Joule NP on screen different than doanloaded NP
Hello team:
My NP on the joule screen is different than what gets downloaded. For my latest rehearsal ride, my Joule read 160NP, once downloaded it read 157. the whole time i am thinking i am holding 160 and it was really 157!!!
similarly, on another ride it read 205 and once downloaded 191?!!
also, my speed sensor drops off often and gives me 91.99 max speed which messes with all my speed data. i tried a new battery and am really parnoid about magnet positioning, but still happens. just wondering if others have this problem.
finally, my joy stick on the joule is not functioning properly. i move it and it sticks to one screen!!! does it have a warranty? bought it from thru EN.
is it required to pause ride manually on computer each time or can it register when wheels are not moving? I ask because it also is not giving me an accurate ride time in real time. it only gives it correclty once i download the data.
When was the last time you updated your firmware?
@Hayes: i update frequently enough that currently there are no further updates. but i do keep finding that my personal data does not get saved. for example, each time i have to enter my FT even though i applied the changes and saved them on poweragent. a friend of mine with an old powertap notices the same thing with his computer (i.e. watts on bike computer higher than the watts once downloaded. weird.
Excellent! Thanks Matt and Hayes.
May your days be filled with raised FTPs and Vdots.
Ancient EN blessing?
I am pretty sure I picked this up, word for word, from a a book by the Buddha himself! although, admittedly, he did have body composition issues.
ok, firmware up to date. followed all the proper instructions and paused ride and then resumed ride, etc.
having trouble downloading to WKO currently, but will fix that tomorrow.
anyway, when downloading to poweragent (version the "pedaling" watts match the joule screen avg watts (179). my joule screen NP for my latest ride showed 193watts. however, once downloaded into poweragent, the avg watts were 167 and NP 190.
the 'pedaling' column also showed a cadence that matched my screens avg cadence.
prior to this ride i had included zeros in my joule data, but after reading Rich's recommendations for a flat course, i changed it to not include zeros. either way, there were differences in joule screen values and download values.
So far, the 'pedaling' column matches the joule screen values. i don't yet know what WKO will do to the values after download, but will take a look tomorrow.
anyway, my questions are: why is the pedaling column what the joule chooses to display on the screen while riding? this must be the most accurate determination of real time power, right? i hope!!!
thanks in advance.
thanks for clearing things up!