Home OutSeason (December '09)

Game On! Bike test in the bag!

G'day folks - started my OS today so it was bike test time - had mixed feelings about it to be honest due to the fact this would be my first bit of cycling intensity (due to injury) since June. This and the fact that my last 20/20 turbo session (with 5mins rest) was just 'uncomfortable' at an FTP of 305watts (at 74kgs so 4.12 w/kg). So, I had some sort of benchmark but wasn't sure how much good that would do me nearly 6mths down the line (on reflection now I think it didn't help at all).

Ended up doing a 'bit of a Phil Graves' from Kona '09! Went off a bit quick and then started to blow out my ass big time - ended up with 265 FTP at 80kgs so 3.31w/kg.

Although I think it was probably the worse 20/20 FTP test I've done - wasn't paced very well at all, very 'choppy' - I know I can get back up to over 300w again, be good to target 310 and then move it on to 350w as a long term target.

From what I've seen of the plans so far there's a definite drive to increase that FTP with loads of 'sweet-spot' type riding along with Z4 goodness! Coming from a pure cycling background, i'm intrigued how running threshold work will 'bring-on' bike FTP?

Bring it on!



PS. the IF for todays test was 1.001. Does that mean it was spot on?






  • Welcome David. In regards to your IF, it seems like you nailed your entered FTP in WKO+. Do you have your FTP set up as 265watts?

  • Thanks for the welcome Vince.

    Think I did mess up the WKO+ entry - well my interpretation of it - my IF would be 1.0 if I entered my FTP first of all woudln't it? i.e. I tested, downloaded the data & then set the zones aferwards.
    Is that what you were thinking too?

    Need to load custom zones for bike & run - had a quick go last evening but struggled with the EN custom zones, seemed hard to stick in the 'missing' zones in the chart,the program wants to default to the last zone all the time - must be a way around it..........

    Back to IF - I did saturday bike session on the trainer (WU: 15', MS: 2 x 8' (2')@ Z4 then 2x15'@ Z3, CD 15') and it came to .81for the entire session - seems about right?
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