Weekly Run Thread 10/11/10 (aka Dan "The Energizer Bunny" and Doctor Kitima's Vibram Fashion Stateme
OUCH! Please disregard my comment last night that it didn't feel like I did a 5k TT yesterday. Today I was stiff and a bit sore. The first two steps of my run this morning had me immediately groaning.
Looks like I will be spending some extra quality time with my foam roller, The Stick and my Trigger Point stuff today.
Cut Z1 run short at 38 minutes and called it a day.
Back at it tomorrow.
Nice job on the 5k, John! They do hurt, don't they? I was just rereading Jack Daniels and even he admits that the shorter stuff hurts way more than the longer stuff. You must be doing it right. ;-)
Now that I'm going to be a real runner this week I'm trying to decipher a plan out of Daniels. For a 1/2 mary, his instructions are um, cryptic. I'm thinking of picking up hacking the distances of his elite marathon plan in half and but doing full intervals, when they seem do-able. Does that sound sane? It looks like it might be just challenging enough to be fun but not so much work that the OS won't be any fun.
Beth: When are you planning on your half mary? We have the Daniels book too---Kev makes more sense of it than I do. I find those charts cryptic as well.
Ran for 52 minutes today---longest run since IMWI. Felt really great (aside from inhaling a bug). Planning on shorter run (20 min) tomorrow.
We are rocking it right now! Hope it lasts until August at least for me!! Did 46 minutes today, pretty pumped about that.
@Kitima -- Mid-January @ Disney. Yeah. I think I'm going to need a notebook and highlighter to get through Daniels, so any help/thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Made it to 14 days in a row and woke up on day 15 barely able to move right hip. I 'broke' something doing situps I think as I started running again after 5 days off with no run pain but definitely still have some pain. Back to day 6 now. It was hard to run my RPE in Kona this weekend with all the other people out running. That niggling little impulse to speed it up when you are crawling along easy and get passed....HR was pretty high with heat even running in the morning, was better today as it was cooler back home.
Yup. Cryptic. I was looking at the OS hack, but couldn't quite figure out how to make that work, not actually being in the OS.
30 minute ish EP run + strides for me today. Then I carried a few groceries and beer home. And lugged a 55 pound box up three flights of stairs (thanks, UPS man for the bonus core work!). And now, because it is still the off season, I am going to drink beer.
Personally, I haven't really read past Phase 1 of the 5k program (reading more this week as Phase 2 starts next week). So no feedback on the half marry stuff. Sorry.
On a separate note, I was on the roller tonight and I was groaning and moaning so much my wife said it sounded like I was having sex with the roller.
No comment.
Tom Glynn needed someone to ride with tomorrow (I actually volunteered) so I am gonna attempt his October OS intervals with him (2 x 8's then 85%) and then do a :45 T run at Z1. Hopefully the ride will loosen me up a bit before the run.
okay...I need to get my butt out the door and running this week. I'm supposed to be running the dallas mary in 8 weeks and I've run...twice since IMMoo. (where's that smiley with the bag over the head??
my goals for the week. 4 runs with an 8 mile long run somewhere.
Bourbon Chase is next week and they've tweaked the route a few times now, which has added another 2 miles on to my legs (woo hoo). I better get moving!
@Leigh- bases are loaded. Time to hit one out of the park and take the Bruce-ter!
@Beth- Can't wait to see you @Disney!
As you modify it, just follow Daniels guidance on quantity, 10% of weekly mileage T-pace running, 8% of weekly mileage I-pace running, should be all set. If it has R-pace, I have not looked it for a while, not sure, but in any case, R-pace is 5% of weekly mileage.
Use time rather than distance as it will be more true of your actual stress as with distance, you could easily find killing yourself. His programs are no joke, geared to elite runners, at least in that section of the book.
I modified his 5-15k program by just altering the amount of R, I and T running in accordance with above paragraph, but am doing everything else as indicated in the plan. I turned down the mileage to 40mi/week, 2 track session/week, one R, one I. The benefit is already obvious and I am only at week 3.
Monitor recovery and adjust. Have fun with it. I think that the plan you picked is a "little more" than what OS does, keeping in mind that OS covers bike and run and has to allow for progress in both. When you come off that running plan, OS running should not feel as hard, depending on quality you achieve now.
Coming back to the Big D, are you? Are you switching it around this year, Leigh does the full and Dave does the half?
I'm signed up for the half. New course this year! It all starts/finishes around Fair Park (state fairgrounds, Cotton Bowl, etc). Fortunately it's AFTER the state fair, which is going on now.
I still haven't found a crepery here, but I'm sure y'all know where there's one!
My running as of late has been pretty limited to 50-60 min trail runs. I commented on another thread that I got talked into doing a local very cheap half mary this weekend for fun so I realized yesterday, oh crap, I probably should have run a few times since Wisconsin if I'm going to do this. I went out last night and really wanted to get some miles under my legs asap, knowing that Sat/Sun really would have been when I wanted to get one last 'long' run in, not Monday night, but I didn't know I was going to be doing the race until Monday.
Ended up going 10.5 miles in 1:15, so about 7:30 pace average for the run, which I was pretty happy for having spent the last month sleeping in and gaining weight. I called it quits at 10 miles though because I could feel that my knee was not excited about the sudden relapse into mileage, ice and elevation afterwards. Remainder of the week I'll be doing short runs with strides, then focusing just not on hurting myself on Sunday at the race, fitness actually is still ok, but legs don't have the milleage in them to run fast safely without risking injury.
Anywho, Beth & Kris best of luck training for Disney, that was what I was training for at this time last year. I'm on the fence about it this year, but I'll definitely let you know if I take the plunge. I'm still somewhat haunted by memories of 20 mile indoor runs last year in mid december. But on the plus side, Disney gives me an excuse to spend 3 weeks in Florida, I always go home (to Florida) for my normal christmas break (~2 weeks) then I took an extra week last year to hang around for the race.
Rode my bike for first time since HIM 4.5 weeks ago. Did a couple of intervals with Tom Glynn. 1 x 8 @.964 IF, 1 x 8 @ 1.004IF, 1 x 4 @.962 IF. Overall 1:25 ride was .804 IF.
The ride really helped loosen up my hips but my hami's and calves weren't too happy. I was playing mental games with myself all the way home saying, "I will run tonight" and "I need a recovery day from running." But got off the bike and did a :20 @ Z1. So I ran. Not my expected :45, but I got out there.
I am tired. Time to eat!
Got another run in today! With my dad again watching my xc runners work their asses off.... so rewarding!
Kris, it will be fantastic to see you in Florida! And, Trevor, the more the merrier! or supacalifragilisticer! or something appropriately Disney.
Leigh - Oh, you definitely have to get The Bruce! I love tales of the rivalry!
Thanks for Daniels input. I think I finally have a sensible plan. Since I'm in the phase one part, I mostly get to do EP runs. I did another one tonight. It feels good to just go out and have a relaxing run. Fantastic way to unwind after work. I'm sad it will be far too dark to do that soon.
What should have been an easy recovery from the race-sim on Sunday, turned into a Z3 tempo run. I know I should be going easy but the stars vividly filled the sky, the air was a chilly 42* and I just couldn't help myself.
Good Job, Steven. But reign it in, brotha. Nothing gained and can only be lost this close to race day.
Taper, baby, taper! 
@ Beth - I am finishing week 4 of Daniels Phase 1 frequency running for 5 to 15 km. Has been a good thing overall. Pushed a few times too much, but felt good. Amazing how fast the run fitness grew from frequency running. The first week my lower legs were sore after 6 consecutive days of running. But after a forced off day and into the second week my legs felt great. So don't stress if you start feeling achy that first week or two. I am not doing the full 6 weeks of Phase 1 as I started fresh off my HIM so I already had a "base."
Next week I start Phase 2 with the Quality run days. Be nice to do intervals again (did i really just say that!?). I think I will use the Supplemental days to have fun with my fitness. Ride, run, swim or just do TRX or something. I am going to like those days.
Also, I did peruse the half marry stuff in the book, but not a deep dive so I may be missing something here. It appears he has you doing long run weeks before you do speed work. This is opposite to the EN philosophy. How are you compensating for this? Just curious.
Lastly, It also appears there are only 2 Quality run days each week in the half marry program. What will you do for the Supplemental days? It almost seems like you can simply follow an OS Plan? Again, just curious.
Rock on!
This past Saturday ran a 5k race, many turns, rolling course with the last .7mi uphill. The first progress check as I completed week 2, Daniels 5-15k. I ended up running 3.14mi in 19:34, avg pace 6:14, per mile, 6:04, 6:08, 6:29, last .14mi at a pace 6:14. Just could not cut those tangents due to large crowd, 3200 people total, but fair amount always over paces and passing makes it really tough to run the shortest distance through the course. Nevertheless, it was my PR by avg. pace as when all corrected comes out to 19:19 and VDOT 52.
The race plan was 6:05, 6:05, 6:30+ all out for the last .10. Plan was dictated more by topography and I stuck with it pretty close. In the last mile, got close to throwing up several times. I was backing off at those moments and pushing back on as soon as the feeling subsides. So, I was there, wright at the edge. Mental toughness improving for sure. That was the 3rd speed session of the week, Q1 was 7x400m(400m) R-pace, Q2 3mi@T-pace and instead of I-pace was a 5k race, weekly total was 36mi.
This week, phase II, week 3, completed treadmill version of Q1 8x400m(400m) R-pace, Q2 tomorrow in San Jose as I am on the road, working, Q2 2x2mi(2min) T-pace, there will be Q3 6x800m(400m) I-pace, total this week 40mi. I will stay at 40mi through phase II and III, will not increase at all.
November 21, second prog check a 5K with a goal of 18:45-19:00 on an easier course, flatter with less turns. By mid December a sub 18:40 5K target, starting 2011 OS on 01/03/2010 with VDOT 54. That is the plan, will see if it happens.
Than with 2011 OS looking to improve on that to VDOT 55 if possible, hoping that is realistic. Will see if this is overly ambitious. I was dodging serious speed work since summer of 2008. Now, I really enjoy fast running, way more than long running.
@John, you will love the phase II. Lots of blazing fast 200s and 400s, fair amount of T-pace as that is still my toughest workout, some I-pace running, every other week. Finding it hard to maintain the bike FTP level, but will do the Pre OS as a template, 2 short quality sessions on the bike instead of 3.
@John, I knew I'd have to answer to someone for letting the beast out this close to race day, but.... well, I just..... ummm...... Yeah, I shouldn't have. I have 1 more run planned for Thurs, and I promise not to let it get above a low Z2.
Not familier with JD's plans but your phase 1 sounds like a lower intensity volume ramp. They can definitly get some forgotten muscles to say 'hey dude, WTF' Next week should be a lot more fun and less grinding.
I have to say I will be in for a steep learning curve with the EN way. I am one of those that sang the praises of the "bury 'em with base" philosophy. Haveing said that, I think that there is a lot of wisdom in the "fast then far". I am really eager to jump in - just have to get past this next race.
@Aleksander, that's screaming fast. what an awesome run!
Run Strong
@ Steven - Just yanking your chain. I know you know what you were doing.
Kill it this weekend!
@Aleksander - Good work. You are kicking A%&! And I am looking forward to Phase 2. Be nice to change things up a bit!
@Dan - Another run today???????
No pressure. 
@Kris and Beth - If I ever start doing stand alone marathons again Disney is one on my list. Goofy, baby!
I went and ran my usual :45 in Z1 this morning. No aches, pains or soreness today. I have been stretching, rolling, etc. double time since the 5k TT on Sunday. I even went to bed early last night and got almost 10 hours of sleep. Still no oomph on the legs and ran at .784 IF based on new zones. But got 'r dun!
Only 3 more days left of Daniels Phase 1 frequency running.
Calling me out, I love it. Yes, I will even though my knee is a bit sore from Monday and I ran on it yesterday. My kids have a home meet so I'll run the course while setting up cones. It won't be long, but it will be a run!
Okay, I answered the call John, got about 5 in today. Hopefully its raining and cold tomorrow.
@Dan - Good work!
@Scott - WOOHOO! Saw your post in last weeks thread. Good to see you coming back.
@Trent - Saw your post as well in last weeks thread also. Big gains! Well done.
@Beth - Paging Beth. Paging Beth. How are your first few days going?
Went and ran my normal :45 today. Legs feeling even better and had some kick at the end of the run. Two more days and then I am done with Phase 1. Already scoping out where I will do my intervals starting next week since I can't get on the local track because school is in session when I normally run.
Sunday is a no run day. Instead, I am going with some friends to swim in the San Francisco Bay from Tiburon to Angel Island. It is a 1 mile race with Olympic swimmers in the pack. I am not going to hammer and just enjoy the swim and the fact that I am not running.
@John - Thanks for the page! Legs are feeling good, so far. I just got in from a lunchtime run. I took yesterday off because I was feeling bonky. I have to remember even phase I workouts are actual workouts. I'm going to start stretching like it is my job to take care of any aches.
I'm thinking during Phase II/III/IV, I'll just keeping doing the 30-45 minutes LRP with strides on the days I'm not doing quality work.
And that swim sounds fun!
Keep up the good work, everyone!
I will post pics of all my shiny metals (oooohhh precious, in my best Gallum voice). That's how I got sucked in! Definite money racket though. Saw on Disney site they have a 'Runner's Retreat" where you get swag, private bath., changing tent, heated tent to hang out in pre and post race, and pre race bagels ..... $175 per person. WOW! Lots of opportunities to spend my hard earned denarios- let me tell ya! Even still- REALLY looking forward to it. I've never been to Disney so I'll be like a 10 year old kiddo. Def hunting down a pair of mouse ears (which I've heard I can even get personalized with my very own name- woohoo! Pics to follow)
Getting ready to head out shortly to run. 50's in the am and 70's in afternoon so incredible weather to run- can't wait! Long run 12 miles early Sat then going out Sun to volunteer at local Half/full mary. Good mojo!!
Final 5 miles tonight - all Z1. The stars were out and it was a delightful 46*. Fifteen minutes after I got back I went to fire up the grill for a juicy steak and was surprised it was raining. The weather guy said it wouldnt rain till late overnight. Glad I beat it home.
Forecast for Sunday's race is clear skies, with a light NW breeze at 10 mph. Temps at gun time 42* and likely 48* for my finish. They just don't make marathon weather any better than that. It's going to be an absolutely perfect day for a run!
Run Strong
Run day 9 this go around. Running easy about 40 sec per mile faster than I started but that's more a statement on how slow I am. Looking forward to some opportunities to test and see if this is helping my fitness. Army PFT 2 mile Oct 29 but not doing any harder than I have been before then and then start OS Nov with a 10k on the schedule for Nov 14. Looks like my half in January is going to be Maui rather than St George though
4 Days