined a gym with a pool I've stopped doing it (when I swam at the rec center I pretty much had to be there in line when the door opened at 6am bc getting a lane after work was practically impossible bc half the pool was set aside for masters, a few lanes for a local youth team... it was just a pain to deal with).
@Barbara - sorry to hear IMWI is haunting ya... I hate that. I vote you come back to WI and conquer your demons (but I'm biased bc I'm doing it...)
Well, I'm doing what I can to salvage my week while maintaining my wits about it all. Mon was recovery from the RR. Ts I did the scheduled ride for Ts (not the scheduled Mon swim). Wd I took off... oops, didn't mean too but had wine and pizza with Dan Ts night so sleep was a better idea on Wd morning. I did the long run on schedule yesterday... Tonight I'll do Wed's hour run - so I'll end up down a 40 min run down and all 3 swims... I have every intention of going to the pool Sat and/or Sun... we'll see how that goes. My plan is to do the brick tomorrow morning before heading to the Pentagon for pre-race set up, then hit the pool on the way home. Sun I'll work the race then do my brick, then hit the running club party, perhaps swimming after that. We'll see, but I am vowing to swim at least once!
so running last night I noticed lots of tweaks. My calves were lead - like when I first started wearing the Newton's and was just learnind the mid-foot strike stride... that was odd. And my right hammie was acting up, hasn't twinged in ages. It was very disconcerting. Then I listed to the week 18 podcast and coach P mentioned the strange phenomena that is taper and that these random aches and pains happen and it's the body enjoying the low volume and trying to heal. That made me laugh bc I was seriously freaked last night... we'll see how the run tonight goes. Your thoughts on taper?
Hey Chicks-
Wanted to peep in and say hello, as I have been SUPER lurker
of late. I have been reading, just not posting.
Becky- It's all done but the shouting now. Time for you to have FUN!! You WILL do this.
Barb- It's up to you wether you sign up for another IM and no one is going to judge your decision. There is sooo much OTHER stuff to do besides IM. But, if you do choose to, IMFL would be a good choice.
Beth- Tell me about your BOSU ball work!! I wish I could send you some of the yummy swiss chard I have coming up.
Neems & Gigi- I think time away from the bike is good. After IMFL '08, I think I didn't ride for 2-3 months!! Ultimately, no real loss in FTP.
My modus operandi @ ;present is that of a "dirt diva". I am doing my best to be a pro MTB rider like Kitboo & Olivia, trail runner like Kris & Tracy. The MTBing is great for teaching bike handling skills & earning new bruises
. And, the proof will be in the pie, but I gotta believe this trail running is going to make me a stronger runner.
I have already signed up for two trail 10ks before Christmas and hope to do a trail 1/2 mary come spring.
Hope everyone is doing well. Have a super weekend.
Take care of your hearts & your parts
Gals! I'm with you on the sleep. I head to bed at 8:30 and drag out at 5:00 but it's a chore to get up.
Barb! So excited for you!!! Can't wait to follow you on IM Live!!
Need good thoughts and prayer for a co-worker. She has been have huge issues lately and finally headed to Mayo on Monday. Surgery on Tuesday to remove several large tumors. She has been diagnosed with some sort of gastro intestinal blastoma cancer. Doesn't respond to chemo. They feel they got 95% and will treat the remainder with steriods. Apparently they will come back but they are slow growing and she will have to continue to have surgery to remove them. She is only 26 and getting married in June. She is very positive and upbeat. I'm just really feeling a little sad for her that she is dealing with this!
Everyone have a blessed weekend! Did probably the last outside ride of the season tonight. It was PERFECT!!! Hit 104% for entire ride and 120% for intervals. Fun fun fun!
Good Morning Everyone!
Like Gina, I have been major lurker, reading, not posting

Ok, so I have never really had issues with age- 40? bring it, but 46, I feel like I'm that much closer to 50
My agenda for today- I'm going to bring out my inner Beth and go to the American Visionary Art Museum.
Some of my friends from Delaware are going to come down, and then an early dinner. Then it is all about re-evaluating- what do I want to get done this year(Get rid of & stay injury free, get weight off once and for all and buy a house, get out and be more social- maybe go on a date or two or more)
For those not on face book, this week have made some good progress with foot. Significant improvement with little pain, starting to do more walking around house without boot. Another 2 weeks, expect to be boot free
Gina- love the dirt Diva! Love the pictures, keep em coming. Trail running will make you stronger. Bosu stuff good for strength and proprioception stuff- 1 legged squats/- just about anything on that will help with core strength and help with trail running and mtn biking. Balance the trail running with EN stuff and you'll be like lightening!
Sheryl- been there with the job frustrations-When i was a NP at VA, at the end, miserable- crying at the thought of going to work. That is just not right, life is to short. Gotta do what makes you happy! I went from being an NP, back to a nurse- but was fun flying in helicopters
Becky- You are so ready, and so much more prepared than my 1st IM in Florida. The first is always the best, so ENJOY & HAVE FUN!!!!!! Take everything in. Keep visualizing yourself crossing the finishline. Most importantly for you- Stay in your BOX, and you will be an Ironman for sure!
Barb- no worries on signing up for another IM. AFter LP, I signed up for the Half Full cause I was mad! Then I just didn't want to train. be patient with yourself and sign up when you are ready. Do fun things with your fitness for n ow
Linda- I hear ya on the weight thing. In 2007/2008, had a trainer, we did lots of functional strength stuff, no injuries. Stopped training when started job in MD- injuries. & I'm getting older, increased risk of osteo, as you mentioned loss of muscle mass with aging= tracy will be doing strength training.
kris- hoping you are having a blast in Bourban chase this weekend.
Wanto address everyone, thinking of you all, especially when i wear my chica rule hoodie
gotta scoot
Love ya all
have a great weekend
Hey hey it has been since IMWI that I have seen this much corn!
sorta glad I am not riding today as the wind gusts are over 11mph, I bet about 14 out there!
the Pumpkin Run!
I know some of you have cold weather and well I feel sorry for you!! smile... you know me
Agility drill thru the Pumpkins...the other parents were already on the trailer.. and we were out running!! ha
I wanna be like my daughter!!! great running form. Grace age 9
my 2 youngest children....
so when I train, I always think of childcare for them. they are okay to leave for a bit of time but not to like LEAVE them!! unless a big bro is going to hang about and that is not likely either!! one goes to college and works the other goes to HS and play football and the other bro is out of state at college! so I don't do evening training sessions unless like I mentioned they are swimming and so can I... and I am a stay at home Mom so I am home when the bus rolls home... and they hang about here as I try to get all errands wrapped up by that time. so any time, I can double dip and combine workouts, like hiking with them, walking thru trails, or doing the P90x at home, then that is what I do.. sometimes, frequently, not having tng partners with my same available hours.... so sometimes you will hear me talk about group stuff and that is because the social aspect is worth more than the "work" and sometimes I will be solo and the "work" is more than the peeps, and then sometimes the peeps and the work coincide! and there you have it in long nutshell..
going outside to plant!!! just bought a clematis vine and a yellow knock out rose (fragrant), a flat of pansies/violas and a large yellow mum. m
Spent the weekend in Santa Fe. What a great time! Spending the weekend feeding my artsy fartsy side is probably making this Monday harder to pull out the business side. I got inspired down there and really just want to sketch and paint. productivity of a whole different sort.
Alright...must go. Time to jump into the lion's den.
@Tracy - good to hear from you. Glad you're doing well (I have been reading your FB updates)! and thanks for the confidence boost!
Had strange training experiences this weekend. Sat's interval ride (3 hours) on a flat, windy course (the dreaded Hains Point loop) was just awful. Legs felt bad, I never felt comfortable on the bike... my handling skills felt off. Which was probably why, when having to jump a curb bc they had the gate closed for my first loop I rolled right into a cement barrier... was so nervous about the curb and the gravel that I kind forget to steer... so Jina has a bruised elbow now (the front right brake lever took the brunt of it...still works, but all scratched up). Oh well... she was bound to get messy at some point. Despite the crappy ride, the run after felt okay.
Sun, despite being absolutely exhausted (in bed at 11, up at 5 to work the Army Ten miler then straight home to ride) I felt much more comfortable on the bike. My avg speed isn't what I'm used to but I felt better/stronger... and the run was the same way...too fast on both legs (Z1 out/Z2 back). I planned to swim last night but after that and lunch I was just exhausted. Having kind of that out of body numb sort of feeling...
So, brought running stuff to work to run on the mall at lunch - 45 min run (15 WU, 1x1 mile... then finish it out... not bad at all). I WILL swim after work. Gotta! I did not swim once last week... oh well...
Didn't eat all that well this past weekend (too much wine Fri night... might have contributed to my crappy Sat brick), but the weight was trending down (finally) last week... so hopefully now that I'm back into my normal routine I can clean it up again. That's about it. Dan has been sick for about 2 weeks now - just can't kick a head cold/sore throat and man oh man has he been grumpy. I'm definitely giving him some slack. I hate being sick as much as the next person, but I hope I don't act like this...
Rant (unrelated to training/racing):
anyway. Work was crazy last week - crunching on a deadline on a proposed rule that, on Friday, got pushed back to an unidentified time. ARGH! And bc of that deadline my boss took me off another project that I'd had since day 1 in this division (working on the open Internet/Broadband Plan initiative for transparency with respect to ISP's network management practices)... a project that has a huge record, and only I have been through the record. That actually really ticked me off - not sure why I couldn't do both or why they couldn't have simply assigned Lynn as backup to me to help last week... I mean hell, the open internet stuff has been sitting idle for a few months and of course got active the week I had to deal with the rule making... then, days after they reassigned it, I'm told my rule making won't be an agenda item at the 11/30 Commission meeting so I don't need to circulate a draft ASAP. So they took me off transparency item for no reason... and didn't put me back on it. So, I'm back to waiting... and pretty much doing nothing.
I like this job... and that I'm in the consumer affairs bureau in theory helping people... but this place's inefficiencies are killing me. and I'm not being utilized well -- I think it's systemic in the government, to be honest. don't get me wrong, I don't miss private practices (where I worked around the clock and was taken for granted)... but I'm so bored. I guess I'll work on my race plan and checklists. Argh. I apologize to you as tax payers.
FWIW- my Mom lost her wedding ring down the sink shortly after my folks were married (well, that's what she claims anyway- there's a lot of "missing" stuff from their supposed wedding, but that's another story). Anyway, she never replaced it in all the years they were married until their 50th wedding anniversary! She finally let my dad give her a very simple ring- but nothing too fancy 'cause she's afraid of loosing it again. Maybe that's another reason why I don't wear mine, hmmmmmm, never thought about it like that before.
I think it was about my 17th anniversary that I lost or had stolen my wedding band/engagement ring. I was sick about it, like nauseous and my husband had let our insurance Jewelry) lapse so we had no insurance either on it. I kept thinking it would show up but it never did and for one year I didn't wear a ring and was content. and I told DH that I wanted another "story" behind the next one if he had to have me wear one. don't just give it to me in a box. all about the romance. anyways, on my 19th anniversary, I received a ring with five diamonds (one for each child) and it was beautiful but for our 20th, we took the kids on our first cruise and on the eve of our 20th anniv, on top of the ship (just like in Titanic, but girls it is way windy up there so I asked if we could back up a bit!!!), he gave me another band with 5 diamonds and a gorgeous solitaire to go in the middle! you have seen it.... the ring sparkles. and yes it is insured now. The dinner was special on the cruise with the waiters coming out and I wanted my kids to remember that their parents were married for 20 years and they were there to witness it. We blew it out big. not all anniversaries are like that, of course and last year for our 26th, we went mt biking and stopped in at Chick Fil A and splurged on a Coke and fried chicken nuggets!! marriage is hard work so when you get a new one, get the romance and the ring!!
hee hee hee. well I gotta scoot, DH outta town so P90x, tony is calling my name. let's see what body part I haven't worked on today. then bed time!!! m
I love chocolate too. run testing will be good, you burn more calories on hard sets than easy ones!!
ran & swam today, the swimming makes me ravenous!!! didn't use to in the summer but I have returned to the pool 4x and I am hungry!!!! now how could I swim 1.5 hours in summer??? I guess cuz it was so stinkin hot. and that is a hunger killer. I thought of you Bethand Sheryl as we are in OS swimming as we were too slow!!! in our IM!!! hahah. anyways I am swimming now for toned arms!!! that wedding is coming up in 2mos and my bridemaid strapless dress is in at the store! so Beth and Sheryl, new twist on swimming.. you know how you would swim for form or for speed?? right.. okay new way to thnk about this, solo swimming, swim for good looking arms and back!!! really put your strength into it and pull!!! get the triceps and then twist and rotate and feel the obliques. suck in the abs to keep you afloat until you can feel your navel being sucked in...flex the ankles and reach really far out there.... 26 Dec is Heather's wedding but you can train virtually with me!!! cuz I know for a fact that Beth has shindigs to attend and what about you Sheryl. oh yeah our EN sistahs are content to be out of the water.. not realizing that their arms and backs might be neglected come HOliday attire!!!!
Marianne? Did you just call me out and remind me to get back in the pool so I can appropriately rock strapless dresses? I LOVE you, chicas!!!!
Wedding ring loss = total suckage. My godmother lost the stone out of her ring in a lake. She was sad, but wore her stoneless ring for quite some time.
So much playing. On Friday, I saw a great David Mamet play that hurt my brain, it was so good. On Saturday, I literally ran to the grocery store to buy cake ingredients and than bastardized my grandmother's apple cake recipe by adding half a bottle of Goose Island Pere Jacques beer to its homemade caramel sauce. It was delicious. Grandma's cake then won the afternoon's cake-off! Go grandma! Then, I went to the ballet with my nine year-old niece (with caramel sauce on the black cocktail dress). Sunday was brunch, a long run, and some flirting and tacos. I am quite ready to stay home now!
Anybody have any good dryland core work for swimmers?
yes I am giving you adding incentive to stay in the pool!!! I know you have a bet with Rich but that is way off..... in 2011.!!!
scooting... it is 4:35 a.m. m
I'm hoping the push-ups help my arms for the party dress season (oh, and I guess I first have to actually own a party dress too!). I haven't been in the pool since the week before IMWI. I'm totally digging just doing what I want when I want with no schedule right now. I'm sooooooo glad I'm not starting the OS until January!
Thank you for your kind words. It's been wonderful 18 years. Hard last 2 due to my health problems, lots of suffering. My training has been how I struggle to maintain balance with my health and has become my treatment as there is no cure. When I signed up for IM Lou there was a 10% chance that I would make it to the start line in terms of completing the training. I was just sick and unable to train. As the season progressed, I as able to put in more time and not only made it to the start but finished. My husband was there every step of the way. He's been amazing. The ring was such a symbol of that. These things happen. I'm so lucky to have him, all things considered. So I just keep trucking along. Thank you!
Arms- pushups give you very lovely arms/ back/ chest muscles. We will all look lovely. But swimming is great and less stressful.
So my mom is forever getting on my case that IM is "too hard on the body" and that I need to give it a rest. Rest of conversation went like this:
MOM: Why don't you do something gentle like swimming?
ME: Because it's the OS and we don't swim then.
MOM: But it's good for your joints. You are getting older.
ME: But it's the OS and the coach says I don't have to swim, it's a waste of time this time of year. Plus the pool is out of the way.
MOM: But..
ME: Yeah, anyway, the way we swim is not gentle. Trust me, the intervals really defeat the "gentle" part. No swimming. Period.
MOM: I don't understand you.
ME: I know.
I love my mom. She totally got me into sports when Title 9 was passed, now seems to regret it. Cracks me up.
Halloween candy is invading. I have been powerless to resist. Except... we think that I may have a gluten sensitivity issue. I have been on elimination diets for months, GI distress was awful this summer. But I thought my gut was messed up from training. Now it seems that I get GI distress with wheat products. When Max suggested that as my next "rule out" test, I totally disagreed. But I am eating everything except dairy- which has stayed off my meal plan for a month now, and wheat products for the past 4-5 days. The difference in these few days is noticeable though. And when I did have breadsticks at a restaurant Sunday, I developed the same issues. Wow! I totally thought this would be a dead end. Thank goodness I love polenta. So a new adventure begins. Lots more reading for me on avoiding gluten, but I have the basics down already. Totally sucks in that I don't like the taste of soy protein powder. Will have to get some egg white protein shake mix.
So back to candy- I am sticking to M&Ms and licorice mostly.
@Kelly - omg, so sorry to hear about the ring. I can't even imagine what the store could do to make that up to you. my mom's engagement ring is a really good quality (although not particularly big) diamond in an absolutely ugly as sin setting (what was my dad thinking)... and she refuses to have it reset bc no one will do it while she watches. she's convinced a store will lose her diamond or switch it out.
@Marianne - what wonderful stories...first a ring then the special 20th ring. yay!
@Michele - your conversation with your mom sounds similar to ones I have with mine, except mine doesn't advocate swimming in lieu of other training... she just thinks this is all so hard on my body. I have to bite my tongue to explain to her that her inactivity, poor eating habits, etc (as manifested by her high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity) are far, far worse for her body that what I'm doing to mine. Wow, I guess I can self censor.
I've been working on my packing lists, check lists, and race day plan... thanks to Kit, Nemo and Suzanne for looking at them all. I just posted my race day plan . . . think it's getting there. I definitely think the whole exercise has been super helpful and I'm sure when the time comes to start packing I will be thriled to death to have these lists!
I'm sore from P90X-ab ripper. How lame is that. UGH! I did extra sets. What was I thinking?
Man, this Halloween candy thing is a real problem right now. Ugh. Going for a run tonight. I've got my eye on some peanut butter cups! Is a sickness. LOL.
Professional lurker these days. Just have to cut down on screen time.
@K --So sorry about the ring. I wake up regularly in an anxiety dream gasping that my rings are gone. It's been going on for years--sometimes on consecutive nights. Those rings are connected very deep emotionally.
@M--so keep us posted.
@B--you are very ready girl.
Me--not much to report. I'm helping a friend out with her first marathon on Sunday--Marine Corps. She's actually the mom who adopted Cali's brother from the shelter. We started with that connection, and now have become buddies. I've been her sounding board and sometimes "coach." I'm headed to the PO to ship her some S-caps, cuz the girl needs them. She didn't want to "trouble" me, but we all know these things take a village. Happy to do it. Hope it helps her.
BUM-MER about my weight. Ugh. After WI I dropped 3 lbs like water, and almost hit my goal weight that I was supposed to reach before the race, but didn't
Didn't get on the scale until this morning. MIS-TAKE. I have not weighed this much since I don't know when. If one of you tells me it's b/c I've been lifting and it's "muscle" this is coming your way.
. Time to knock off strapping on the feedbag and get rid of whatever has crept on. Then go from there--again. Ugh, ugh, and also ugh.
Happy week errbody!
Lost rings make me sad. I had asked my dad if I could have my mom's rings (just my brother and me). He said I could but didn't know where they were. I scoured the house after he died and didn't find them. My brother claimed ignorance. Then an aunt disclosed that my sister in law had taken them home from the home my mother was in.
! I again asked my brother if he knew where they were but he claimed ignorance. In the meantime a friend of my sister in law had moved in to my parent's house rent free. Brother called to tell me that miraculously this gal found the rings (in a place I had already looked and they weren't there). So glad to have them found regardless of the circumstances, I asked my brother to put them in the safety deposit box and I would get them on my next trip down. I asked him before I headed down to please get them out because I wanted to get them while I was there. Now he claims that we need to talk because his wife (the evil sister in law) doesn't feel it's fair that I get MY mother's rings. She wants them for their daughters. My mother had a long haul with my dad. I loved my father, but he was the most difficult and complicated man I have ever known. Those rings symbolized my mother's steadfastness to her vows and that meant a lot to me. I'm sure they are incorporated into some jewelry that my sister in law now wears. I'm trying to teach our girls that preserving relationships, not matter how distasteful sometimes is worth more than material possessions and while my brother isn't the greatest person, he is my brother and I want to keep my relationship with him. It's so hard though because my father wanted me to have the rings and this gal is so incredibly selfish.
OK...enough feeling sorry for myself....move on...put it in a bubble and blow it away! Hope you find your ring though, truly. So disappointing and tragic.
OK...heading to the pain cave since we have hurricane force winds outside here in the midwest. Me thinks there will be no brick run tonight. North Dakota just blew down my street!