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No longer auto subscribed to topics that I posed to.

I need to manually hit "Check this box to subscribe to this topic." in order to receive emails from forum topics that I post to.



My preferences "Subscribe to Topics:" is checked.


  • I keep getting emails from a thread I once subscribed to but no longer do. The box is definitely not checked!
  • Okay...thanks for the heads up on this...
  • FYI - this is still going on.
  • Hi Cary, I am looking at this but cant seem to get it solved and it seems to be ok for others I have worked with. Are you getting any email from the forums?
  • Yes, I am getting email from the forums. I just need to remember to click the "Check this box to subscribe to this topic." when I post otherwise I will not get responses to the thread.
  • I'm not subscribed to any threads yet I'm getting e-mails from these two:

    100 Push Up Challenge 2010!
    The 2010 USA vs The Rest of the World OS FTP Challenge

  • I'm not getting emails from any forums I've subscribed to... haven't for quite some time (many months). Every so often I send an email reminder and maybe 1 (of several) forum will send me notices for a few days then zippo... more notably the threads I'm not getting any notices for are the IMFL threads and the women's training and racing threads... I've subscribed to others, particularly ones I've created seeking advice but don't get those either. Help.
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