The return of the smileys.
Hi everyone,
While the Smilies on the right side of the right side of the EN editor are nice, they don't hold a candle to the collection that EN had in the early days. If you're willing to read (and follow ) a bit of techno instruction, you'll be livening up your posts in no time .
In general, the setup is really easy...but since it's a bit different in each kind of browser it ends up being verbose. The idea is that you add a 'bookmarklet' to your browser that you can click on when you're typing a post in an EN forum. This will pop up a box full of goodies - just click on the picture you want to include and it is inserted into your post.
In the instructions below, we'll refer to 'the link'. Here it is: EN Smileys
Firefox: This is the easiest, just drag the link above to your Bookmarks Toolbar.
Chrome: This is almost as easy as Firefox. If your 'bookmarks bar' is not visible, click: Ctrl+Shift+B Once you have a bookmark bar, just drag the link to it.
Internet Explorer. Oh IE, why do you pain me so ? The easiest think to do is to right click on the link, and select 'Add to favorites'. You will get a warning that you're doing something dangerous...don't worry, trust me In the Add to favorites dialog, for the 'Create in' option, select 'Favorites bar'.
Now you're ready to go. Open up a window type a message , and click on your new bookmarklet when you want to add a smiley.
A couple of usage notes:
- If you're using the Quick Reply window, the smiley will not be a picture while you're editing - but it will turn into one once you Submit your post.
- In Chrome and IE I've had trouble starting off a post with a smiley. You don't really have to type anything, just click in the edit control before you pop up the smiley window.
- If you hover your mouse over a picture in the smiley window, it will show you the name of the picture.
- Please do not try to use this bookmarklet outside of the EN house. These images live on an EN server, and the bookmarklet code lives on my own site - so if usage of these goes off the hook we get billed for the excessive use. That is - please don't use these smileys on Facebook, and have your closest 6000 friends downloading them off of EN's servers.
And now a real note - some of the smileys are useful for some very specific triathlon problems. If you happen to get your longest finger caught in your derailleur, and you want to show us a picture, please use this one: . But let's try to not use this kind of pic too often for other uses .
Special thanks to Nemo for being a helpful beta tester!
It works!! Thanks!!
One of the most important finding of our time
And there was much rejoicing and dancing amongst the people! Thank you so much Assman, you are just the best!
Got it all set too! Now we're back in bidniz!
Ahhhhhhh, Thanks, Mike!!
OK here goes with Firefox on the Mac:
Now, if only I could drink beer for real (still tube feeding direct into stomach after my crash, ETOH is not on the approved formula list).
Hmm, doesn't seem to be working with Firefox on Mac? Dragged to the booksmarks toolbar okay, but nothing seems to happen when I click the link.
Seems to be working for Al, so let me try again.
I am using FF on Mac and working just fine
Hmm on the desktop Mac I am , but on the laptop it was a no go
@Kevin, see if you can find any error messages that you can send me. You can get to this by choosing the Error Console menu item under the Tools menu. You might also want to make sure that you have JavaScript enabled - but I'd be really surprised if you didn't, since much of the EN pages wouldn't work in that case. made me blush !
Hmm, I see that 'dog' isn't showing properly, I'll try to get that fixed.
Just upgraded Firefox on the Mac Laptop. Seems I was running 3.5.9 on the laptop and 3.6.1 on the desktop. Upgraded on the laptop and now all is well.
Says it all!
More details about how to install the smiley bookmark in Firefox...
First, you want to make sure that your Bookmarks Toolbar is visible. In the main menu, look in View | Toolbars, and make sure the Bookmarks Toolbar has a check next to it. Once your Bookmarks Toolbar is visible (it should be between the address bar and the tabs) you can just drag this link to the Bookmarks Toolbar: EN Smileys
I hope that helps,
That's awesome.
testing... testing....
heehee. yay!
Balanced has now been restored in the force.
Just giving this thread a little Bump so folks who missed it for various reasons.
We love our smileys!
Firefox works great.