Great Reports Nathalie and Becky! Now you guys get to have fun, unstructured, no stress training for a couple of months- Enjoy
Becky- how are things with dan, now that IM is done? Enjoy your WE @ B& B
Carly- glad you got the power thing started. Definitely a learning curve with WKO, etc. I'm out of practice need to start playing with it
So, I'm weaning out of the boot. Now i wear an ankle brace when not in the house. I didn't need the boot at all Sunday night at work. So my progress continues. Friday, since i am on day shift and it is busy on days, will have it as a backup. In PT yesterday, had some fun doing a computerized game like Wii, had my running all around to work on agility. My PT was getting a kick out of my sound effects and laughing, I would scream when I would fall into virtual hole, then I played soccor on and beat the goalie- woohoo. never had so much fun in PT
Going to do a trial of DietstoGo have some meals prepped. I have a friend at work that does it, food is pretty good. Tonight getting back to working out with Shawn my trainer, working building my functional and core strength, getting the weight off. usually some laughter involved with that. A good thing, cause lots of tension and decreased morale at work right now. Off to do more work cleaning/organizing basement/pain cave.
Tracy- I'm so happy to hear the foot is getting better!
I got a call from the LBS today letting me know the replacement frame for Fiona is in! Woohoo! Since the shop is 2 hours away, Joe will likely drop Fiona off mid week so the shop can do all the swapping of parts and we'll pick up the new resurected version on our way back from WV after Thanksgiving. I'm dying to see it! I have a few names floating in my head for the new bike, but I won't settle on anything until I actually see it. :-)
Tracy - glad to hear about the ankle. We're going through a lot of upheaval at work right now, so I hear you on the need for morale boosters.
Becky and Nathalie - can't wait to read all about it!
You guys, yesterday I was THAT girl. The one who was so busy tap-tap-tapping away on her phone that she stepped right off a curb and almost broke her ankle. Oh man! Today it's a little sore but I think I'll live.
I just got notification that I got into the Bay Swim lottery. I have two days to decide. Hmmm. I "retired" in 2009 so that I could do Eagleman, which is always on the same day. But then I did Placid, so I nixed Eagleman. And this year I'm not doing Eagleman. And I'm going to Croatia in July to swim for a week, so I suppose I could use the swim training. Maybe this year I could do something different and swim it without the wetsuit. Yeah...
Suzanne- you folks that do the 4.4 mile Bay Swim amaze me! I'm always getting out of the water at Eagleman thinking "THANK GOD I'M NOT DOING THE BAY SWIM!!!"
Suzanne- Re the swim- go for lottery! I have been lame with swimming, but, I really wan to do he 100x 100! Right now, on the rare occasion that I do swim, it is a pull set so I don't irritate the tendon. Now that things are improving, I might be able to add some kicking in. Hoping by Dec1, will be back to normal swimming. How about April 1? Cause swimming 100x 100 is well, kinda foolish. It is a friday though......... Up to you, cause its not part of the EN OS swim. My logic is that I will be doing lots of pool running, and in pool anyway, so I might as well swim.
@Tracy - glad to hear you're making progress and doing so well!
@Suz - cool about the Bay swim, that one is NOT on my bucket list! That's just plain crazy!
the calendars look great - I love the chica toes, the speedos, and Moo Jo (which I still hope to get one... I DID race FL with my crazy band cow on my bento box)!
My RR is finally on FB (although it's been on the forum a few days now - for some reason I couldn't cut and paste at work, maybe a cookie or something)... and I've added lots of pics and been tagged in some of Tuan's pics (fellow DC Tri Clubber who is just an awesome and hysterical guy)... and yesterday I went to get inked! Still don't know about the M-dot (for lots of reasons including don't know where to put it)...
Things with Dan this week have been good. Dinner a few nights, lots of smiling... he got me the M-dot pendant in FL and is on a qwest to find a chain to go with it - I went over last night and he surprised me with one, but it's too long (apparently my neck is smaller than the clerk at the store's)...we've eaten out, eaten in, are drinking wine and just chilling! I know he's looking forward to the B&B... so far off season is good... I can't believe it's over, but am kinda glad I have some down time... no post IM depression... yet!
Oh, and Coach Rich interviewed me for a podcast yesterday... almost afraid to listen bc I'm sure I rambled on but I definitely gave a huge shout out to the Chicas, my sisters across the country!
Hope you all had great weekends... I did a lot of eating, drinking, and relaxing! It wasn't exactly the romantic getaway I'd hoped for to reconnect with Dan as he was getting a cold (actually he's had it off and on for a while now)... but we did walk around the Waterfowl festival in Easton holding hands... and had a wonderful dinner Sat followed by spending the afternoon in Assateague with friends o fhis who have a house in Chincoteague... so it was very nice !
Kind of ready to start easing back, but the tattoo guy said to give it a week or two... so we'll see. I could definitely use the time to clean and dust... and I've been sleeping so much it's absolutely crazy! I definitely have to get back to mostly primal after my week of eating whatever... but i'm not gonna go totally crazy/strict til race season rolls around, I like to follow the 80-20 principle, anyway...
I can't believe T'giving is next week... crazy! Jan (and OS) wil be here before I know it.
Sounds like a great weekend, even if Dan was a little sick. Enjoy your down time Becky!
I had a lot of fun this weekend entertaining an out of town guest and racing an 8k Sat followed by a Half Marathon Sun. We had perfect weather, so it was just fantastic. Loving having this kinda freedom and fun!
Good job Becky! Sorry about Dan's cold. Beth, sorry for your cold too.
I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted to meet up with the Chicago peeps over Thanksgiving but my youngest has to work Thanksgiving day so the in-laws are coming here. I'm not quite ready to be away from my kids on holidays. Maybe next year.
My in-laws are so great. My mother in law made one condition for them coming up. That I couldn't stay up late on Wednesday after work to cook. She said we are all cooking together on Thursday and eating on Friday! They didn't want anything for their 50th Anniversary so we are taking them to Fogo de Chao for dinner.
I have missed the forum. Looking for a job is nearly a part time job in itself!!!! I did tick off a guy at work today that I absolutely despise so that was fun!!! Felt like I accomplished something.
@Sheryl - good luck with the job search! And congrats for dealing with the jerk at work! hee hee...
@Beth - feel better! I need more light in my place, too... and bar stools for my kitchen... and to clean the shower... and to dust. LoL (I've started making a list!). I think I'd like to meet your buddy, Jack. Well, as soon as I start running (or doing anything) again.
So far, post-IM, I've been on my trainer once. I forgot about the tattoo on the foot requires time off deal... but i'm not too worried... hope to get on my trainer soon and get out for a jog this weekend (Thursday will be a week - I think that's enough time, it's pretty small)... Mon I head to WY with Dan - hopefully the weather won't be awful (i.e., mounds of snow) so I can run. They have lots of bikes so perhaps a ride like this past summer...
I have to say, no post-IM depression for me. I think the season helps. After my first HIM (in June) last year I was lost... my A race was done in the summer and I didn't know what to do with myself... now that I have holidays and very soon, power, to deal with, I'm sure my days will fly by. Yes, I got in touch with Rich - will be sending him a check for power this week... so, if all goes well I'll get it in early Dec and can figure out how to use it in time for OS in Jan! Scary but fun... I'm almost afraid to see what my numbers will be! LoL
So, who's left training for AZ... I know at least one chica will be there... Can't wait!
so I obviously have too much time on my hands... what do you think of my Moo signature? I'm open to suggestions... the cow I liked the best (on Flickr) was copyrighted... so I found another and played with it (adding writing)...
Becky- I like the cow. Too cute. As for post-IM depression, still too soon to tell. I would say the euphoria is not quite worn off.
Sheryl- Now that guy knows better than to mess with you! My job situation has improved because EVERYONE higher up is basically asking me and the other NP to hang on until the next new boss starts 3/1/11. I just closed my eyes and decided to believe that things will get better, which basically involves ignoring the rest of the world. Which is easy when my clinic is so far away from everyone else anyway. They don't "drop in" here.
Gave up on healthy eating and making myself ill with sugary foods. I know I shouldn't but work threw me over the edge. I will climb my way back onto the wagon.
For those on FB. I have finally bowed to peer pressure and joined. I am not under this name, I am under Michele Weinai (it is a hybrid of Max's last name and mine). I just do not want to deal with the world. FB is ONLY for triathlon. I am not telling anyone else (even my mother) that I am on there. Besides, in my family it was peer pressure to NOT join FB.
Becky- what Michele said about the post IM syndrome. Give yourself a few days :-)
Michele- I'm so glad to hear the job situation is a bit better. March isn't too far away and you'll know pretty soon after the new person starts if it's gonna get better.
Oh Michele and Sheryl, count me in with work drama! Things have been bad since this summer, morale is in the toilet, and now there are major management changes afoot. I'm fairly certain that the changes will ultimately be for the better but I still suspect we're on the brink of a mass exodus of staff. ("Mass" being relative, as we're small.) If I had a nickel for every glass of wine that I HAD to consume just to stay sane...
Thanks, feeling mildly better, but one of my colleagues did put her hand on my forehead and declare I have a fever. =-( But I came in because I we have a huge event tomorrow and I had to finish reading nominations for the Mac employee holiday award.
Hm. Iromman depression. I didn't really get it either. What did happen, is it seemed to take weeks to finally absorb what I did. I'm not sure I'm quite done with that part.
@Michele, Suzanne -hang in there! Ugh... I've had so many bad jobs/bad bosses... people wonder about how much I've moved around in my relatively short career (11 years)... but I can remember one firm where most of the associates started off doing HH once a week... then several times a week, then sometimes having a glass of wine with lunch - just to get through the day. Unfortunately by the time I knew I needed to get out to save myself 9/11 hit and the economy took a bad turn... it was another year before I got out, but sadly, I was so anxious to get out that I didn't watch where I was going and ended up with an alcoholic with anger management issues and no book of business to support me (despite his protestations to the contrary). When his partners called him on it he threw me under the buss as I was too expensive to keep around... I've learned a lot about people and myself since becoming a grown up... In any event... take care and be patient... which is the hardest thing to do... and relish what you love and do as much of those things as you can!
@Beth - feel better! I'm definitely still glowing about the whole race, too... fortunately the weather here is perfect for my finisher's jacket and I wear it all the time! And the slide Dan got me is always on! Not that I want to be defined by being an Ironman, but I am happy to be defined as a person who sets goals and relishes a challenge!
Easing back into a mostly primal diet... but allowing room for healthy starches and of course dark chocolate and vino! I'm having dinner with my future business partner tonight to talk about the gym and our mission statement... I've also started checking into what is involved in the various certs I'll want - USAT, ACE, spin... as my contribution will be endurance sports/training, while he's got experience on the personal training and corporate wellness side. Pretty cool!
Ooh you guys, advice needed. !!! This past Sunday, I'd just started grocery shopping in the produce aisle when I was approached by a 50-ish guy. "Sorry to bother you, but were you the one who just parked the car with the 70.3 sticker on the back of it?" Uh, yeah... "Can I just ask...what on earth did you do for 70.3 miles?" hahahaha So we talked for a bit about biking and favorite routes, as he's done a few centuries, and he asked some questions about triathlons (and I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'm lazy and haven't put up my 140.6 sticker yet). At this point, I've gotta run and finish shopping, and I felt like he wanted to chat forever (I could see the wheels turning in his head, trying to figure out how to continue a connection with me), so I shut it down with a, "Okay, well, nice talking to you!"
Sure enough, as I'm checking out, he appears again and asks if I'd ever be interested in a riding buddy. Ummmm.... And of course it's in front of about a million other Sunday shoppers. He asked me for my e-mail and said he'd memorize it. I gave it to him but kinda hoped he'd forget it. He didn't - he just e-mailed me to follow up on that ride, preceded by brunch. So...hmmm...
Eeeeek. Oh, I've been out of the dating scene way too long to provide reasonable advice here. But my first reaction is- no deal unless it's a group ride. Something like- "hey, PPTC is doing a B/BB ride out of Riley's Lock on Sunday, why don't you join me there" (always tons of folks on those rides). Maybe find a ride that starts/ends down in Bethesda where you can have coffee afterwards when all the roadies have gone home, but there are still lots of people around.
Was there a connection? Did you think he was cute?
Was there a connection? Did you think he was cute?
No no. With all due respect to my Chicas in their 50s, this guy had about 20-25 years on me and I just don't swing that way.
The dating scene sucks, which is why I mostly feel compassion for him. I don't think he's super duper creepy or anything, but I just feel awkward turning him down. But...I don't wanna go for a ride!
@Suzanne - Do you want to hang out with this dude more? Would brunch be entertaining? (I admit. I admire his boldness.) If yes, ride. If not, polite rejection note:
Something like
Dear Nice Doode from the grocery store,
I was sincerely flattered by your interested in triathlon and riding for me (or some other true compliment). However, I am not feeling the sparks of a future romantic/cycling/tri-geek/ relationship. Best wishes, XXX
FYI - You are still within in the bounds of ignoring dude, but I like to err on the side of manners. Or, bringing more Leopoldness to the world.
Suzanne: Well, it is awful flattering to be pursued like that, but if you're not interested it's best to be direct. An email saying: "Dear Bike Doode from grocery store (insert name), You really put on the spot in the grocery store. I'm really not interested in a ride. Thank you for the invite."
Age aside, I feel for the guy too. He's trying to do all the right things, and it's kind of humorous:
1. Singles are told places like grocery stores (produce aisle in particular, LOL!) is a safe place to meet non-creepy people. The guys have to be on alert for nut-job women too.
2. He see the sticker, sees a commonality, thinks you are cute, and tries his best to make a connection.
3. I bet a million dollars that final ask-for-email encounter too every ounce of courage he had, telling himself not to be an ass and let this slip away.
That said, totally best to cut it off 100%. I'd likely do something like, "you'd probably enjoy it better riding with my boyfriend's group. I'll give him your email..." then let it slide. At least that's what I think I would do, if I could remember that far back, before email, before internet, when you had to do that crap on the phone. Ugh.
@Suzanne - I am certainly not one to give dating advice... because I'm a horrible dater. But I give the guy credit for not being creepy! I also have to laugh bc that's totally how Dan asked for my number! He heard me chatting about triathlon... started a convo with me about cycling, asked if I'd want to go for a ride some time (in front of others)... and got my number. We did go for a ride the next weekend... but only after he called to ask me to dinner. He's 11 years older than I am... but I did think he was cute (although, as we've discussed, my gay-dar was on alert).
I'm torn. If you don't want to ride with the guy, cool. But if you're inclined to say no only bc you don't see a future love connection hold on... I've generally ended up dating (and falling for) folks who, upon first meeting or glance, I don't give a second thought to... but as I get to know them their personalities shine and they bowl me over. Maybe this guy isn't hitting on you and really is interested in becoming a triathlete (although you are a hottie), and if that's the case maybe he has younger friends (or a son) who are drop dead gorgeous... In any event, as the other ladies have suggested, decline politiely and graciously (as you may see him again at the grocery or on the trails)... and who knows... best to never burn bridges.
Nothing exciting to report here... got lots done today... finally cleaned my bathroom. I also took my car to get washed and waxed... and first thing I did when I got him home was added the 140.6 sticker to the back! (which is funny in light of Suzanne's story - get it done!). I also went for a 30 minute jog today. Nothing really hurt, but there are some cobwebs to work off... and my tush jiggled a bit more than I remember it jiggling... hmm... must be I'm doing something right in the off season! LoL Planning to hit tri club HH tonight (first time all season) and catch up with a few of my closer female tri club friends (including Suzanne) tomorrow night!
Great weekend on my end... Friday after work had HH with the girls... all triathletes and awesome people (including Suzanne). Lots of fun to catch up. Saturday was gorgeous and I ran with my running club... then met up with Dan at Panera (where our group has coffee post run)... then we made dinner in and caught up on tivo by the fire with wine. Sun was a spin class with Dan then a football party (although I was glued to my friend's iPad watching IMAZ)...
Which leads me to this: CONGRATULATIONS IMAZ racers... particularly the chicas! Stacy, Ellen, and Julia!!!
I'm off to WY this afternoon with Dan... leaving the office around noon to catch the metro to a shuttle to get to Dulles... it will be a very long travel day... but a relaxing week (we get back Fri). The weather is gonna be cold cold cold. Every time I check it gets worse... like highs in the teens lows below zero. Ugh... I brought gear to run in hoping to do a solo turkey trot on Thursday... and stuff to work out in (they have a stationary bike in the basement) and swim stuff in case we go to the neighboring town that has a Y (about 35 minutes away)... Jeans are starting to get tight so I know it's time to stop by 2 week off time! I've had more pizza and wine this past two weeks, oh, and ice cream, than the past year... it's been great but I need to start taking care of myself again!
I should be checking in periodically... they have a computer... but just in case, I hope you all have a great holiday. if you're traveling be safe!
Great Reports Nathalie and Becky! Now you guys get to have fun, unstructured, no stress training for a couple of months- Enjoy
Becky- how are things with dan, now that IM is done? Enjoy your WE @ B& B
Carly- glad you got the power thing started. Definitely a learning curve with WKO, etc. I'm out of practice need to start playing with it
So, I'm weaning out of the boot. Now i wear an ankle brace when not in the house. I didn't need the boot at all Sunday night at work. So my progress continues. Friday, since i am on day shift and it is busy on days, will have it as a backup. In PT yesterday, had some fun doing a computerized game like Wii, had my running all around to work on agility. My PT was getting a kick out of my sound effects and laughing, I would scream when I would fall into virtual hole, then I played soccor on and beat the goalie- woohoo. never had so much fun in PT
Going to do a trial of DietstoGo have some meals prepped. I have a friend at work that does it, food is pretty good. Tonight getting back to working out with Shawn my trainer, working building my functional and core strength, getting the weight off. usually some laughter involved with that. A good thing, cause lots of tension and decreased morale at work right now. Off to do more work cleaning/organizing basement/pain cave.
happy wed everyone
I got a call from the LBS today letting me know the replacement frame for Fiona is in! Woohoo! Since the shop is 2 hours away, Joe will likely drop Fiona off mid week so the shop can do all the swapping of parts and we'll pick up the new resurected version on our way back from WV after Thanksgiving. I'm dying to see it! I have a few names floating in my head for the new bike, but I won't settle on anything until I actually see it. :-)
Becky and Nathalie - can't wait to read all about it!
You guys, yesterday I was THAT girl. The one who was so busy tap-tap-tapping away on her phone that she stepped right off a curb and almost broke her ankle. Oh man! Today it's a little sore but I think I'll live.
I just got notification that I got into the Bay Swim lottery. I have two days to decide. Hmmm. I "retired" in 2009 so that I could do Eagleman, which is always on the same day. But then I did Placid, so I nixed Eagleman. And this year I'm not doing Eagleman. And I'm going to Croatia in July to swim for a week, so I suppose I could use the swim training. Maybe this year I could do something different and swim it without the wetsuit. Yeah...
Suzanne- Re the swim- go for lottery! I have been lame with swimming, but, I really wan to do he 100x 100! Right now, on the rare occasion that I do swim, it is a pull set so I don't irritate the tendon. Now that things are improving, I might be able to add some kicking in. Hoping by Dec1, will be back to normal swimming. How about April 1? Cause swimming 100x 100 is well, kinda foolish. It is a friday though.........
Up to you, cause its not part of the EN OS swim. My logic is that I will be doing lots of pool running, and in pool anyway, so I might as well swim.
Hi chicas! Just dropping in to say, hello!
I typed a thing about the half mary I ran and all sorts of other stuff. But the forum wasn't accepting posts and it went into the ethernet.
Too busy to do more than lurk and say Hi!
Congrats Natalie and Becky!
@Tracy - glad to hear you're making progress and doing so well!
@Suz - cool about the Bay swim, that one is NOT on my bucket list! That's just plain crazy!
the calendars look great - I love the chica toes, the speedos, and Moo Jo (which I still hope to get one... I DID race FL with my crazy band cow on my bento box)!
My RR is finally on FB (although it's been on the forum a few days now - for some reason I couldn't cut and paste at work, maybe a cookie or something)... and I've added lots of pics and been tagged in some of Tuan's pics (fellow DC Tri Clubber who is just an awesome and hysterical guy)... and yesterday I went to get inked! Still don't know about the M-dot (for lots of reasons including don't know where to put it)...
Things with Dan this week have been good. Dinner a few nights, lots of smiling... he got me the M-dot pendant in FL and is on a qwest to find a chain to go with it - I went over last night and he surprised me with one, but it's too long (apparently my neck is smaller than the clerk at the store's)...we've eaten out, eaten in, are drinking wine and just chilling! I know he's looking forward to the B&B... so far off season is good... I can't believe it's over, but am kinda glad I have some down time... no post IM depression... yet!
Oh, and Coach Rich interviewed me for a podcast yesterday... almost afraid to listen bc I'm sure I rambled on but I definitely gave a huge shout out to the Chicas, my sisters across the country!
Kind of ready to start easing back, but the tattoo guy said to give it a week or two... so we'll see. I could definitely use the time to clean and dust... and I've been sleeping so much it's absolutely crazy! I definitely have to get back to mostly primal after my week of eating whatever... but i'm not gonna go totally crazy/strict til race season rolls around, I like to follow the 80-20 principle, anyway...
I can't believe T'giving is next week... crazy! Jan (and OS) wil be here before I know it.
I had a lot of fun this weekend entertaining an out of town guest and racing an 8k Sat followed by a Half Marathon Sun. We had perfect weather, so it was just fantastic. Loving having this kinda freedom and fun!
Ugh. Cold-having here. No fun.
I've been spending a lot of time with my new triathlon boyfriend, Jack Daniels, and his running formula. Who knew running every day could be so fun.
I also bought lamps. Light, more light in the apartment of Beth.
Good job Becky! Sorry about Dan's cold. Beth, sorry for your cold too.
I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted to meet up with the Chicago peeps over Thanksgiving but my youngest has to work Thanksgiving day so the in-laws are coming here. I'm not quite ready to be away from my kids on holidays. Maybe next year.
My in-laws are so great. My mother in law made one condition for them coming up. That I couldn't stay up late on Wednesday after work to cook. She said we are all cooking together on Thursday and eating on Friday! They didn't want anything for their 50th Anniversary so we are taking them to Fogo de Chao for dinner.
I have missed the forum. Looking for a job is nearly a part time job in itself!!!! I did tick off a guy at work today that I absolutely despise so that was fun!!! Felt like I accomplished something.
@Sheryl - good luck with the job search! And congrats for dealing with the jerk at work!
hee hee...
@Beth - feel better! I need more light in my place, too... and bar stools for my kitchen... and to clean the shower... and to dust. LoL (I've started making a list!). I think I'd like to meet your buddy, Jack. Well, as soon as I start running (or doing anything) again.
So far, post-IM, I've been on my trainer once. I forgot about the tattoo on the foot requires time off deal... but i'm not too worried... hope to get on my trainer soon and get out for a jog this weekend (Thursday will be a week - I think that's enough time, it's pretty small)... Mon I head to WY with Dan - hopefully the weather won't be awful (i.e., mounds of snow) so I can run. They have lots of bikes so perhaps a ride like this past summer...
I have to say, no post-IM depression for me. I think the season helps. After my first HIM (in June) last year I was lost... my A race was done in the summer and I didn't know what to do with myself... now that I have holidays and very soon, power, to deal with, I'm sure my days will fly by. Yes, I got in touch with Rich - will be sending him a check for power this week... so, if all goes well I'll get it in early Dec and can figure out how to use it in time for OS in Jan! Scary but fun... I'm almost afraid to see what my numbers will be! LoL
So, who's left training for AZ... I know at least one chica will be there... Can't wait!
Becky- I like the cow. Too cute. As for post-IM depression, still too soon to tell. I would say the euphoria is not quite worn off.
Sheryl- Now that guy knows better than to mess with you! My job situation has improved because EVERYONE higher up is basically asking me and the other NP to hang on until the next new boss starts 3/1/11. I just closed my eyes and decided to believe that things will get better, which basically involves ignoring the rest of the world. Which is easy when my clinic is so far away from everyone else anyway. They don't "drop in" here.
Gave up on healthy eating and making myself ill with sugary foods. I know I shouldn't but work threw me over the edge. I will climb my way back onto the wagon.
For those on FB. I have finally bowed to peer pressure and joined. I am not under this name, I am under Michele Weinai (it is a hybrid of Max's last name and mine). I just do not want to deal with the world. FB is ONLY for triathlon. I am not telling anyone else (even my mother) that I am on there. Besides, in my family it was peer pressure to NOT join FB.
Michele- I'm so glad to hear the job situation is a bit better. March isn't too far away and you'll know pretty soon after the new person starts if it's gonna get better.
Sheryl- HA HA HA! Go get em girlfriend!
Thanks, feeling mildly better, but one of my colleagues did put her hand on my forehead and declare I have a fever. =-( But I came in because I we have a huge event tomorrow and I had to finish reading nominations for the Mac employee holiday award.
Hm. Iromman depression. I didn't really get it either. What did happen, is it seemed to take weeks to finally absorb what I did. I'm not sure I'm quite done with that part.
@Michele, Suzanne -hang in there! Ugh... I've had so many bad jobs/bad bosses... people wonder about how much I've moved around in my relatively short career (11 years)... but I can remember one firm where most of the associates started off doing HH once a week... then several times a week, then sometimes having a glass of wine with lunch - just to get through the day. Unfortunately by the time I knew I needed to get out to save myself 9/11 hit and the economy took a bad turn... it was another year before I got out, but sadly, I was so anxious to get out that I didn't watch where I was going and ended up with an alcoholic with anger management issues and no book of business to support me (despite his protestations to the contrary). When his partners called him on it he threw me under the buss as I was too expensive to keep around... I've learned a lot about people and myself since becoming a grown up... In any event... take care and be patient... which is the hardest thing to do... and relish what you love and do as much of those things as you can!
@Beth - feel better! I'm definitely still glowing about the whole race, too... fortunately the weather here is perfect for my finisher's jacket and I wear it all the time! And the slide Dan got me is always on! Not that I want to be defined by being an Ironman, but I am happy to be defined as a person who sets goals and relishes a challenge!
Easing back into a mostly primal diet... but allowing room for healthy starches and of course dark chocolate and vino! I'm having dinner with my future business partner tonight to talk about the gym and our mission statement... I've also started checking into what is involved in the various certs I'll want - USAT, ACE, spin... as my contribution will be endurance sports/training, while he's got experience on the personal training and corporate wellness side. Pretty cool!
Sure enough, as I'm checking out, he appears again and asks if I'd ever be interested in a riding buddy. Ummmm.... And of course it's in front of about a million other Sunday shoppers. He asked me for my e-mail and said he'd memorize it. I gave it to him but kinda hoped he'd forget it. He didn't - he just e-mailed me to follow up on that ride, preceded by brunch. So...hmmm...
Was there a connection? Did you think he was cute?
The dating scene sucks, which is why I mostly feel compassion for him. I don't think he's super duper creepy or anything, but I just feel awkward turning him down. But...I don't wanna go for a ride!
@Suzanne - Do you want to hang out with this dude more? Would brunch be entertaining? (I admit. I admire his boldness.) If yes, ride. If not, polite rejection note:
Something like
Dear Nice Doode from the grocery store,
I was sincerely flattered by your interested in triathlon and riding for me (or some other true compliment). However, I am not feeling the sparks of a future romantic/cycling/tri-geek/ relationship. Best wishes, XXX
FYI - You are still within in the bounds of ignoring dude, but I like to err on the side of manners. Or, bringing more Leopoldness to the world.
@ Suzanne- such a tough situation...i'm horrible at handling these situations and will leave the advice to the other ladies, but I feel for you!
Age aside, I feel for the guy too. He's trying to do all the right things, and it's kind of humorous:
1. Singles are told places like grocery stores (produce aisle in particular, LOL!) is a safe place to meet non-creepy people. The guys have to be on alert for nut-job women too.
2. He see the sticker, sees a commonality, thinks you are cute, and tries his best to make a connection.
3. I bet a million dollars that final ask-for-email encounter too every ounce of courage he had, telling himself not to be an ass and let this slip away.
That said, totally best to cut it off 100%. I'd likely do something like, "you'd probably enjoy it better riding with my boyfriend's group. I'll give him your email..." then let it slide. At least that's what I think I would do, if I could remember that far back, before email, before internet, when you had to do that crap on the phone. Ugh.
@Suzanne - I am certainly not one to give dating advice... because I'm a horrible dater. But I give the guy credit for not being creepy! I also have to laugh bc that's totally how Dan asked for my number! He heard me chatting about triathlon... started a convo with me about cycling, asked if I'd want to go for a ride some time (in front of others)... and got my number. We did go for a ride the next weekend... but only after he called to ask me to dinner. He's 11 years older than I am... but I did think he was cute (although, as we've discussed, my gay-dar was on alert).
I'm torn. If you don't want to ride with the guy, cool. But if you're inclined to say no only bc you don't see a future love connection hold on... I've generally ended up dating (and falling for) folks who, upon first meeting or glance, I don't give a second thought to... but as I get to know them their personalities shine and they bowl me over. Maybe this guy isn't hitting on you and really is interested in becoming a triathlete (although you are a hottie), and if that's the case maybe he has younger friends (or a son) who are drop dead gorgeous... In any event, as the other ladies have suggested, decline politiely and graciously (as you may see him again at the grocery or on the trails)... and who knows... best to never burn bridges.
Nothing exciting to report here... got lots done today... finally cleaned my bathroom. I also took my car to get washed and waxed... and first thing I did when I got him home was added the 140.6 sticker to the back! (which is funny in light of Suzanne's story - get it done!). I also went for a 30 minute jog today. Nothing really hurt, but there are some cobwebs to work off... and my tush jiggled a bit more than I remember it jiggling... hmm... must be I'm doing something right in the off season! LoL Planning to hit tri club HH tonight (first time all season) and catch up with a few of my closer female tri club friends (including Suzanne) tomorrow night!
Great weekend on my end... Friday after work had HH with the girls... all triathletes and awesome people (including Suzanne). Lots of fun to catch up. Saturday was gorgeous and I ran with my running club... then met up with Dan at Panera (where our group has coffee post run)... then we made dinner in and caught up on tivo by the fire with wine. Sun was a spin class with Dan then a football party (although I was glued to my friend's iPad watching IMAZ)...
Which leads me to this: CONGRATULATIONS IMAZ racers... particularly the chicas! Stacy, Ellen, and Julia!!!
I'm off to WY this afternoon with Dan... leaving the office around noon to catch the metro to a shuttle to get to Dulles... it will be a very long travel day... but a relaxing week (we get back Fri). The weather is gonna be cold cold cold. Every time I check it gets worse... like highs in the teens lows below zero. Ugh... I brought gear to run in hoping to do a solo turkey trot on Thursday... and stuff to work out in (they have a stationary bike in the basement) and swim stuff in case we go to the neighboring town that has a Y (about 35 minutes away)... Jeans are starting to get tight so I know it's time to stop by 2 week off time! I've had more pizza and wine this past two weeks, oh, and ice cream, than the past year... it's been great but I need to start taking care of myself again!
I should be checking in periodically... they have a computer... but just in case, I hope you all have a great holiday. if you're traveling be safe!