I've been catching up on some of the threads but thought this might be easier.
Who is doing IMFL in 11 or 12?
I was thinking that I'd drive down this year and sign up do to 11 but if there are some gals doing it in 12 I can defiantly wait and do it with you in 12.
Let me know!
IMFL '12
Hi Dottie - all of my IM plans got thrown off big time. I'm not doing any IM's this year due to huge unexpected family and work issues that have recently been thrown my way. I am signed up to volunteer at IMLP 2011 and was planning to sign up for 2012 but now I can't be sure of anything. I'll let you know if I do and thanks for letting me know about the thread in the groups page!
I'm still in for IMFL 12. Tired of being a fatty and got motivated at IMTX last weekend!
Now just trying to decide if I want to drive down to register, take my chances online, or buy a charity spot. hmmm
Tomorrow is sign up day! Who's in ladies? I am!!!