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The OS Plan I Found a Bug/Typo Thread

Found a bug or typo? 

Identify it here and we'll look into it.

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    Possible bug?  In Week 16 of the Advanced OS Plan, the Sunday Run is 60 minutes. In Weeks 17 & 18 it jumps up to 90 minutes before dropping back to 60 for weeks 19 & 20. Just want to confirm that you intend us to jump from 60 to 90 between weeks 16 and 17. In the past, we've have at least a week in between of running 75 minutes. 


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    October 2010 OS folder appears locked and I can't access
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    I set my training plan for November 1 OS start. It says that at the top; however, just above the calendar, it says "You don't have a plan!!!!!" It's not a link, just gray letters. Do I need to do something more? Here's a cut and paste:

    Your Plan Ends: 03/20/2011 (23 Weeks)
    Request a Plan Change:Click Here
    Ask for Plan Input: Click Here
    Plan Your Season & Training Plan Central FAQs
    You Don't Have A Plan!!!!!!
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    @Neill - Your plan will start on November 1st however you will not see Week 1 of the Plan until about one or two weeks before the November 1 start date.

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    Hi guys,
    I'm not sure if this is where we put actual coding bugs, but with the new dashboard, none of the print features work. There's new little print icons at the bottom of the week or entire 20-week plan screens. The print feature for the week tries to bring up a new window, but the HTML doesn't render. I tired this both with IE and Fire Fox. Same behavior exists when attempting to print the the summary for all the weeks. If it helps, I tried this on 2 different laptops to make sure it wasn't somethning on my setup that was preventing the features from working.

    Thanks, Patty
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    I took a look and this feature seems to be working correctly. I am guessing that your browser is blocking the pop-up. Please check that and check 'always allow popus from members.endurancenation.us' and you should be good. You should be allowed to print the week and the summary level plan.
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    Intermediate OS is showing a 3x10' for today (week 3, Tuesday Bike), however, the belief is that it's really supposed to be a 2x10' (based on the same typo last year). Which one is correct?
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    Along with Jennifer's question, Week 2 of the intermediate OS has 3x8 but it might be 2x8?
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    Do I need to track down a teenager to explain this to me or is there a Wiki/Link/How-To for getting to the weekly podcasts & videos via the link on My Training Plan?
    Now I get:

    Not Found
    The requested URL /videos/OS_2010_Week_10_9edh.mp3 was not found on this server.

    Probably obvious. Please be kind. I feel like "one of those old guys" today! :>)
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    Bradley, we have been doing some storage shuffling behind the scenes and sometimes things get lost...we'll get on it!
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    Hi Bradley - the podcasts are now set up correctly. Thanks for hanging in there.
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    Week 9 Sunday run (Advanced Plan), as written:

    MS: 2 x 1.5 miles @ TP/Z4/Hard, 1 mile @ EP/Z1/Easy as recovery between each. Remainder of time @ EP/Z1/Easy.

    Should that "1 mile @ EP/Z1/Easy" be @ TP (or God-forbid...IP)?

    I know the Oct OS people have already gone through this, so it must have come up, but I didn't see it in this thread.


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    Beginner OS, Week 2, Tuesday bike session is listed as 6 x 6' (2') at Z4.  Some of us actually completed it and then determined later today that it's probably a typo.  Thanks!

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     Re: data tool

    Is it not recognizing 2011 dates?  My run and bike tests listed as 12/31/99.  Username ironneph.

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    Just wondering when you guys are going to change the Saturday bike rides (advanced OS) from 75 minutes to the 90-120 minutes they REALLY are???????????

    If you're going to kill us you could at least be honest about how long its going to take! :-)

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    @ Eric.   I am on week 19 of the OS.   Have I not been doing enough biking?  

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    @Eric, I will work on it...
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    Can't find video/audio for week 20 of the October OS....is the link broken or am I technically challenged?
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    Just did week 10 bike, says 75 minutes. I know you guys say your are bad at math image but that one is not even close more like !:50 with only 10 min warmup and no cooldown. I mean not a huge deal it would just be good from a planning perspective when you look at your week quickly to see what is ahead of you so that on Saturday morning you don't look at it and go "Sh^% I got a lot longer than 75 minutes, how the hell am I going to fit this in?"
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     Week 15's Wednesday and Thursday workouts for the Intermediate plan are longer/harder than the Advanced Plan.


    Wed Intermediate:

    Time: 60min

    MS: 2 x 1/2 mile (3'), 1 x 1 mile (5') all @ TP/Z4/Hard. Remainder of run is how you feel, but try to accumulate more HMP/Z3/Mod-Hard time


    Wed Advanced:

    Time: 45min

    MS: 4 x 800 (2') all @ TP/Z4/Hard. Remainder of run is how you feel, but try to accumulate more HMP/Z3/Mod-Hard time.


    Thursday Intermediate:

    Time: 75min

    MS: 2 x 15' (4') @ 95-100%/Z4/Hard. Remainder of time at 80-85%/Z3/Mod-Hard 


    Thursday Advanced:

    Time: 60min

    MS: 3 x 10' (4') @ 95-100%/Z4/Hard. Remainder of time at 80-85%/Z3/Mod-Hard 

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    Training Plan doesnt seem to be allowing a change in plan and finish date. I tried to change to a 12 wk Adv HIM Plan.

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    @Micheal, remember that after you submit your new plan change...on the right you have to click the red letters "Return To Training Plan" to then cement your changes...then navigate to your plan and you should be okay!
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    Folks, closing this out and asking you to email your edits / notes to support@endurancenation.us and it will go into our new support system...thanks!
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