Morning vs Afternoon workout - HR
I was surprised at the difference in my heart rate when doing yesterday's workout. I usually do workouts in the early evening but I had to do the workout first thing in the morning. I was amazed at how high my HR was vs. a typical workout. Not sure if it was a slight bit of dehydration or if I will just have a higher HR in the morning. I'll need to do that again sometime and see if the pattern repeat itself. Curious if anyone finds different HR / exertion levels at various times of the day, consistently.
Note that I did hit my power targets, but it felt like it was tougher to get there.
I'm an HR athlete... and I typically have a harder time getting and staying in my HR zones when I workout in the early morning. But it may very well be a product of my being out of the morning workout routine. From what I've read you can train yourself to be a morning workout person over time... A lot of folks in da haus prefer early mornings... I've found it easier to work out harder later in the day... but am going to try to be better about mornings next year (so I have evenings free and can earn more SAUs...)
Check out this thread re: HR in the mornings
The difference narrows as the pace nears Tempo pace and narrows even further at 5K race pace.