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The return of the smileys.

Hi everyone,

While the Smilies on the right side of the right side of the EN editor are nice, they don't hold a candle to the collection that EN had in the early days.  If you're willing to read (and follow ) a bit of techno instruction, you'll be livening up your posts in no time .

In general, the setup is really easy...but since it's a bit different in each kind of browser it ends up being verbose.  The idea is that you add a 'bookmarklet' to your browser that you can click on when you're typing a post in an EN forum.  This will pop up a box full of goodies - just click on the picture you want to include and it is inserted into your post.

In the instructions below, we'll refer to 'the link'.  Here it is: EN Smileys

Firefox: This is the easiest, just drag the link above to your Bookmarks Toolbar.

Chrome: This is almost as easy as Firefox.  If your 'bookmarks bar' is not visible, click: Ctrl+Shift+B  Once you have a bookmark bar, just drag the link to it.

Internet Explorer.  Oh IE, why do you pain me so ?  The easiest think to do is to right click on the link, and select 'Add to favorites'.  You will get a warning that you're doing something dangerous...don't worry, trust me  In the Add to favorites dialog, for the 'Create in' option, select 'Favorites bar'.

Now you're ready to go.  Open up a window type a message , and click on your new bookmarklet when you want to add a smiley.

A couple of usage notes:

  • If you're using the Quick Reply window, the smiley will not be a picture while you're editing - but it will turn into one once you Submit your post.
  • In Chrome and IE I've had trouble starting off a post with a smiley.  You don't really have to type anything, just click in the edit control before you pop up the smiley window.
  • If you hover your mouse over a picture in the smiley window, it will show you the name of the picture.
  • Please do not try to use this bookmarklet outside of the EN house.  These images live on an EN server, and the bookmarklet code lives on my own site - so if usage of these goes off the hook we get billed for the excessive use.  That is - please don't use these smileys on Facebook, and have your closest 6000 friends downloading them off of EN's servers.

And now a real note - some of the smileys are useful for some very specific triathlon problems.  If you happen to get your longest finger caught in your derailleur, and you want to show us a picture, please use this one: .  But let's try to not use this kind of pic too often for other uses .

Special thanks to Nemo for being a helpful beta tester!



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