Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

How are we going ot structure this forum?

Seems to be some questions about how to structure the NOV OS forum?

So let's throw it out there.

We can do what we did last year in NOV and have one thread per week for the bike and another thread for run.  Tests would also be a separate thread.

Or we could just have one thread per week where we throw everything.

I personally think separate threads for run and bike is better as the combined thread would get too jumbled and cumbersome.

And to make matters even more difficult, I think the thread should be created in the OutSeason November 2010 thread, not the General Discussion.  This alleviates an extra click. 

So what does the group have to say?  Let's get some thoughts from old and new.


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    Simple and clean. I like it.
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    I'd like separate run and bike threads, especially for when people mix around days, etc. it's easier to see what each person is doing for each discipline vs. one person tossing in a run workout in all the bike stuff. Plus since we tend to talk about how the 2.5/2.5 was brutal, etc. it'd be nice to have all that in one spot IMO image As to where it is, I don't care as long as someone decides and we stick to it. It's kinda a PITA to navigate between the two folders.
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     For sure need bike and run threads, depending on how many people actually post maybe even more.  We have a big group and want to encourage EVERYONE to post numbers

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    Agreed, Tucker. Esp re placing it in the OS Nov Forum;...thanks!
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    I like two separate as well!
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    Trying to figure if we are using the forums on the NovOS Group Discussion...
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     I like two separate threads per week as well.  We need to see why RSS feed and email notification for this forum isn't working, too.

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    I like the idea of one bike thread & one run thread per week, but I don't understand why there are two NovOS links.  

    Are we going to keep the OS forum for the 2 threads per week, then the general discussion tab is for other randomness?

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